It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve been able to write as there’s been a lot going on at work, in ministry, and of course at home. Plus for my family, May is a busy month anyway with my wife and 3 of my children having Birthdays as well!
"Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." ~Psalm 55:22 (NASB)
"Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my soul." ~ Psalm 54:4 (NASB)
I’ve been reminded of the truth that God is the great sustainer, provider, deliver and that He knows and sees all things that are taking place in the world and in our lives.
He’s also faithful to allow circumstances to occur in our lives so we can grow – we’re the clay and He’s The Potter. I like to call them the “here we GROW again times”. (-: He spins us on the potter’s wheel of life and as life progresses He develops us, as we seek Him, into a hopefully more mature believer. Through this process as you know He also smoothes out the imperfections in our lives.
As a side note: If you’ve never experienced pottery before, I’d encourage you to go watch someone who regularly pottery and takes a lump of clay and then slowly shapes it into a thing of beauty or of great use. This illustration will come to life for you.
Even last weekend we were provided a real reminded of all of these truths.
Let me explain:
A little over three years ago we purchased our first home, a 3 bedroom townhouse in the city of Hillsboro. It was exciting of course to purchase our home and we’ve really enjoyed the home God has provided especially as we’ve given it to Him since day one to use as He please and He’s definitely used it!
Unfortunately about 5-6 months into living in the house we began to notice water in the master bedroom carpet. At first we thought someone had spilled something but it turned out that we had 5 separate roof leaks to do a workmanship issue with the largest leak manifesting itself through the common wall between our townhouse and our neighbors that ran from the master bedroom down to the garage below.
It was a big mess as not only did the leaks require roof repair and complete renovation of the master bedrooms wall, carpet, etc, it also created a bad mold problem in the house in the same wall. In sum, after several months of literally battling to have the builder make it right, the repair was complete and we moved on from there learning a lot!
Flash forward to 2006, and specifically last weekend. For a couple months we began noticing an odor in the master bedroom and then last week we noticed the carpet in another location in the front of the room was wet!
By the grace of God, we’ve been blessed with great neighbors. One such neighbor does gutters and roofs for a living and he offered to come over and check out our roof on the weekend and tell us what needed to be done.
After inspection he found several issues and stated one of issues was that during constructions the building company failed to install about a dollars worth of diversion flashing in the roof where the water drains down toward the front of the house and gutter. Because of this, there was a sizeable space in that area and apparently this is where the water has been flowing into the wall.
He was concerned about this and said it needed to be fixed that day! It was supposed to rain that day as well but during that time it was partially sunny.
As he went to work he removed a section of siding so he could install the flashing that was missing and noticed how wet the wall was. Then he removed another piece of siding and then another as the wall was literally water logged and rotting way. The entire section had to be replaced including the siding, the insulations, the board that goes over that, and then the section, roughly about 8 feet tall and about 3 feet wide, had to be resealed.
A small section of the inside wall of the master bedroom has to be repaired as well and the sub floor in that section is currently drying out after being water logged and also cleaned due to mold and mildew that began to grow on the surface.
We have a few more repairs needed to the roof and we’ll have to repaint, etc. but the emergency job was taken care of thanks to God and our neighbors!
My neighbor did pretty much all of the work, His dad who is also a neighbor who lives next door to him also came over and did a bunch and I supported them wherever possible and cleaned up. They are such generous and giving people of whom we’re very blessed to know!
I’ll have to admit, it was a trying day, but emergency repairs aside it was also a very wonderful day to work together with my neighbors, get to know them more, and most of all See God at work! He orchestrated the right person to come assess to roof and then that same person blessed us with repairing it as well without charging labor and he even drove me to the local home improvement store to help me pick up exactly what was needed!
Another incredible thing was that it was supposed to rain but it stayed dry while the repair was being done and slowly clouded up over the day. Then as soon as the outer wall was complete with new siding, insulations, etc, and all the tools were put away, it began to rain!
My wife and I were praying for God’s guidance, protection, and help and He provided in a very big way! He sustains us and provides for our every need!
Maybe you have a need today or you need help with something? Have you been seeking God about this? Or have you been trying to accomplish things on your own? Let me exhort you that you can’t do it alone, you need His help!
My hope is that what I shared in this post will encourage you to seek God and trust in Him for your every need. He will provide for you and give you strength, His strength, to help you through every challenge, trial, every circumstance and need.
I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to e-mail me or post a comment sharing what God is doing in your life, how He’s sustaining you and providing for you.
In closing, be encouraged that God knows your every need and will sustain you every step of the way.