Wednesday, October 25, 2006

David Harsh's New Album - Available 11/18/06!

At the end of July you may recall a post where I shared with you about a phenomenal minister of music named David Harsh.

I'm excited to let you know David has a new Album being released on 11/18/06!!

David is an independent minister/artist and in support of his ministry I wanted to forward the following information on to you with hope that you'll also pray regularly for his ministry!

Click here to read about how the album was recorded:

Click the following link to pre-order until October 31st:

Hear Sound clips from the new album via the following link:

Come to the CD Release Concert on November 18!

To celebrate the release of the new album, David will be performing a one-of-a-kind full-length concert, where he will play all 14 songs from the album. Here are the details for the concert…

David Harsh CD Release Concert
Saturday, November 18, 2006
6:00 p.m. – CDs available for the first time
7:00-9:30 p.m. – Concert

Sammamish Presbyterian Church
22522 NE Inglewood Hill Road Sammamish, WA 98074

A freewill offering will be taken, and all ages are welcome.

Childcare WILL BE PROVIDED for children under the age of 5, but you must pre-register with Karen Smith by November 10, either via e-mail ( or by phone (425) 868-5186, ext. 116. There will be a $5.00 charge per child, with a maximum of $10.00 charged per family. Children ages 6 and over are encouraged to attend the concert with their parents.

The release concert is not a ticketed event, but we anticipate a packed house. If you want to get a seat, please arrive early. The sanctuary doors will open at 6:30 p.m., and there will be a 20-minute intermission.

More information about the CD release concert, as well as a MapQuest link, can be found by clicking here:

Again, please pray and support David and Whitney Harsh's ministry as God leads.

God Bless, Your Brother and Servant, R.L.Koch

Thursday, October 19, 2006

12 Ways to Appreciate Your Pastor

I ran accross the following list of "12 Ways to Appreciate Your Pastor."

The list includes some practical ones to get you thinking about it and then a link to a list for further ideas on the Focus On The Family Pastoral Ministry web site.

Don't forget to encourage your pastor's this month!

12 Ways to Appreciate Your Pastor

When we look at our pastor or minister what do we see? A spiritual giant? Someone who can go it alone? Someone who works a day and a half a week? A servant of the congregation? Someone who does it all?

The truth is that clergy are real people with real families, dreams, needs, desires and gifts. And like all of us, they shine best in situations where they are appreciated and supported.

Here are a dozen ways you can bring out the best in your pastor:
  1. Write a note of appreciation
  2. Pray for your pastor regularly
  3. Stop the rumor mill
  4. Invite him or her out to lunch, golfing, or some other shared interest, without an agenda
  5. Offer to babysit the kids so pastor and spouse can have an evening together, even better, offer them a gift certificate to a restaurant they enjoy
  6. Honor his or her day off – allow time for rest, personal renewal and family time
  7. In times of loss, offer sympathy, care, practical help
  8. Consider holidays and other family days – if the pastor is far from their family of origin, invite them to your celebration – no strings attached
  9. Ask him or her how you can help and then follow through
  10. Tell him or her what you’ve learned from their sermon
  11. Go to for ideas on how to celebrate your minister during Clergy Appreciation Month
  12. Consider a sabbatical time for your pastor and find a way to provide one as needed

Why not post this list somewhere and practice one a month? And pass it along to a friend.
As you get to know your clergy family, you’ll be able to add to this list.

Monday, October 16, 2006

OCTOBER is Clergy Appreciation Month!

Don’t forget to encourage the Pastoral Staff at your church during the month of October as it’s Clergy Appreciation Month!

Why not make time to simply send a note of thanks and encouragement to them?! This could be a huge encouragement to them as many times they only hear criticisms from people and we need to do all we can to help build them up instead of tearing them down! Or, maybe you can invite them out to lunch or dinner or bring them lunch or dinner sometime to bless and encourage them? The simplest of things can go a long way to encourage these faithful servants!

Many of our shepherd's numerous hours in service to you and the Lord so - please remember them this month.

Here’s a link to some of the information about this:

Seek The Lord today and ask Him to help you find a practical way to encourage and bless the Pastoral staff at your home church!