The Word:
Read: Luke 12:6-7
"You Are Not Forgotten" by Randolph Koch
Standing alone, or in a crowd of people, in a time of struggle or easy going, you may feel at time that you are alone. This happens to many, because at times we have a wrong view of God. We tend to believe sometimes that God is a distant God that is only around or available when we speak the "magic words" in our prayers. We think that when mankind forgets us or treats us bad that God must be the same way. This is so far from the truth! God loves us so much that He gave us His one and only Son. We know this to be true as believers so why should we feel alone?
You're more important to God than anything in the universe. Be encouraged today knowing that God will never forget you or forsake you. He knows each hair on your head and I can't think of anyone else that knows us that well. So remember, you are never alone and you'll definitely never be forgotten in regard to our great and mighty God.
Questions To Get Started:
-Are you prone to feeling alone?
-How much time do you spend with the Lord on a daily basis?
-Do you notice a difference in how you feel when you do or don't spend
time actively seeking Him?
-Do you relate your self worth with how God views you; or with man's opinions?
(Original Publish Date; Thursday, July 09, 1998 – Revised 02/27/08)