Wednesday, September 30, 2020

You Will Be And Are Accountable To God.

Read and Study: 2 Corinthians 5:1-10

My Friend,

Who or what do you live for and who or what do you embrace and promote?

We live in a broken world, and yet I have to admit that I find it absolutely shocking to see what's going on in our world today at times.

People calling good bad and bad good. People promoting and embracing the most heinous things. Their behavior is horrible and yet they are deemed "good" and "moral" in the eyes of this world.

This is even true sometimes of those who call themselves followers of Christ. They promote some of the most ungodly and vile things and people. Some even claim that Jesus would as well?!

My Pastor recently reminded me that we will be accountable to God for what we embrace or promote.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Then ask yourself:
-Do you embrace that which is unbiblical and ungodly?
--Do you care more about the world than God?
-Do you live more for the world than God?
-Do you love the world more than you love God?

We need to care more about people's eternal well being, their very souls, and eternal destination than that which is momentarily popular.

If you're a follower of Christ then you and I need to stand on biblical principles with Jesus as our foundation. We need to stop playing games. The world is not our foundation but Jesus is.

Furthermore, the world does not and should not dictate our behavior and morals, but God's Word should as it's full of principles for life and godliness.

Friend... I challenge you to seek to live for Him, His kingdom, His glory and your eternal future and not for this world, it's ways, and this little temporal "kingdom".

I challenge you to love people in Jesus name but to not embrace or promote that which goes against God and His Word. If you choose to do so anyway, just remember that you will stand before God one day and you will be accountable.

Your brother and servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

P.S. Please share this encouragement with others and please also pray and give if possible to our first ever fundraiser.

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Finding Strength & Hope In Forgiveness

Read and Study Proverbs 3:5‭-‬6 ESV; Romans 10:9‭-‬10 ESV; Psalm 103:12 ESV; and Psalm 139:14 ESV

To the people who care about you, you are not a nuisance or a waste of time. 

Don't let doubts discourage you from living a full life. Time is short and you can't change or take back regrets, but you can control where you focus your energy now clear into the future. 

Realizing this empowers you to feel in control of your journey. Anxiety and fear numbs, but forgiveness brings a visceral freshness unparalleled by anything that could be conjured in an impaired mind.

Dig deep, push back, fight the lies, forgive yourself, and be strengthened. YOU are worth the time and energy even if it's a challenge to believe it.

For my fellow believers Proverbs 3:5-6 is a great launching point to maintain a healthy idea of what is truth vs a lie by "not leaning on your own understanding." V5. It says the Lord "will make your path straight" V6. That straight path is hard to find without the forgiveness given on the cross. 

When you confess and become saved (Roman's 10:9-10) you are forgiven in the deepest way possible. As far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12)! Now we have to decide if we want to accept that God's free gift of grace and forgiveness is enough. 

He is the only one who constantly says you're worth the time when you believe a lie. He is the only one who will continually wash you white as snow all the while not leaving or forsaking you even when the accuser roams. You are a child of God and therefore loved, cared for, forgiven, and wonderfully + fearfully made (Psalm 139:14).

Hold on to hope my friends!!

God Bless 

- Noah

Picture of a view of The Pacific Ocean From Otter Crest By Noah Koch

We're blessed to have Noah Koch as a guest contributor to A Shepherd's Heart. He hails from the Pacific Northwest in the USA where he actively and passionately lives life on purpose for The Lord. He's very creative and talented 
as a communicator, photographer, musician, and writer. He has a true servant's heart. We prayerfully look forward to further guest posts from Noah in the future.

Please prayerfully consider helping this ministry through a gift of any size via our first ever fundraiser:

Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Focus On Jesus, Not The Storm.

Hello Friend,

It was during a storm that Peter saw someone walking from the shore over the crashing waves to the boat he was in. 

Once He recognized that it was Jesus, he said, "Lord, if it’s you,” “tell me to come to you on the water.” Then Jesus said. "come." and then Peter stepped out of the boat. 

Note, he was the only one who had faith enough to step out of the boat.

Once he started walking toward Jesus, Peter made one error though, he took his eyes off of Jesus and looked instead on his circumstances. Then he started to sink into the water and of course Jesus saved him.

We're kind of like Peter sometimes because even though we know what we should do, instead of fixing our eyes on Jesus, we fix our eyes on our circumstances and then our troubles get worse in the process. 

My friend, We need to fix our eyes on Jesus as much as possible and not the storms of life.

Read, Study, and pray about Matthew 14:22-33.

Then ask yourself, am I willing to step out in faith, keeping my eyes on Jesus no matter my circumstances?

Let's pray for one another that we will keep our eyes on Jesus.

Your Brother and Servant in Christ, 

Randolph Koch 

P.S. Please prayerfully help me with my first ever fundraiser for my little ministry which I've extended for 1 additional month as I'm trying to raise just enough for some basic resources to serve you with.

Please share this small fundraiser with your church family and friends. Please help A Shepherd's Heart meet the goal of it's first ever fundraiser. 

Here's the link to the main fundraiser site:

Or here are 3 other options to help in this friends helping a friend fundraiser:

  1. You can use Cash App and send your gift to user name $ashepherdsheart or if you haven't used Cash App before, if you use this link we'll both receive $5! 

  2. Use PayPal sending to

  3. Use PayPal's Venmo app by sending to @ashepherdsheart

You're continued prayers and sharing this fundraiser with friends and family would be greatly appreciated!

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