Monday, June 25, 2012

Thank You Sonrise Church!

Last week brought my pastoral internship to a close and I'm sending out a big THANK YOU to the pastors, the other leaders and people of Sonrise Church for the opportunity to learn, serve, grow and contribute over this last almost year!!

It's been a privilege to rotate through almost every area of ministry which has allowed me to learn more about the DNA of Sonrise while also getting to meet, know
and serve the leaders and many of the people of Sonrise Church!

Thank you for your investment of time in me showing me how things work as well as for sharing your passion for your areas of ministry and most of all for sharing your passion for The Lord, His people and the community we live in!

This has been a fantastic part of my journey and I will look back on this time with deep fondness.

Thanks and many blessings!!



Saturday, June 23, 2012

Homeschool Planning Resource

If you follow this blog you know I like to pass on information about resources I've created or information about resources others have created as well.

Someone from the home school group we're involved with designed this great homeschool planner. You can check out the link below to see what it's like - It's jam packed with helpful household stuff including your school schedule.
Check it out!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

5GB of Free Storage

I utilize a variety of online file storage and collaboration services and I wanted to pass on the following information.

Lately I've started using SugarSync to backup specific directories/folders as well as to share and or collaborate on files or documents with others. You can also utilize this on Blackberry as well as other devices besides PC's.

Basically you can backup and access your files, photos, and music when you need it with SugarSync... and you get 5GB free!

Click on this link to sign-up:

Thursday, June 14, 2012

How Do You Want To Live?

A song has been running around in my head for days now with the spiritual and practical implications of it in my own life and the lives of others. The song is "Live Like That" by Sidewalk Prophets.

So, for myself I'm just posting / sharing my thoughts "as is" as I process what's going on in this head of mine and maybe, just maybe it will help others to ponder these implications in their own lives. :-)

So I started pondering again... I wonder sometimes if I am making a difference in this life and in the lives of others as I seek to pour out my life to help encourage, build up and challenge others to be better than they used to live up to their full know that they are valued and worth something? 

I'm striving to make a difference in the lives of my family, friends and community in general. I ask myself often, am I doing enough as a husband, dad, friend, employee, etc? Am I making any difference in every relationship and area of my life?

I want my life to matter for something because I believe I'm here to live my life for more than just myself and I hope that I'll live and leave a legacy that is one of honor. I hope at the end of my journey here that I can look back and say that I did make some difference whether in big or small ways!
How about you? Do you you want your life to matter for something more than just the daily grind? Do you realize your life matters?! I sure hope so because you do matter and believe it or not you can and do make an impact in the lives of others!

Furthermore, do you and I see the sacrifice others have made or are making today? Do we see someone living their lives well (not perfect) regardless of economic stature and think to ourselves..."I want to live like that!" Give life everything you have - don't settle for mediocrity! Live life like it matters because it does! Life is too short to not at least try to give it everything you've got!

Check out this song and then evaluate your life and how you want to strive to live!



Thursday, June 07, 2012

The State of Preaching

Today, Tim Challies posted a summary of an article that Al Mohler wrote in 2006 regard The State of Preaching. He touched on the trends and the things that are lacking and amazingly or not so amazingly these things are still very relevant 6 years later in 2012!

Please take time to read it and then share your thoughts here. 

I'm reminded that one of the first things pastors are charged with is is to preach The Word!

Take a look at 2 Timothy 4:1-5 for the charge and calling!

This is something I actually put on my "ministry resume" as part of my "philosophy of ministry" and here are 9 things in this passage that we are called to do:

2 Timothy 4:1-5 (NASB or ESV):
1: Preach the Word
2: Be ready in season and out of season
3: Reprove
4: Rebuke
5: Exhort
6: Be sober Minded
7: Endure suffering
8: Evangelism
9: Fulfill the ministry

I share this in conjunction with the article for two reasons:

#1: Pastor please remember your calling!
#2: Church, pray for each other and your pastors and other leaders. Uphold them in prayer and be an encouragement to them as they seek to fulfill their calling in shepherding God's Flock! Pray that they'd exalt God and His Word!

If we're not preaching The Word as pastors and lay people, then what are we doing? 

According to The Word, Pastors are called to do many things to shepherd The Flock and correctly handling God's Word is Job One as everything else we do flows from The Word. 

So, if we're not handling it correctly by glossing over things or taking things out of context in order to "fit them" into "our" message then we are guilty of not fulfilling our call and we will lead people astray!  We need to repent of this and ask The Lord to help us do things His Way and not our own because it's ultimately Him that we're representing! We also need to affirm this with the congregation.

Furthermore,  if we aren't handling The Word properly then our doctrine, which flows from The Word, will be skewed as well in theory and in practice!

With this in mind, here are 5 key doctrinal commitments that I've become convinced that pastors should adopt and commit to:

Foundational Doctrine Commitment:
-A High View of God
-The Absolute Authority of Scripture
-Sound Doctrine
-Personal Holiness
-Spiritual Authority

These are one's I've grown committed to even more so over the last several years - especially when it seems that within the church these are starting to become less-and-less valued at times or in some circles of The Church.

I will share another post in the near future that will briefly expand on why these 5 are essential/vital to the The Church universal and individually as pastors and believers in general.

Have a great day and Live for Him!

In Christ,
