Wednesday, August 31, 2016

It's Time for a U-Turn

You may have been heading the wrong direction for a while and you know you have. 
Maybe you're feeling a bit paralyzed or trapped where you are? 

Maybe the you've been focusing on or been a part of the...

Wrong major in college...

Wrong career...

Wrong relationships...

Wrong financial decisions...

Or, Wrong direction in other areas...

Let me tell you something you need to hear: It's not too late this side of heaven to make the changes you know you need to make!

God is a God of second chances and each day He gives you a chance to begin again! 

Change the direction of your life now...with God's help and the help of other people He places in your life.

It's time for a U-Turn, a Do-over, whatever you want to to call is in order...the time is now! Don't spend another second heading the wrong direction! 

Get back on the road...the path you know you need to be on...You can do it! 

Especially with the wisdom and help from the Lord...You've got this! 

Start heading the right direction right now because you are worth it!!

It's time for a U-Turn my friend...what are you waiting for?

In Christ Alone,
Your brother and servant,


Share this encouragement with someone today: No matter how long you have traveled in the wrong direction, you can always turn around. #ashepherdsheart

Monday, August 22, 2016

Finding Your True Source of Joy

As people, we often search for joy in the wrong places. 

We fill our lives with activities and people that we think will be our source of joy but...then they fail us and we are left where we were before hand - with an empty joy that's dependent on shifting things and people instead. 

We also allow our circumstances as well as people try to steal our joy. 

Also, let's be real, our adversary the devil loves to try to steal our joy buy we need to Armor Up daily - in other words allow God's full armor to deflect the arrow the evil one slings at us. (see Ephesians 6:10-18)

It's been well said, like in the brief video above, that... one of the secrets to experiencing joy it to keep seeking God where we doubt He is. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Parable of The Fishing Net - Matthew 13:47-50 (Audio Message)


This past Sunday I had the great opportunity to communicate God's Word. I filled in for a friend at his church campus while he was out of town and I wanted to share the message with you. 

The message was from Matthew 13:47-50 about The Parable of The Fishing Net.

Sonrise Cornelius is a bilingual campus located in Cornelius, Oregon and the message was translated / interpreted live in EspaƱol as I communicated in English. 

It was an honor to be there with them!

Here's the link to the message via The Parable of The Fishing Net

If you listen to the message, I pray you’ll come away with a sense of urgency and sense of hope too! 

God loves you and is the standard setter! I encourage you to take time to study the passage for yourself sometime as well. May you be encouraged, challenged and motivated to serve God all the more through what He teaches us in His Word!

Many Blessings,


PS. Once you listen to the message, I would enjoy hearing from you here via the comments section or via regarding your response to God's Word.  

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Clean Slate

While it's not the exact intent of the author of this quote, it reminds me again that each day is a gift from God. Each day is truly a new and fresh start and God's mercies are new every morning. (See Lamentations 3:22-23)

Yesterday is behind you friend and no one on earth can be who you are and who you are meant to be... So what's holding you back? 

What obstacles (including negative people) do you need to clear from your life so you can achieve what you're called to achieve and be the person you should be and want to be? 

I encourage you to seek God's counsel and set a plan then work hard toward achieving it! 

This doesn't mean you won't face resistance, even from your self, this is all a part of growing. It's true that anything worth working for (yes, you're worth it) is worth working for. :)  

It's worth the effort because again, you are worth the effort! 

Don't ever let anyone ever try to convince you otherwise.

This is your day...seize it!

In Christ,

