Friday, February 26, 2021

Social Media Vs. Your True Identity, Value and Worth.

My Friend,

Social media is often shallow and toxic. Many people get caught up in it as if it somehow equates to their identity, value and worth.

The truth is that your worth is not found in these things, they are ultimately only completely found in Jesus.

We can all fall into the comparison game as if others are more valuable than we are because they appear to have more followers, etc. Admittedly, I've even fallen into the comparison game once in a while as well.

Please hear me now: Do not seek affirmation, identity, security, value, self worth, acceptance or anything like this from social media as anything you can find online is temporary.

Don't trade what God can only provide...which is permanent...for the temporal feelings you may receive from social media or other people.

Check out the following post sometime regarding who you are in Christ which who you are in Christ is what matters most:

Don't compare yourself to others, rather, you do you/you be who you are in Christ and find your affirmation, identity, security, value, self worth, acceptance and Him!

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

Here's one place that lists where you can connect with A Shepherd's Heart:

Please pray for and help A Shepherd's Heart here. Thank you!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


My Friend,

What are you doing to grow in the grace, wisdom, and knowledge of Jesus day-by-day?

What are you doing to grow in your relationship with Him on a consistent basis?

No one else can grow for you. There is no autopilot or "magic pill" you can take to grow.
You have to put in the daily work to build your relationship with the Lord and grow still more in Him.

Part of the goal in our life in Christ is to become mature in Him. (See for example Colossians 1:28-29, 1 Peter 2:1-3, Colossians 1:9-13)

Whatever you do, don't stop growing in Him. Don't stop growing to know Him. Don't stop growing to make Him known. Don't stop allowing Him to do a work in and through you for His kingdom and glory.

Let me encourage you to...

-Regularly read/study/abide in God's Word and live it out.

-Regularly talk to God through prayer.

-Regularly serve The Lord and others.

-Regularly grow in relationships within The Body of Christ as Iron Sharpens Iron. (Proverbs 27:17)

-Regularly stay vigilant and active in your relationship with Him.

In Sum, Grow and never stop growing.

You're in my prayers. Philippians 1:6

Your brother and servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch

Here's one place that lists where you can connect with A Shepherd's Heart:

Please pray for and help A Shepherd's Heart here. Thank you!

Thursday, February 04, 2021

Living and Walking In Integrity.

Read: Proverbs 19, Proverbs 11:3, and Proverbs 20:7

My Friend,

Character matters. 
Whether it's in your home life, your business dealings, no matter what or where, character matters. 
Let me ask you, are you a person of integrity?
Character qualities including integrity are woven throughout God's Word and integrity is one of the hallmarks of faith and character.   

If you don't have integrity, I'd submit to you that a lot of the other character qualities cannot be 100% fulfilled. 

You also cannot represent God well in your life if you lack integrity. 

Whether it's living in integrity in your life and work through keeping true to your word, being honest, and keeping true to His Word, really matters.

Another example of integrity is not compartmentalizing who you are in Christ through your life.
What I mean is you need to be a follower of Christ at all times. If you're a person of integrity, you don't just live for Him on "Sunday's" and then live and be someone entirely different in your business practices or life outside of the four walls of the church meeting place. 

Here are a few other examples of a person who lives and walks in integrity:
  • Someone who lives and walks in integrity is honest and treats their employees, coworkers, and others according to godly principles. 
  • Someone who lives and walks in integrity  doesn't lie or steal.
  • Someone who lives and walks in integrity  doesn't cheat on their taxes or in any other way.
  • Someone who lives and walks in integrity  doesn't mistreat or take advantage of others. 
  • Someone who lives and walks in integrity doesn't say that they want to be accountable to others in Christ just to please someone or "tell them what they think they want to hear" only to turn around and prove they really have no interest in the first place. 
  • Someone who lives and walks in integrity  strives to follow through with their commitments. 
  • Someone who lives and walks in integrity  keeps their word (and keeps God's Word) as they  seek to do what they say they will do.
  • Someone who lives and walks in integrity  shows it in their relationships through how they treat people. 
  • Someone who lives and walks in integrity shows it through how they manage their money. 
  • Someone who lives and walks in integrity puts God first in their finances and in every area of life.
The above list is just a representation of some of the areas that integrity is visible or not but God knows you well, knows you well and wants you to live in and with integrity.  

I pray you and I strive to be people of integrity.

Here are a few verses to read, study, and take to heart regarding the importance of integrity: Proverbs 19, Proverbs 11:3, and Proverbs 20:7 for starters. 
I encourage you to pause and pray, asking The Holy Spirit to help spotlight your life when it comes to integrity. Then ask yourself, "Am I a person of integrity?"
May we all live and walk in integrity for His Kingdom and Glory!

I'm praying for you and please pray for me.

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch

P.S. Please pass on this encouragement to others who may be encouraged that God hears their prayers.

Here's one place that lists where you can connect with A Shepherd's Heart:

Please pray for and help A Shepherd's Heart. Thank you!