Friday, February 27, 2015

In Memory of Dale McConachie

Praying for comfort and healing for the family and many friends of Dale McConachie who tragically lost his life due to a drunk driver this week.

We hadn't connected in recent years due to attending different churches but I remember him from the early days of my faith and walk with God as someone I admired for his personal faith, integrity and he always seemed to have a gentle spirit / nature about him. 

I know he'll be resting in peace with his savior in heaven.

Besides a heart of gold, he also had a voice of gold which I admired as well especially when he recorded the entire Bible which is a huge accomplishment! Thought I'd share one of the links here in tribute to part of his life's work.

Thank you Dale for your example of a life lived very well! 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Life Experience Reflection: He Is Greater!

I've come to personally learn over the last 25 years that The Creator of the universe has proven time & time again that He is greater than & more capable than I am of handling & seeing me through any disappointment & discouragement.

He's greater than what any dishonest or unloving person says or thinks about me.

He's greater during the times that for whatever reason that I'm overlooked for things I could be a real asset or have skills, gifting & calling to do.

He's greater than my own self doubt, self image & times of depression.

He's greater than my many flaws & sins & so much more.

He's greater than anything that I experience in life.

He caries me through the good as well as the bad times as my strength, shield & refuge.

He is simply greater!

#‎lifeexperiencereflection‬ ‪#‎heisgreater