Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Put Off and Put On Principle

As we approach each new day or New Year we set goals, resolutions, plans  or have hope that we’ll have a fresh start, put the old things behind us and move forward with hope of change and of great new things to come!

We all know about resolutions and stereotypically we make them and then a few months into a new year, we basically end that resolution for many reason and sometimes because we really didn’t want that change in the first place. 

Every time we want to make a change there is some level of sacrifice involved because in order to change, well, we have to change…either a behavior or something we no longer want to do or many other things. :-)

In order to truly change and grow in these cases, whether goals, resolutions or plans, we have to put something off and replace it with something new. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Life Experience Reflection: Communication

I've been reflecting on what we consider today's modern communications for quite a while and I've come to realize that just because we live in an instant gratification, high expectation, "respond instantly" (e-Mail, text, Facebook, IM, Skype, etc) world, it doesn't mean it has to be that way nor do you have to stress yourself out trying to operate especially in the "respond instantly" mode...people can actually wait a few minutes, hours, or even a day for you to respond! Unless it's literally a life or death situation, They will survive.

Someone well stated recently that we are spoiled today with instant responses. When I was a kid like in high school, e-Mail was just surfacing but hardly anyone had it because technology wasn't there yet. We still used pay phones. We wrote letters and talked mostly in person. Computers were just coming out such as the 286 PC, Tandy PCs, etc. A text message was words in a book or a typed or handwritten note. Smart watches like you saw via a communicator watch that Dick Tracy had were things of fiction but now they are a reality. 

There is a balance between personal and business communications but the same is true of both areas some things are more urgent than others. 

The sum is that the older I get, and as someone who is an active communicator via many of the current means of communicating, I realize daily that realistic expectations need to be set for ourselves and others when it comes to response times. This however, doesn't give us a license to be rude and never respond or take weeks to respond because there should be a sense of urgency toward those around just doesn't mean it has to be instant. 

Something for all of us to reflect on...

