Friday, April 29, 2016

What Does Society Really Want When They Cry Out For Tolerance?

There used to be a time when tolerance essentially meant that we'd all appreciate each others differences and treat one another with respect despite our differences. It seems that those days are long gone. 

Some might argue that this isn't the case or that this is a simplified definitions but you can look no further than social media, TV to see that there isn't much in the way of appreciation rather, you see the opposite of it. 

So, what does society really want when they cry out for tolerance? 

Monday, April 25, 2016

A Prayer for Grace & Truth and the Wisdom to Know How to Apply Them Both - Monday, April 25, 2016

Read: Romans 10:17, John 4:1-26, John 1:14, James 1:5 and Matthew 28:16-20)

Dear Heavenly Father,

In a day and age where sin, confusion and lack of grace and truth abounds - I pray for Your Holy Spirit's help in these matters as we need Your help all the more. 

Some want to throw out truth all together in order to accommodate in "grace and love" even when it's in opposition of the truth of Your Word. Help us to understand that Your truth is part of Your love and faith comes by hearing. (Romans 10:17)

On the other hand some want to throw out grace all together and sometimes hit people over the head with the "truth" when they forget the scriptures teaching about grace and love which is not devoid of truth. (John 4:1-26)

Yet, You oh Lord call us to both in love. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

A Prayer for the Employed and Underemployed - Monday, April 18, 2016

Read:Philippians 4:19, Colossians 3:23-24 & Ephesians 6:7

Dear Heavenly Father, 

I praise You as our provider! Without You...we would have nothing!

No Life...No Job...  No Income... No Food on the table...  and much more that we would not have. Help us to keep this in mind if we're prone to complain specifically about our jobs.

I thank You and praise You for providing work for us to do so we can earn a living and give back from the first fruits of our labor to build Your Kingdom. 

I thank You even for the jobs that You've provided but things aren't going great for us and we may even be stressed out at times or less than excited about what we're doing for work or going through at work. You are there with us and will bring us through. 

I pray that You'd provide meaningful work for us to do and give us the desires of our hearts to be able to make a good living doing what we enjoy and while we sometimes have to wait for that...that You'd continue to provide us with a good income no matter what it is You've given us to do. 

Not that we are worthy or deserving, please help receive and have favor always with our employers and if at all possible that they'd treat us well as our superiors. May they value the contributions we make and may that see the hard work we put it. May they seek to help us have a true life/work balance. 

Help us Father to be content but at the same time not become complacent in what we're doing rather, help us to listen for Your Holy Spirit's leading if it's time to move elsewhere to a place you've also prepared for us. 

Even when we don't receive recognition, even when we aren't valued or are undervalued, may we remember who we ultimately do our work for! (Colossians 3:23-24 & Ephesians 6:7

Help us to not get too discouraged and please help us to continue to press on as we seek to be the best employees for Your glory as well as our good. 

No matter what - I ask that You provide and bless us with continuous employment...however, if there are times where there are gaps in our employment, may You continue to supply for all of our needs. Help us to trust You all the more knowing you have a plan for us!

I especially pray for those unemployed right now that You'd help them have extra faith, hope and trust. 

I pray that You minister to them and bless them in a special way. 

I pray that You give them the desires of their heart by providing good employment where they are able to do something they enjoy and are passionate about and are compensated well! Please cast out all discouragement in their lives Father. 

Father, whether we're employed or underemployed, help us to cling to You at all times knowing that You're always at work and always have been to provide for Your children. 

Where there's discouragement may You insert Your Hope and Encouragement. 

Please also provide us with Your wisdom and direction always. 

May it be clear to all the employed, underemployed and those who are witnesses that You're mighty hand is in and over all things! 

In Jesus Name I praise You and Thank you, Amen.

Blessings in Christ,


Monday, April 11, 2016

A Prayer For When We Have No Words To Pray - Monday, April 11, 2016

Read: Romans 8:26-27

Heavenly Father, 

So often when we're in the midst of trial and overwhelmed, we don't know what to pray or how to pray sometimes. If we're honest, sometimes we just don't have the energy to pray even though we know it's what we really need to do. 

Even in the good times we don't pray as we should.

We complicate things sometimes too thinking we have to have the "perfect" words when there really aren't perfect words and You just want us to be present with You and speak from transparently from the heart. 

We don't praise you as we should...

We don't communicate with You as we should...

We don't pray for others as we should...

We don't pray for ourselves as we should...

As imperfect as we are we do desire to seek You in prayer but, we need Your help.

I ask for Your help and I know that You'll provide it because You're faithful and true!

Helps us to rely on Your Holy Spirit so we'll learn how to pray day-by-day as a first response and not a last response during the good and bad times. 

You teach us in Your Word that when our words fail, when we don't know how to pray that Your Holy Spirit intercedes for us! 

I praise You and thank You for Your help! 

I praise You for loving us so much that You minister to us through Your Holy Spirit in our weaknesses including our wordlessness or prayerlessness.

Help us Father rely on Your Holy Spirit's strength in all things including prayer.

Help us Father to remember that we don't have to have it all together we just need to be faithful to pray no matter what. You know our hearts...that is enough!

Help us to remember that again, when our words fail, when we don't know how to pray, that Your Holy Spirit it there with us and is interceding for us to Your great throne of Grace!

In Jesus Name I praise You and Thank You, Amen.

Blessings In Christ,


Share this with someone today: When the word won't come or you don't know how to pray...don't worry! The Holy Spirit intercedes for you! Romans 8:26-27 @ashepherdsheart

Friday, April 08, 2016


Here's a Friday humor post about excuses - that may make you pause and evaluate things sometime. :-) 

Everybody has a good excuse for not attending church. 

If you take those excuses and apply them to other things we do (or don't do), like eating, they might look like this list:

1. I was forced to eat as a child.
2. People who eat all the time are hypocrites; they aren't really hungry.
3. There are so many different kinds of food, I can't decide what to eat.
4. I used to eat, but I got bored and stopped.
5. I only eat on special occasions, like Christmas and Easter.
6. None of my friends will eat with me.
7. I'll start eating when I get older.
8. I don't really have time to eat.
9. I don't believe that eating does anybody any good.It's just a crutch.
10. Restaurants and grocery stores are only after your money.

All humor aside, there are reasons the Lord wants us to come together as the Body of Christ. 

I encourage you to read and study your Bible to discover what the reasons are,  what your roll is as part of the Body of Christ and the Body of Christ's roll in your life. All important and vital to your walk with The Lord! 


Hebrews 10:25

le emo Hebrews 10:25

Monday, April 04, 2016

A Prayer for Persistence in Prayer (P.U.S.H) - Monday, April 4, 2016

Read: Luke 18:1-8 & James 5:16

Heavenly Father, Please help us to be persistent in prayer. 

No matter what we experience in us to be faithful and tenacious prayer warriors and servants. 

Help us to make prayer a priority at all times.

Even though a lot of our prayer life is in private, there is an aspect of it that is public as we gather in prayer with others. So, please help us to be so persistent in prayer that people see it in us and know that we make You and Your word a priority.

Please help us to actually follow-through in prayer when people entrust us with prayer needs. 

Help us to be persistent like the persistent widow was in getting her case heard!

Help us to prayer throughout the day as we continue to seek You!

I pray that through the help of your Holy Spirit that we would not allow anything to keep us from communicating with You through interceding and petitioning for others and ourselves...and simply having conversations with you. 

Help us to not be afraid of being persistent in prayer because You are not afraid for persistence.   

Lord, we know you use the circumstances in life to shape, mold and change us into useful vessels for You. 

When times seem hopeless or tough - help us to not give up hope in You! Help us to never give up, period as there's always hope in You! 

Help us to keep Praying. 

Help us to keep P.U.S.Hing through! 

Help us to Pray Until Something Happens because You're always at work and Jesus was the best example Himself of regular, faithful and persistent prayer as He'd often escape the busyness of it all and be found communing with You. 

Help us to remember that You're ALWAYS at work for Your Kingdom and Glory and You always hear our prayers! 

Help us to always evaluate our prayer life and adjust it accordingly as we seek to honor You in all things and do what You tell us to do in Your Word!

I praise You for the gift of prayer! Help us to keep fighting through it all to communicate with You!

In Jesus Name I praise You and thank You, Amen. 


Share this with Someone today: "Prayer is very important so don't give up! Keep On PUSHing through! (P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Something Happens)"