The Word:
Read: James 1:21-23, Romans 12:3-10
Additional Reading: Ephesians 2:10, Colossians 3:23-25
“When the Worship is Over the Service Begins” By Randolph Koch
Many a week goes by as we arrive at “church” to worship God, be exhorted from His Word and possibly serve in some capacity in ministry. Unfortunately some statistics state that there are a very small percentage of congregants that do serve at the church they regularly attend not to mention those who serve Him when they leave the building and go to school, work, or wherever they go.
Some come to church to be served and then leave the “worship service” to begin another week of, “It’s all about me.” It may be that some consider service someone else’s job and when we hear there’s a need we think, someone else will take care of it. Unfortunately if we have this attitude we forsake the fact that God may have wanted us or wants us to serve and that He has something for each of us to do as His workmanship. (See Ephesians 2:10)
On the other hand, there are those who are sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading and actively serve selflessly instead of those who seem self-absorbed. If you are actively serving God and see pretty much everything in your life as an opportunity or act of service to Him, keep up the excellent work!
As a part of His creation you were created because it was God’s will that were born and you were created to live for God’s purpose and plan for your life. No matter your testimony, no matter your past, He has a distinct purpose for you! Furthermore, He’s given you gifts and talents you’ll discover by serving Him. It’s very clear that He wants you to use the gifts He’s blessed you with. Don’t cheat God, the Body of Christ, or others by withholding your gifts rather, invest your time in service to Him for His glory.
The purpose and service He has for you to fulfill is not just limited to church either! You can glorify Him through your work ethic, your character and your integrity. As we leave the church service we either go out into the mission field of our home, neighborhood, work to serve God and seek Him each day in the week ahead or we go to merely serve our interests and ourselves only.
Let’s be clear, you can merely attend church or you can actively be a part of The Church! Also, you can simply be a hearer of the Word and do nothing with what you hear, or you can be a hearer of His Word and then because of what you’ve heard, you can be a true doer of His Word by acting upon it with the help of the Holy Spirit! In either case hopefully you see that there’s a big difference in the conduct and end result.
As you enter each new week, you have a real privilege and opportunity to serve God with your life. You are to be a light to the world and use the gifts and talents He’s blessed you with to bring glory to Him through service to others and God Himself. Your life, your work, everything about you and every moment you’re awake is an opportunity to serve and worship Him. How you live your life, do your work, and much more can and should be done as an act of service and worship unto Him. Honestly, you’re not sacrificing anything by serving Him rather; you’re gaining much more by giving back to Him no matter what others may say. You’ll find that you’ll learn and grow in His wisdom and knowledge more as you put His Word into practice by being a doer of the Word and not just a hearer. You will not see this by being one who sits back and lives just for themselves while others actively listen to Him and seek and serve Him all for His glory.
When you go to church, worship Him with everything you have and then remember that the real service begins when you leave the pew and go out and really be The Church and let the real service begin! Don’t let your service end when you leave the church service.
May you be found serving God as you leave the church building because, “When the Worship is Over the Service Begins!”
Questions to Get Started With:-Do you see your life as an act of worship and an act of service?
-Do you believe serving God with your life is important?
-What does being “His workmanship” tell you about service and His purpose for your life? (Eph. 2:10)
-How can you better serve God with the gifts and talents you’ve been given?
-If everyone has different gifts, how are those in the body of Christ to use their gifts? (Romans 12:3-10)
-How are we to think of others? (Romans 12:3-10)
-What does it mean to be a doer of the Word?
(James 1:21-23)
-How are we to do our work and service?
(Colossians 3:23-25)
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