Wanted to post/share a devotion that came to mind that was published 5 years ago through my ministry. God always knows what is happening in this world and in our lives and I hope that you’ll be encouraged by this simple reminder via a simple devotion. Your Brother, R.Koch
Devotional Starters- Hebrews 12:1-3/"The Painter Of Our Lives."
The Word:
Read: Hebrews 12:1-3
Additional Reading: Romans 1:20
“The Painter of Our Lives.” By Randolph Koch
One autumn during early evening I was heading home from work. I stopped at a light and as I waited for the light to turn green I gazed up in to the sky. I remember seeing, as if for the first time, one of the most beautiful dusk skies I had ever seen. The sky was almost clear with only a few lines or rows of white clouds blanketing a section of the horizon ahead of me. The clouds were highlighted with yellow, pink, and orange hues with a sunset to match. It was almost as if a divine brush stroke had gone across the sky painting with colors that no human could duplicate. There was so much detail there that I’d usually most likely overlooked. I remember being awe struck at the work of our creator evident in the early evening sky.
This display made me think of how much detail God places in all of His handiwork. He is the painter of our lives. He knows each hair on our heads and each situation we may face. Every ounce of our very existence was created and formed by His hand and plan. This truth has amazing implications and cries out that He has a special purpose for each of us! Every stroke of the Masters brush has a distinct purpose and reveals a reflection of His love for everyone. Just in life itself and creation a cry and argument for a real, loving, living, and active Creator exists. Take a look at a Thomas Kinkade picture and you’ll see the reflection of God’s infinite love and divine handiwork. Don’t ever doubt that God has created you in His image and with a real and distinctive plan for each of our lives. As He “Paints” our lives look to Him to complete the final picture in every aspect. Spend time pondering the beauty of His Holiness even through the beauty of His everyday creation and praise Him for all that He is. He controls our present and future. Seek to please Him in all you do. Be sensitive enough to hear and see Him as He leads you. Look for the reminders of Himself He gives us everyday. Worship Him daily for He is the painter of our lives.
Questions To Get Started With:
-As the portrait of your life unfolds, what do you think He sees?
-Would He see a reflection of Himself?
-What do you want Him to see?
-What wouldn’t you want Him to see?
-What is God’s purpose for your life?
-Do you acknowledge Him and praise Him for the everyday reminders He gives us? (Things we many times forget.)
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