Monday, July 31, 2006

David Harsh

I wanted to make a quick entry to let you know about a ministry my family and I were blessed by last night.

David Harsh was in concert and we fortunately were able to attend the concert and meet him in person! He is a humble servant who is glorifying God through music in a very special way.

He sings, plays guitar, (even two at the same time) as well as uses ordinary things like pencils and other things as percussion.

I’d highly recommend you support his ministry and go see him in concert and better yet - encourage your home church to book him for an evening, etc.

He really blessed all who attended and was very, very, entertaining!

He would also be a great person to have for an outreach event as well because his music would draw people to come that wouldn’t normally attend church in your local community. He’d also really bless your congregation!

Go check out his web site for more information about his ministry. You’ll see a very nice site loaded with information and even some video examples of some of the phenomenal things he does on guitar - all to the glory of God.

Here’s the link:

In Sum, I highly recommend that you see David in concert, or better yet, encourage your home church to book him! He's a skilled musician and would be a great person to have for an outreach event because his music would draw people who wouldn’t normally attend church. David was a blessing to my entire family! He is bringing Glory to God in a very special way!

God bless

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