As we approach each new day or New Year we set goals,
resolutions, plans or have hope that we’ll
have a fresh start, put the old things behind us and move forward with hope of
change and of great new things to come!
We all know about resolutions and stereotypically we make
them and then a few months into a new year, we basically end that resolution
for many reason and sometimes because we really didn’t want that change in the
first place.
Every time we want to make a change there is some level of
sacrifice involved because in order to change, well, we have to change…either a
behavior or something we no longer want to do or many other things. :-)
In order to truly change and grow in these cases, whether
goals, resolutions or plans, we have to put something off and replace it with
something new.
For instance, if you want to start saving or investing, you
have to set a budget and put off spending on certain things you used to spend
on and start actively saving your money so you can actually save or invest. Putting
off the old ways and then putting on a new discipline.
As another example let’s say you want to get back into shape,
(which is a famous New Year’s resolution)? :-)
In order to do that
you have to start watching or in other words put off some of what you were
eating as well as put off some of the more sedentary activities and then in
place of what you used to eat or the activities you used to do and then you put
on or replace them with things like healthier eating and exercise.
In these two examples (as well as many others I’m sure come
to mind), you can see that there is a putting off of something “old” and
putting on of something “new”.
In most things in life, to get to what really matters, again,
there is some level of sacrifice or change that is required in order to attain
that objective.
So, if something is important be ready to lay down something
or rid your life of something through putting off the past in order to put on
something great, new, beneficial and fruitful for your life!
In the Fourth Chapter of Ephesians specifically Ephesians
4:22-24 (For complete context, please read Ephesians 4:17-32) we are introduced
to the very important “Put off and Put On Principle”.
Here’s what the Ephesians 4:22-24 says (Emphasis Mine):
"to put off your old self,
which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful
desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put
on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true
righteousness and holiness."
In this passage the principle I’ve been talking about is
unlocked for us and we have the ability to start making changes by putting this
“Put off and Put On” principle into practice!
Whether you’re a person of faith or not, for all of us, life
in part is a never ending process of putting off and putting on of thing such
Putting off old relationships and putting on new and
hopefully healthier ones…
Putting off negative behaviors, actions and words in your
relationships and putting on positive behaviors, actions and words that will bring
life to others…
Putting off your old and destructive ways of thinking and
putting on positive and life giving ways of thinking about yourself and others...
Putting off old and very bad financial habits and putting on
new and more beneficial financial disciplines…
Putting off old unhealthy eating habits and putting on new
and healthier ones…
The list goes on and on even to the most basic day-to-day
This Put off and Put on principle seems easy in theory but in
practice it’s not always because it takes hard work sometimes to make it happen
but when you look back it will be rewarding to see how far you’ve come!
I look back at how far God has personally brought me (and
you may be reflecting on your life as well as you read this) and I’m thankful
for the changes He’s helped me make to this point and look forward to a
continuation of what still lies ahead…as I’m sure more putting off and putting
on will occur in order to continue to shape me into the person…the man I’m
supposed to be.
My hope for all of us as we enter each new day and this New
Year let us strive to move forward with greater purpose as we take inventory of
all the little and big changes we need to make.
Then let us start putting off and then putting on the things
we need to so we can grow still further to be who we’re supposed to be for our
own good as well as the greater good of everyone in our lives.
Many Blessing and Happy New Year!
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