Showing posts with label Faith in Action. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith in Action. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

It's Time for a U-Turn

You may have been heading the wrong direction for a while and you know you have. 
Maybe you're feeling a bit paralyzed or trapped where you are? 

Maybe the you've been focusing on or been a part of the...

Wrong major in college...

Wrong career...

Wrong relationships...

Wrong financial decisions...

Or, Wrong direction in other areas...

Let me tell you something you need to hear: It's not too late this side of heaven to make the changes you know you need to make!

God is a God of second chances and each day He gives you a chance to begin again! 

Change the direction of your life now...with God's help and the help of other people He places in your life.

It's time for a U-Turn, a Do-over, whatever you want to to call is in order...the time is now! Don't spend another second heading the wrong direction! 

Get back on the road...the path you know you need to be on...You can do it! 

Especially with the wisdom and help from the Lord...You've got this! 

Start heading the right direction right now because you are worth it!!

It's time for a U-Turn my friend...what are you waiting for?

In Christ Alone,
Your brother and servant,


Share this encouragement with someone today: No matter how long you have traveled in the wrong direction, you can always turn around. #ashepherdsheart

Friday, November 13, 2015


Have you ever found yourself in the midst of a personal struggle, season of trial or time where you're really going through something and could really use some help? There may be that hesitation to share it...especially with certain people because by all means you "have be careful" with whom you share with. You have to have the trust factor with them.

It's sad because so many suffer through things without telling anyone for fear of being judged because it seems some just don't care or are simply rude!  Ever shared with obviously the wrong person (as you find out later)? Then you know what I mean!

No one should  have to go through these seasons alone and you and I should be able to find support, encouragement and comfort by being surrounded by those who care and will walk through those seasons with us...because they actually care!

Then there are those who don't share because they've bought into the lie that they don't need anyone!? Or, those who don't ever want to give the perception that "they've got it all together!"

There are also people who just don't care about anyone else in general that's a bleak existence to say the least but on the flip side...there are those who do genuinely care.

Monday, March 09, 2009

A Football Game Gives Hope - Faith in Action

Here’s a story that I learned about recently regarding an act of amazing sportsmanship:

In order to properly hear the audio you'll want to scroll down on the left side of this blog to the area that says Tunes and click pause. You'll then be able to come back to this post and click play to enjoy the audio/video.

I share this because it has an obvious tie-in to faith and how we should love those God has placed around us, even those who may seem “unlovable” to others. Faith in Action!

Peace in Him,
