Christmas, it's a special time of year when we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
I love this time of year and whether or not people realize it, it all points to Jesus and the truth of why He came in the first place!
It's sad to me that there are some who choose to not celebrate Christmas. They state various legalistic opinions such as:
- "We're not told to celebrate Christmas in the Bible."
- "Christmas is a pagan holiday"
- "Jesus wasn't really born in December".
- "Santa is really satan in disguise."
- "Christmas is a made up commercial holiday".
- "Jesus wasn't born in December!"
This is just a few of the many supposed reasons. Granted, it's their choice of course to not celebrate but I have to scratch my head as to why knowing The One we celebrate as well as the behavior of some of these toward those who do celebrate Christmas!
Unfortunately, some of these same people go as far as vilifying those in the body who do celebrate the birth of Christ and I've been harangued by those same sorts. Honestly, some act like certain cult groups do in their choice not to celebrate Christmas. They have their opinion and it's just that, their opinion. They choose to not celebrate the most important birth and birthday ever!?
There was one recent year where every time I posted something about Christmas here on my website or social media, I was met with criticism and name calling as if I was breaking some some teaching in the scripture and I was going to lose my salvation!? It was completely ridiculous!
I also find it ironic that some of these same naysayers will gladly celebrate the victories of their favorite sports teams and yet they won't celebrate the birth of their Savior?! Go enjoy your large quantities of boneless chicken wings, nachos, and the brew of your choosing (not that I recommend this)...oh, wait, gluttony is something God's Word does actually teach against! Oh, never mind...there I go talking about what's actually in the scriptures instead of just an opinion. Silly me. (Read Proverbs 23:2, Proverbs 23:20-21, Proverbs 28:7 for starters.)
So, whether you choose celebrate the birth of Christ or not, I believe it has everything to do with the perspective of what you focus on. Either you focus on and celebrate His Birth or you don't.
If you're a follower of Christ who has received his free gift of salvation, let me encourage you in that you have the freedom and permission in Christ to celebrate Christmas as its a celebration of the birth of Christ which is the most important birth and birthday ever!
You are not breaking scripture by celebrating and rejoicing in His Birth!
You will not lose your salvation by celebrating and rejoicing in His Birth!
He is worthy and deserving of our praise, including celebrating His advent, (arrival aka His birth/birthday) upon this earth according to God's plan! If we celebrate His birth, it's grounded in The Word of God as we celebrate the King of Kings who came and humbled Himself entering the world as a baby. His entry ultimately led to His sacrifice on the cruel cross many years later taking on the sins of mankind so that through receiving His free gift of salvation we might have forgiveness and life!
Now, was Jesus born in December? Most likely not, but, The Church chose a date at some point in church history to celebrate and commemorate that which we can celebrate all year long of course! There's nothing wrong with celebrating on December 25th or another date for countries that observe Christmas earlier or later.
Just as the scripture teaches us that no one is to judge us for what we eat, drink or festivals we choose to celebrate, (Read Colossians 2:16), if you keep your celebration focused on Christ's birth and grounded in God's Word, you can and should celebrate Christmas with your whole heart regardless of what others choose to do or say!
We have much to rejoice in His birth and if He didn't come, we would not experience His gift of salvation or the gift He is!
Let me ask: Did they celebrate His birth in the scriptures? Most definitely they did!
- Read Luke 2 for instance where the shepherds, and others came upon notice from the angel and worshiped Jesus and celebrated His birth. (Luke 2:8-20)
- Furthermore, some time later, the magi came to worship and celebrate Him, worship Him, and they even brought gifts! (Matthew 2:1-16)
- You can also read where Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple, and He was celebrated there too! (Luke 2:22-35)
So, join me in celebrating THE most important birth and birthday ever with all your your heart and don't let anyone steal your joy or judge you for doing so!
We will celebrate Jesus now and we'll celebrate Him for all eternity!
Merry Christmas!
Because He Is the Reason For The Season,
Your brother and servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
P.S. For your enjoyment: Here are versions of my two Christmas devotionals that were published last month.
- “Christmas: The Promise Fulfilled”:
- “The Wonder of Christmas”:
If you click on the daily devotional title the scripture references will be there for reading.
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