Read: Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30, Romans 11:36, Colossians 1:16, John 15:5, John 15:16, Galatians 2:20, Psalm 34:3, Psalm 99:5, Psalm 145.
I recall the song, "Be the Centre" by Kathryn Sarah Scott, Michael Frye and I thought of it like a prayer asking for Jesus to be the center of everything in our lives.
Part of the lyrics are:
Everything we do as born again followers of Christ needs to be laser focused on Jesus, His Holy Spirit, and the Word of God.
I recall the song, "Be the Centre" by Kathryn Sarah Scott, Michael Frye and I thought of it like a prayer asking for Jesus to be the center of everything in our lives.
Part of the lyrics are:
Jesus, be the centre Be my source, be my light Jesus
Jesus, be the centre Be my hope, be my song Jesus
Be the fire in my heart, Be the wind in these sails
Be the reason that I live Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, be my vision Be my path, be my guide Jesus
Whether it's studying God's Word, communicating the gospel, or preaching a weekly sermon, if it's devoid of The Word of God, and devoid of Jesus, The One Who was crucified for us, the very Word of God that came in the flesh and dwelt among us: our churches, the messages communicated, our faith, the gospel means absolutely nothing. It's lifeless. It's empty without Him and God's Word at the forefront.
Some may not like this in our politically correct, motivational message only leaning culture, but that's simply too bad.
Why? Because, if we're followers of Christ and we claim to proclaim and represent Him as His name bearers...everything we do and say should point back to The One Who sacrificed it all so that we might have life in Him.
Now, I'm not talking about in some legalistic way either as some may live out, rather, I'm speaking about a very real Biblical way as we are to abide in Him and communicate His Gospel as people need His unconditional love, forgiveness, hope, and correction. They need new life! They need His strength. They need Him! If you're already born again, then you know well that you need new life, strength and Jesus as well all the more day-by-day!
When we gather, we should be challenged and encouraged from God's Word giving a priority to accurately communicating God's Word and proclaiming Him Who was crucified.
If you attend a church that never mentions Jesus, doesn't often teach from The Scriptures, or is more concerned about being politically correct rather than preaching the whole counsel of God's should be very concerned. Without Christ and without God's Word we have nothing and the gatherings via our local congregations mean nothing without Him being in the center of it all.
We are to abide in Him via our regular church meetings and in your day-to-day lives. So, keep Jesus in the center of all you do because He is the center.
Is Jesus truly the center of your life? Do you seek to put Him first and exalt Him?
Let me prayerfully encourage and challenge you to put Jesus first because everything in your life should be directed by, from, and for Him.
Let's pray for our pastors, fellow believer's, and ourselves that we'd all be in The Word and stay in and abide in the Word. May we also pray that we will abide in Christ and represent Him well, again, keeping Him the center of all we do!
In Christ Alone,
Your Brother and Servant,
Randolph Koch
P.S. Let me state that there is a place for motivational messages as a means of encouragement, but, the church isn't the place for that and definitely not in place of communicating and proclaiming The Word of God.
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