Showing posts with label 60#s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 60#s. Show all posts

Thursday, July 17, 2014

60 Is just a number but it’s now a goal!

This post is a bit of a departure from my other past posts but it’s an even more personal one that I am sharing here.

I believe in some shape or form we all set goals for ourselves.  I set goals all the time and now I have decided to set another goal but this one is one of the most important goals I’ve set for myself. 

For many years I’ve been working, albeit slowly and with varying successes, to get back into shape – to be where I want to be health wise.

For quite a while in my younger days I did A LOT of things. I was a three sport guy, was involved in music, was in several drama productions and much more. At one point I suffered an injury in which I separated my shoulder and snapped the ligament in two places which effectively, per the Dr.’s advice ended my athletic involvement. I still did things like backpacking, riding my bike and walking but I became overall less active and it started impact me…and many years later I am where I don’t want to be.

I’ve had some really good successes over the years in achieving my various health goals and then I’ve had setbacks too.

I also realize that some who know me must assume I eat all day long – or just eat a ton, well, although I do have the capacity to chow down with the best of them, to the contrary, one of my biggest problems is that I skip too many meals and that bad habit coupled with others has influenced where I am today health wise.

I also know that I’ve been the “punch line” to several jokes over the years, which of course, I cannot control other people’s mouths (although sometimes I’d like to physically do so) :-) , but I’d rather not be the punch line anymore. 

Some days I’ve felt shame for not being at my best but no more because God and my family love me anyway so no more shame game…I’m just going to work at being a physically better me! 

So, here it is… My goal today and going forward is to work at losing 60 pounds over the next 2 years or less if possible. 60 pounds that I believe I need to shed in order to be at my personal best. I want to do it and I know I can do it but it’s going to take hard work!

I want to continue to be physically strong but in a more shall we say, streamlined package. :-) LOL.

This goals is sort of selfish but in a good way because I want to do it for myself as I want to look and feel my best – but I also want to look better for my wife and set an example for my kids, friends, colleagues and those I serve and serve with and equally important have even more capacity to serve my Creator according to His will, purpose and plan!  :-)

I also know that even though I own and will be daily owning  this goal every step of the way as I’ll be the one to physically do the work to get there, I believe I will be even more successful with the support and prayers of my family and friends!  

So, please pray for me! Please encourage me along the way. Please send me words of motivation and inspiration. Don’t judge me for my failures and celebrate with me at the milestones along the way…an occasional hi-five would be awesome when you see some of the results/progress being made.

I also realize and believe in order to get there I need to plan and have…

Adequate and regular caloric intake.  I list this first because I know for me it means no more skipping meals and being more intentional about what I choose to fuel myself with. Some days I’ll skip lunch, breakfast and lunch, etc. but that is really bad. With this, I also need to “unlearn” many of the bad habits I picked up transitioning from one sport season to the next…bulking up for one and starving myself and rapidly losing weight for another helped me learn really bad habits.

Adequate water intake.  Don’t allow myself to be dehydrated and just make sure I’m drinking water every day that my body needs anyway.

Adequate sleep. Work on getting more sleep as I need rest to reach my goals.

Adequate exercise.  In the gym, neighborhood and in the outdoors – challenge myself to find fun and varying ways to regularly exercise.

Adequate spiritual, intellectual and emotional care.  All three of these areas are important to me reaching the goal I’ve set and maintaining once I reach the goal and from my own experience they strike a meaningful balance in my life and I know when they are not balanced…I make less progress in multiple areas of my life.

Adequate Prayer, Encouragement and Support.  Again, I will be doing the work but I believe I will be even more successful

So, 60 is just a number but it’s now my goal and I’d really appreciate your prayers and encouragement along the way!

If you’re heading toward your goals, you can count on me to do the same for you!

Thank you in advance for your prayers!

All the best,

60#s, Health, Goals, Prayer,