As we're at the beginning of this Christmas Season I've been drawn to the fact once again that there are a lot of hurting people in this world and there is an awesome opportunity for them to experience real peace this Christmas.
God can and will use us this Christmas time to minister to all those in and out of relationship with Jesus.
May we be beacons shining His light and love for the world around us, which by the way, is His world whether they reject Him or not.
May God give us His eyes to see the hurting and hopeless, and may He give us His eyes to see the needs even within the lives of other believers - which we often fail to see!
We can either cast judgment on or disregard them or we can reach out with the Hope that only they can find in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
This could simply start by providing a meal for someone in need or any number of things to help those in the community He's placed you in! Through that relationship you will then be able minister and love on them unconditional and plant seeds that will one day result in them coming to a relationship with Him. Take a look sometime at Matthew 25:34-40 regarding how God sees serving others! Or, check out Philippians 2:3 to see what God says about putting others before ourselves!
Here's a song that has recently come to mind in which the chorus is more like a prayer that God would give us His eyes. You can either play it in the below window or if it doesn't work you can use this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEfIcMqAzvs
Please note: in order to hear the audio without interruption, you may need to pause the music that plays on this blog by scrolling down the right navigation and finding the music player and clicking on pause.
Listen to the chorus' lyrics and may we make it our daily prayer that He would, "give us His eyes!" At a minimum, this will help you make this Christmas and going forward all the more special as you serve and put others first. This will also have an impact for eternity!
God can and will use us this Christmas time to minister to all those in and out of relationship with Jesus.
May we be beacons shining His light and love for the world around us, which by the way, is His world whether they reject Him or not.
May God give us His eyes to see the hurting and hopeless, and may He give us His eyes to see the needs even within the lives of other believers - which we often fail to see!
We can either cast judgment on or disregard them or we can reach out with the Hope that only they can find in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
This could simply start by providing a meal for someone in need or any number of things to help those in the community He's placed you in! Through that relationship you will then be able minister and love on them unconditional and plant seeds that will one day result in them coming to a relationship with Him. Take a look sometime at Matthew 25:34-40 regarding how God sees serving others! Or, check out Philippians 2:3 to see what God says about putting others before ourselves!
Here's a song that has recently come to mind in which the chorus is more like a prayer that God would give us His eyes. You can either play it in the below window or if it doesn't work you can use this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEfIcMqAzvs
Please note: in order to hear the audio without interruption, you may need to pause the music that plays on this blog by scrolling down the right navigation and finding the music player and clicking on pause.
Listen to the chorus' lyrics and may we make it our daily prayer that He would, "give us His eyes!" At a minimum, this will help you make this Christmas and going forward all the more special as you serve and put others first. This will also have an impact for eternity!