Need Money for Seminary or Bible College?
Tired of searching for scholarships? In just a few days, Logos will award at least two $1,000.00 tuition scholarships along with a copies of Scholar's Library through their Seminary Scholarship and Bible College Scholarship programs!
The scholarships are open to all students currently enrolled in an accredited theological seminary or Bible College located in North America, or those who plan on enrolling within the next 8 months. All you have to do is watch a demonstration of Logos Bible Software and fill out a brief application. Once your application is submitted you will be entered to win a $1,000.00 scholarship AND a digital theological library that, in print, would cost over $8,000.00!
Apply before August 10th to win!
Going to Seminary?
Going to Bible College?
Showing posts with label Logos Bible Software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Logos Bible Software. Show all posts