Showing posts with label worship pastors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label worship pastors. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Issue of Age in Modern Worship

I read an excellent blog post recently regarding The Issue of Age in Modern Worship and I wanted to share it here on my blog. 

This definitely is a growing trend in many churches in the US and is something The Church as a whole should be concerned with. 

It is a concern I've had and I've witness this trend in many churches across America and is something that the church as a whole needs to consider and seek God about! The post focuses on Worship but I think this (the issue of age) is something that plagues other areas of the church as well.

"Age", "Coolness" and "looks" shouldn't be the deciding factor...maturity, capability, skill, talent and most of all "Calling" are many of the things that should be taken into consideration. If this is being used to grow the church the short term gain in numbers via the draw of a younger "face" of the church will not necessarily equate to true growth through the growth and development of the people who attend the church.

I also realize this issue can fall on both ends of the age spectrum. However, the last several years its fallen on the older end of the spectrum which is troubling because God isn't finished with us yet. (anyone over 20 something is seemingly considered old these days)

The issue in part comes down to other words the leadership needs to seek The Lord's help to find the right people to call and to utilize in ministry ...paid or volunteer...and that could be someone older or on the 20 something side of the spectrum. It just shouldn't be an issue of age.

God can use everyone!! We should seek to honor God in everything because it's about Him and we as leaders and followers of Christ will be accountable to Him!

God is not finished with any of us yet and in this particular case...the people in the "old" category still have a lot left to give and serve God and the Body of Christ with in the area of Worship and a multitude of other areas within The Church!

I wonder what it would take for The Church, as much as possible to become more Multi-Generational?

I don't know the complete answer to resolve this but I pray The Church (Not just one specific church, rather The Church as a whole) will consider this and seek to balance this so the young and the "old" (anyone seemingly over 20 something) will be used for and be allowed to use their gifts, talents and most of all for the calling God has placed on their lives.

I pray that we will prayerfully consider what the author shares in the above article.

Please take time to read the article and then come back and share your thoughts here. 

I would love to dialogue with you about this as it's an issue the church needs to wrestle with!

Prayerfully and with Hope,


Thursday, June 13, 2013

What happens when songs are too high (and too loud)

The author makes some great points about what happens when worship songs are too high. Check out the article here: 

Something to think about if you are a worship leader or worship pastor. Would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. 

I have to interject that it does seem that today's worship songs are purposely high and loud and there's no in-between. Worship leaders, let me encourage you to shepherd your congregations by encouraging them to sing to their God via songs that are in a range that you don't have to be a "bird" to sing. ;-) 

Yes, the songs are just one mode of worship but an important one and a huge part of the weekly services so, shepherd them supporting their need and responsibility to worship The Lord in song and do so in a fashion the focus doesn't shift to things related to what the author says in the article. 

This isn't Chris Tomlin's congregation (or any other well known worshiper/worship leader for that matter) it's your congregation that God has given you responsibility over, so don't take that for granted. 

Also, the fallacy that seems to exist today that the music has be super loud in order to be good or to "lead people" in's wrong. Many churches are actually making ear plugs available to the congregation and I have to wonder...if people have to use ear plugs in order to "worship" is that really leading them in worship or does it detract from worship? 

For the ear plug utilizers, I'd say it must detract from their worship so I'd say, worship leaders, be mindful of the audio levels...if you turn it up...just make sure it's not up there too much as it does detract from what everyone is there to do and with both of these issues (too high and too loud) it can detract from you properly feeding the flock through your roll as worship leader/pastor/shepherd... food for though and prayerful consideration.

Praying the Lord uses all of you mightily and helps you strike the right balance in all these things.

Would love to hear your thought on these topic so please leave a comment to this blog post.

Thanks for stopping by!

