Monday, June 29, 2015

"Love Wins" Whose love wins?

"Love wins" is an interesting thought. Whose love wins? Mankind or God's Love? Which matters most? 

I'm reminder that we are to love one another because in the church we don't do a great job doing that and it's more PC to love those outside of the church as it would seem.

I've tried to stay out of the ugliness that has been brought to the surface regarding the recent decision on marriage in the US. I am breaking my silence in order to share this brief article that speaks to the church very directly and in a balanced way: "5 Things Jesus Would Say to the Gay Community" 

Please read & pray over what is shared. 

We're called to love our neighbors as ourselves. This doesn't mean we have to agree with everything / everyone as some would espouse including this specific decision. It does mean that we aren't to hate but again are to love our neighbors. That's part of the love, the Love of God that "Wins" as He is the author of love so we ought to seek His Word & Counsel on all these things instead of being PC because we don't want to speak the truth in Love!?

The article is worth a quick read no matter what "side" of the issue you land on. 

Also, Read John 3:16 & Romans 6:23.

Let's all pray for the true love, the love of The Lord to wins...nothing more or less as again, He is the Author of true love & He laid His life down so that we might believe in faith, repent & receive His salvation! Romans 10:9-10. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Praying for Charleston

Those who know me, know I'm a person of faith and today in response to the shooting in Charleston I'm praying for those impacted by the heinous and evil act in Charleston. 9 people murdered because of an evil persons actions! Makes me sick! 

Also, this isn't a time politicize rather how about you and I take the time to reach out your neighbors and simply care for a change?!

Political pundits and the media are already trying to politisize that tragedy already and honesly this senseless act doesn't just boil down to guns for crying out loud but it is about about a broken world full of broken people who need each other and obviously need help! 

There's no easy answer to the solution for these things nor am I trying to give one and you can't legislate what I'm sharing here but you and I can be that change, be that difference and maybe if we all do our part... maybe, just maybe we can can turn the tide and we'll see less mass killing here and abroad?! 

You and I don't know who's at the breaking and I don't know the hearts and minds of the people around us but maybe again, if we took the time to get to really know our fellow man and walk "across the street" the "isle", etc maybe we can help that one person who is about to snap and show them there's a better way?! 

No matter what you believe I ask that you join me in keeping the people of Charleston in your thoughts and if you pray, in your prayers.

Then, go and be the change in the lives of others that they need! 

Friday, April 24, 2015

A Prayer for Wisdom for being slow to speak and quick to listen...

Heavenly Father, help us to have wisdom to know when to speak and when to wait to speak and simply listen. Help us also in times of debate or arguments to be careful to not respond with words of anger as words are really hard to take back. I also think of the old saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words may never hurt me."  although I understand the sentiment...this statement is really a lie because words spoken in anger, etc stick with us and it takes a long time to heal! You teach us that our words can be a blessing or a curse... They can bring life or death to the hearer so help us speak words of blessing and life or not at all. This isn't to pray or say we will never have to work things out but it is to circle back around to the need for us to be slow to speak and quick to listen.... So we can speak words of wisdom, life and blessing when it's time to speak...until then, let us learn to be good listeners. These things are not easy so we really need Your help! 

 In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

#truth #wisdom #life #listen #blessing

Thursday, April 09, 2015

A Prayer for Faith each day....

Don't ask for faith that will move mountains, ask for faith that will move you. 

Heavenly Father, so often I get caught up in the need for "big faith" when really what I need and pray for is faith enough for each day, each battle, each circumstance. Whether "big faith" or "small faith" I simply pray that You will help me have a strong and consistent faith - period! Continue to move me each day and help me to boldly and consistently live out this life and walk with You with and in faith. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Barnabas vs. Barabbas!

In life I want be known as someone more like Barnabas rather than Barabbas! ...and I hope people know the distinction between the two.

My prayer today is that people would really get to know me (we'd all get to know each other), know my heart and see who I really am before they misjudge, cut off, reject me and I pray I'll always do the same for others.

How about you? 

Friday, March 13, 2015

A Prayer for troubled waters...


If God takes you into troubled waters, it's not to drown you, it's to teach you to swim.

Heavenly Father, I praise You that through the good and the bad times You are carrying us each step of the way as our strength, refuge and shield! Keep teaching us to swim as we hold on to and look to You our true life guard Who is always on duty! Help us to by faith jump into the waters no matter how rough they may look!

In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

In a humorous way, I might add that it's kind of like the movie "Finding Nemo"....Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming!

Tuesday, March 03, 2015


Lord, Amidst the often crazy days, The Song "Heartbeat" by Lincoln Brewster keeps running through my head, especially the pre chorus and chorus: 

(Pre Chorus) "You bring order where there's chaos, Nothing separates us
Your love , Your love is stirring in our souls"
(Chorus) "Unite our hearts, To beat for You alone
Fortify our hope, In the faithfulness You've shown
We give our all, To be Your hands and feet
Make our heartbeat Your heartbeat"

Today, and each day, I make this a prayer...Lord, unite our hearts that we may beat for you alone. Fortify our hope in You as you are faithful. Help us to give our all each day striving earnestly to be your hands and feet. Make your heartbeat our heartbeat!

In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen!
Song Link:

#HisHearbeat #OurHearBeat #HandsandFeet

Friday, February 27, 2015

In Memory of Dale McConachie

Praying for comfort and healing for the family and many friends of Dale McConachie who tragically lost his life due to a drunk driver this week.

We hadn't connected in recent years due to attending different churches but I remember him from the early days of my faith and walk with God as someone I admired for his personal faith, integrity and he always seemed to have a gentle spirit / nature about him. 

I know he'll be resting in peace with his savior in heaven.

Besides a heart of gold, he also had a voice of gold which I admired as well especially when he recorded the entire Bible which is a huge accomplishment! Thought I'd share one of the links here in tribute to part of his life's work.

Thank you Dale for your example of a life lived very well!