Monday, March 21, 2016
A Prayer For More Passion for Christ as we remember the Passion of Christ - Monday, March 21, 2016
Read: Luke 22:39-46, John 19, Luke 23:34 and Luke 9:23
Heavenly Father,
As we enter "Passion Week", please help us to have more passion for Christ and live more passionately as we follow Christ.
Father, we so often reserve our awe, wonder and reverence for all You've done for us through Jesus, for different times of year, but, I ask that You help us to live in the awe, wonder and reverence day-to-day as we seek to make Your name great.
May we live for Your Kingdom and glory all the more as we recall His ultimate sacrifice.
Help us to remember the events leading up to Him taking the cross on our behalf. May this keep us sober at all times and never take Your love, grace, truth and sacrifice for granted.
As we remember how He was betrayed, please help us to never betray You or the people You bring into our paths.
As we remember His prayer in the garden in anticipation of what He was soon to take on for us, even to the point where He sweat blood, helps us to pray fervently at all times for Your Will, Your Heart, Your Kingdom, Your People, Your Glory and Your plan.
Help us to toil, sweat, and sacrifice it all if You ask it of us.
As Jesus asked while nailed to the cross, "Father Forgive them as they no not what they do", help us to readily forgive others for even the most trivial things they do to us.
Help us to willingly take up our cross daily and follow Jesus as He willingly took the cross for mankind.
Help us to live fully for You!
Again, Father, I ask that You help us by Your Spirit to have more Passion for Christ as we reflect on The Passion of Christ this week and beyond.
In Jesus Name I praise You and Thank You, Amen.
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