Tuesday, April 24, 2018

9 Tips For Discovering The Will of God.

My Friend,

It's important to discover, understand, and fulfill God's Will for your life.

In life you may seek God's will about many things, such as: what career path you should take, what apprenticeship you should pursue, what college or trade school you should attend, where you should work, what does He want you to get involved with, whether or not He wants you to be and stay single or does He want you to get married, what investments of your time and money you should make, what home church you should be a part of, and many other things that require wisdom in your decision making.

Speaking from experience, there will be times in your life that you will seek God’s Will more often than other times.

I've heard people say at times that, "God's will is a mystery", but, His will isn’t as mysterious as we think it is because sometimes it takes time for Him to reveal it and for us to understand it and receive it, so we think it’s a mystery.

In fact, read the following passages for examples of how He makes His Will for you and I very clear: Romans 12:1-2, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Ephesians 6:5-8.

Take Romans 12:1-2 for instance,  to know God’s Will, you need to reject conforming to this world and instead, allow God to transform you by His Spirit. 

In many passages like this, He clearly lays out His will for you and I. As you abide in His Word, you will see His revealed will because it’s very clear! 

God's Will is knowable, (He wants you to know His will for you), and its clear, (He will make it clear.)

Another thing to consider is that while we serve the same God and reply on  and are empowered by His Holy Spirit, (The same Spirit), He may lead us the same or different direction as others and use us in similar or different ways than others. 

His Word also reminds us that we are one body but there are many gifts and we don't all have the same gifts (see Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12 for example). So again, He may or may not call us to be used the same way as others and He may not lead us in the same direction as others. 

My aim in this communication is to share a small glimpse of some of the Biblical and practical principles about seeking and understanding God's Will as well as practical tips and tools you can utilize so you can figure out what His will is.

Here are 9 Biblical and Practical tips that will be of help as you seek His will:

1. Seek God and His Word First. Read Matthew 6:25‭-‬34
This is where people often get themselves into trouble…they don’t consult God first. They press on with “their plans” and ask God to bless them later…when the direction they are heading or decision they have made…may not be His will. It’s what I call the “Bless my mess” syndrome.  

Remember to see what God’s Word has to say about it because the will of God begins and ends with God and His Word! Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, Keep your eyes, heart, and mind fixed on God's Word. 

2. Consider The Mind of Christ. Read 1 Corinthians 2:16 and James 1:5

As you grow in your walk with The Lord, abide and are obedient to His Word, rely on His Holy Spirit day-by-day, and pray, you grow to know Him, to be more like Him including His mind. We will understand Him more including His Will for us!   

3. Pray.  Read Philippians 4:6 

Have you prayed about it?

Prayer in all things should be a first response and not an afterthought or knee jerk reaction. You should have confidence to approach Him first and know He’ll comfort and direct you! 

4. Seek Wise Counsel. Read Proverbs 15:22 

We think we know God’s will but sometimes, again,  we press forward with “our plans” then we realize things aren’t going well because we didn’t start by seeking His counsel and the wise counsel of others. We forced "our will" because we want what we want sometimes but our will isn’t always aligned with His will. 

Furthermore, you can’t always trust what feels “right” either because sometimes what feels right at that moment very well may not be God’s Will or it may be against His will and Word. Again, what Feels Right doesn’t always mean it’s God’s Will. 

5. Listen. Read James 1:19-20 

Actually listen. Listen to God’s Word and godly Counsel.

6. Wait. Read Psalm 27:14  

Don’t get ahead of God. Wait for Him. 

7. Rely on The Holy Spirit’s Leading. Read John 16:13 and Romans 8:26 

The Holy Spirit will help you understand God’s will for you! Even when we don’t have the words and don’t have it all together…The Spirit of God is at work on our behalf! 
Again, this applies even when we’re seeking God’s will!

8. Step Out In Faith. Read 2 Corinthians 5:7, Matthew 14:22-33. 
We're called to walk by faith and not by sight. Sometimes God is calling you to step out in faith and in doing so, He'll reveal all or part of His will for you and I. 

Sometimes we're afraid to step out in faith and do what He's clearly called us to do or we think he wants us to do because we want or expect everything lined-up just perfectly or packaged completely with a bow on top, however, God doesn't always do that because He wants you to put faith into action.  

9. Be Patient. 

God’s will and timing are not our own. He may not answer or direct you right away but He will in time, so, keep seeking Him! 

There also may be times when He gives you immediate answers and His will, will be clear! Other times it may not be as clear but in either case it should drive you back to the basics. 

Drive you back to seeking Him and putting into practice all the tools He's provided you with to understand His will for you. 

You have to ask yourself,  Do I want His best for me or not? His will is worth the wait!

Here are the two practical questions you can ask yourself when seeking His Will:

1. Is what I am considering against God and His Word?
If something clearly contradicts God’s Word, then it cannot be God’s Will because God will not contradict Himself. 
2. Is what I am considering going to glorify God?

Bonus: What about the times when you’re presented with 2 or more options that are all Good or Neutral options?

These are times you still seek God and His Word for Wisdom and direction but He seems silent and leaves the choice up to you. He knows you will make the right decision. 

I'd also submit to you that God is never really silent. Why? Because He's always speaking to us through His Word and His Holy Spirit's guidance. 

Final Thoughts: 

God knows exactly what you’re facing including the decisions you are seeking to make and He wants to help you understand His Will for you and He’s given you tools to do so!! 

He knows the outcome because it’s His will! 

Please always remember that discovering God’s Will, again, begins and ends with God and His Word. 

I pray these tips are useful to you as you grow in your walk with Christ and seek to understand His Will. 

Let me encourage and challenge you to seek The Lord First, seek His Word often, seek Him through prayer, seek wise counsel, listen to Him, wait on Him, follow the leading of The Holy Spirit, step out in faith, and be patient…by doing so…God will help you understand His Will for you! 

In Christ,

Randolph Koch

P.S. Please pass this encouragement on to others. 

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  1. Thank you for this post Randy. I sometimes forget some of the practical steps involved in SEEKING and LISTENING.

    1. Thank you for your encouragement and taking the time to leave a comment! It often comes down to the "basics" and the practical things we forget to apply sometimes. :-) We all need refreshers as sometimes we get in the way of our own progress because we can overthink or over-complicate things...but God's grace is greater! He will guide us as we seek His will! Hoping this post, while more of a overview, will spur us along in studying God's Word further for ourselves. All the best! Thanks again!

  2. Thank you Randy, this really hit the spot. Not just for today, but for things I've been struggling with recently, and will be facing even more so head-on here very soon. May God continue to bless the work you are doing, I will surely pass this along as well.

    1. Hello and thank you for taking the time to share. Glad this was helpful. It just scratches the surface and I hope it spurs us on to steady all the more through these practical tips. Thank you for your encouragement and thanks for passing this along! Honored to serve the body of Christ!
