It's important to discover, understand, and fulfill God's Will for your life.
In life you may seek God's will about many things, such as: what career path you should take, what apprenticeship you should pursue, what college or trade school you should attend, where you should work, what does He want you to get involved with, whether or not He wants you to be and stay single or does He want you to get married, what investments of your time and money you should make, what home church you should be a part of, and many other things that require wisdom in your decision making.
Speaking from experience, there will be times in your life that you will seek God’s Will more often than other times.
I've heard people say at times that, "God's will is a mystery", but, His will isn’t as mysterious as we think it is because sometimes it takes time for Him to reveal it and for us to understand it and receive it, so we think it’s a mystery.
Here are 9 Biblical and Practical tips that will be of help as you seek His will:
Speaking from experience, there will be times in your life that you will seek God’s Will more often than other times.
I've heard people say at times that, "God's will is a mystery", but, His will isn’t as mysterious as we think it is because sometimes it takes time for Him to reveal it and for us to understand it and receive it, so we think it’s a mystery.
In fact, read the following passages for examples of how He makes His Will for you and I very clear: Romans 12:1-2, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Ephesians 6:5-8.
Take Romans 12:1-2 for instance, to know God’s Will, you need to reject conforming to this
world and instead, allow God to transform you by His Spirit.
In many passages like this, He clearly lays out His will for you and I. As you abide in His Word, you will see His revealed will because
it’s very clear!
God's Will is knowable, (He wants you to know His will for you), and its clear, (He will make it clear.)
Another thing to consider is that while we serve the same God and reply on and are empowered by His Holy Spirit, (The same Spirit), He may lead us the same or different direction as others and use us in similar or different ways than others.
His Word also reminds us that we are one body but there are many gifts and we don't all have the same gifts (see Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12 for example). So again, He may or may not call us to be used the same way as others and He may not lead us in the same direction as others.
My aim in this communication is to share a small glimpse of some of the Biblical and practical principles about seeking and understanding God's Will as well as practical tips and tools you can utilize so you can figure out what His will is.