Showing posts with label Reshare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reshare. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Meeting each day with faith, worship, and prayer.

My Friend, 

Life is hard sometimes and we're reminded in 2 Timothy 3:1-7 that difficult times will come. 

We can be brought to places of deep grief, sorrow, and pain. 

As we grow in Christ, we know we can trust Him as we go through each season. 

We can choose to meet our highest and lowest points of life in worship unto The Lord and faith in Him. 

He is The One Who sustains us and He is the healer of our hearts, minds, and souls. 

Read, study, and take to heart 1 Peter 5:7 Psalm 34:1‭-‬4, Romans 8:18, Romans 5:3–4, James 1:12, John 16:33, Isaiah 43:2, Psalm 23:4. 

Then may you consider turning to Him in faith, worship, and prayer no matter what you face each day because you know He is with you! 

You're in my prayers.

Your brother and servant in Christ, 

Randolph Koch 

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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

You Will Be And Are Accountable To God.

Read and Study: 2 Corinthians 5:1-10

My Friend,

Who or what do you live for and who or what do you embrace and promote?

We live in a broken world, and yet I have to admit that I find it absolutely shocking to see what's going on in our world today at times.

People calling good bad and bad good. People promoting and embracing the most heinous things. Their behavior is horrible and yet they are deemed "good" and "moral" in the eyes of this world.

This is even true sometimes of those who call themselves followers of Christ. They promote some of the most ungodly and vile things and people. Some even claim that Jesus would as well?!

My Pastor recently reminded me that we will be accountable to God for what we embrace or promote.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Then ask yourself:
-Do you embrace that which is unbiblical and ungodly?
--Do you care more about the world than God?
-Do you live more for the world than God?
-Do you love the world more than you love God?

We need to care more about people's eternal well being, their very souls, and eternal destination than that which is momentarily popular.

If you're a follower of Christ then you and I need to stand on biblical principles with Jesus as our foundation. We need to stop playing games. The world is not our foundation but Jesus is.

Furthermore, the world does not and should not dictate our behavior and morals, but God's Word should as it's full of principles for life and godliness.

Friend... I challenge you to seek to live for Him, His kingdom, His glory and your eternal future and not for this world, it's ways, and this little temporal "kingdom".

I challenge you to love people in Jesus name but to not embrace or promote that which goes against God and His Word. If you choose to do so anyway, just remember that you will stand before God one day and you will be accountable.

Your brother and servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

P.S. Please share this encouragement with others and please also pray and give if possible to our first ever fundraiser.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Let All You Do Be Done In Love.

Hello My Friend,

Many people today are not responding to things with love in mind nor are they keeping it in the forefront of all they do.

Their words and actions are far from loving and are often far from being motivated by love.

For some of us, it seems as though God needs to take us behind the proverbial woodshed and help correct our behavior. :-)

As followers of Christ we should not emulate the wrong behavior that others choose to display, rather, we should be spurred on by Christ's love for us and the great love of God The Father.

Even in times of conflict, disagreement, and opposition, we're to act and react in love.
Even in times where we are angry, we need to remember to love. 
Even in times of correction, we're to be motivated by and we should season it with love. (Just like God does with us.)

It's not easy but it's how God commands us to operate.

So, let all you do be done in love. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Because of His great love for us.

Your Brother and Servant in Christ, 

Randolph Koch

P.S. Please prayerfully help me with my first ever fundraiser for my little ministry. Please share this small fundraiser with your church family and friends.

If you'd rather not give via the fundly site, please feel free to use Cash App sending to user name $ashepherdsheart

Or PayPal sending to
Or PayPal's Venmo app by sending to @ashepherdsheart

Thursday, May 28, 2020

We're All A Work In Progress.

My Friend, We're all a work in progress.
If anything has reminded me of this, it's been taking the accident recovery day by day.
Besides the shut down for the Corona Virus, these last two weeks has caused me to slow down.
It's caused me to do things differently, (like getting dressed 😂) or caused me to not do certain everyday things, like mowing the lawn, because right now...I can't.
It's frustrating at times and riddled with pain, but, at the same time it's making me more and more less self-reliant and more reliant on God and others.
This period of time reminds me of life in general as we're all a work in progress... and progress, healing, goals, and progressive sanctification takes time.
Life is all a process and really a product of God's grace and provision.
Let's be thankful that God isn't finished with us yet. He's still on the throne, He's our provider, The Great Physician and will see us through.
Let's pray for one another that we we don't fight being a work in progress.
Thank you for your prayers and know that you are in my prayers too!
As I continue to recover from the accident, I'll assess when to begin posting again somewhat regularly in the future via social medial and here on my A Shepherd's Heart website. 
Your Brother and Servant in Christ, Randolph Koch

#ashepherdsheart #ReShare #livelifeonpurpose #faith #hope #truth #wisdom #life #Jesus #Christian #Christianity #Christfollower