Showing posts with label Strength. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strength. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 07, 2022

December 2022 Memory Verses

For our December scripture memorization, I've suggested Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 7:14, and John 1:14, which are just a few of the many verses that point to Jesus birth and life, which is fitting this Christmastime.

As always, I've suggested the ESV version, which is the version I use most often, however, if you have another good word for word translation you enjoy, feel free of course to memorize it in that version.
You'll notice that following the verses are some basic themes/topics. I've included those suggestions as I learned many years ago that having at least one theme or topic in mind when you memorize scripture helps you store them in your memory and as you have conversations with others in the future, I can guarantee that as those themes/topics come up, the scripture you've memorized will also come to mind and you may share encouragement from God's Word or re-encourage yourself!
May you continue to abide in God's Word through reading, studying, memorization and living it out as vital keys to our growth.
Have fun with scripture Memorization! Don't stress about it! And, as always, be in The Word and stay in The Word!
You're in my prayers and please reach out if you need any tips.
Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
P.S. If you need some scripture memorization tips, please check out this article:
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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Meeting each day with faith, worship, and prayer.

My Friend, 

Life is hard sometimes and we're reminded in 2 Timothy 3:1-7 that difficult times will come. 

We can be brought to places of deep grief, sorrow, and pain. 

As we grow in Christ, we know we can trust Him as we go through each season. 

We can choose to meet our highest and lowest points of life in worship unto The Lord and faith in Him. 

He is The One Who sustains us and He is the healer of our hearts, minds, and souls. 

Read, study, and take to heart 1 Peter 5:7 Psalm 34:1‭-‬4, Romans 8:18, Romans 5:3–4, James 1:12, John 16:33, Isaiah 43:2, Psalm 23:4. 

Then may you consider turning to Him in faith, worship, and prayer no matter what you face each day because you know He is with you! 

You're in my prayers.

Your brother and servant in Christ, 

Randolph Koch 

Connect with A Shepherd's Heart: (Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, YouTube, Website, YouVersion, Telegram, and More).

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok.

#trials #faith #hope #truth #wisdom #life #Jesus #Bible #GodsWord #heart #mind #soul #strength #HolySpirit #encourage #trustgodbro #encouragement #Christian #Christianity #Christfollower #ashepherdsheart #ReShare #livelifeonpurpose

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Finding Strength & Hope In Forgiveness

Read and Study Proverbs 3:5‭-‬6 ESV; Romans 10:9‭-‬10 ESV; Psalm 103:12 ESV; and Psalm 139:14 ESV

To the people who care about you, you are not a nuisance or a waste of time. 

Don't let doubts discourage you from living a full life. Time is short and you can't change or take back regrets, but you can control where you focus your energy now clear into the future. 

Realizing this empowers you to feel in control of your journey. Anxiety and fear numbs, but forgiveness brings a visceral freshness unparalleled by anything that could be conjured in an impaired mind.

Dig deep, push back, fight the lies, forgive yourself, and be strengthened. YOU are worth the time and energy even if it's a challenge to believe it.

For my fellow believers Proverbs 3:5-6 is a great launching point to maintain a healthy idea of what is truth vs a lie by "not leaning on your own understanding." V5. It says the Lord "will make your path straight" V6. That straight path is hard to find without the forgiveness given on the cross. 

When you confess and become saved (Roman's 10:9-10) you are forgiven in the deepest way possible. As far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12)! Now we have to decide if we want to accept that God's free gift of grace and forgiveness is enough. 

He is the only one who constantly says you're worth the time when you believe a lie. He is the only one who will continually wash you white as snow all the while not leaving or forsaking you even when the accuser roams. You are a child of God and therefore loved, cared for, forgiven, and wonderfully + fearfully made (Psalm 139:14).

Hold on to hope my friends!!

God Bless 

- Noah

Picture of a view of The Pacific Ocean From Otter Crest By Noah Koch

We're blessed to have Noah Koch as a guest contributor to A Shepherd's Heart. He hails from the Pacific Northwest in the USA where he actively and passionately lives life on purpose for The Lord. He's very creative and talented 
as a communicator, photographer, musician, and writer. He has a true servant's heart. We prayerfully look forward to further guest posts from Noah in the future.

Please prayerfully consider helping this ministry through a gift of any size via our first ever fundraiser:

Friday, October 18, 2019

You Were Created And Set Free To Serve!

I recall hearing Pastor Greg Laurie say the following:
"God looks at us and says, “I know what you can be. You don’t know it yet, but I know. I know what I can make you into. You’ll be a mighty man of God. You’ll be a mighty woman of God.” -Greg Laurie

Friend, You are His workmanship and He has uniquely created you with a specific purpose, will, and plan for you in mind. Through His free gift of salvation you've been set free from the bondage of sin and have been given a new life in Christ.

He did this because He loves you with a perfect and eternal love!

Pause for a moment and let these truths sink in.

This speaks volumes to me because He not only saved us but thought exactly what He created us to do according to His purpose, will, and plan! We're unique in Him and made by and for Him! We are set apart by and for Him!

With this in mind, have you considered that you can and should freely serve Him and that you've been called to do so?

We don't serve to somehow "continue to earn our salvation" rather, we serve out of love for Him and thanksgiving for all He's done for us.

Please note that serving isn't just for "The professionals" as in the paid and volunteer pastors and is for ALL of us!

So, what's holding you back from serving the Lord?

Let's pray for one another that we get off of our seats and really live to be His Hands and Feet for His kingdom and glory!

Please read and study Ephesians 2:10 (ESV),James 2:14-18 (ESV), and 1 Samuel 12:24 (ESV) for encouragement from God's Word and then walk in the work He's call you to do.

Your Brother and Servant In Christ, 

Randolph Koch

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Great I AM Is With You!

Read Exodus 3:13-15, Mark 8:29, and Matthew 16:15

In Holiness and Great Power God spoke these words about Who He IS... "I AM WHO I Am.". (Exodus 3:13-15)

God is the Great I AM that generations have worshiped and revered! He is The One true God Who is beyond time and space. He’s always been…He has no beginning and no end. He simply...IS!
Flash forward to the New Testament where Jesus stated He was the I AM and Jesus asked on multiple occasions, "Who do you say that I Am?" (Mark 8:29 and Matthew 16:15)

This question is vital to you and I as Who He His and how we view Him should collide with and change our world view including our sense of identity as our identity ought to be ground in The Great I AM!

You and I need to also understand that Jesus is the same I AM being fully God Who chose to come in the flesh to dwell among us. 

No matter what you're facing right now, pause for a moment and remember that if you're in Christ, You walk with The Great I AM...and, He is with you always!  

Your Brother and Servant In Christ,

Randolph Koch

Friday, June 29, 2018

Parenting: The Art Of The Release and Other Practical Advice.

Read Proverbs 22:6, 2 Peter 1:3-12, Colossians 1:28-29, John 4:7-14 for an encouragement and challenge from God’s Word.
As a dad who has helped raise 5 kids, (All but one are young adults now but I give most of the credit to my wife that they made it into adulthood alive) :-), it’s not uncommon to reflect on things you could have or wished you’d done better as well as the things you did do well too. As I reflected recently, there were many things that came to mind and wanted to share a few reflections / learnings with you. There more to share another time but here's a mini-share for now. :-)
As a parent you learn quickly that there’s no manual for parenting other than of course as followers of Christ, the pages of wisdom found in God’s word.  We are also influenced in one way or another by how we were raised. So, each parent does (or should do) their very best to raise their children with the goal of launching them into adulthood, because launching them is the goal.
As followers of Christ we strive to model an abiding faith in Christ for our children.  However, as they launch into adulthood we have to remember that they have to choose to own their faith and even prior to this they have to own their faith if they are a follower of Christ.
Years ago I read a book by Stu Weber titled, “Tender Warrior” and in that book he describes a quiver of arrows.  What I learned is that there are different arrows for different weather conditions and as I recall, Stu used this as a picture of how each child is different and we pour into them differently and it's not easy sometimes to remember and do, but from the time they are born until they launch into adulthood we are practicing the art of the release. If you've done any amount of archery you quickly get the mental picture of that release.
"If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time." -Zig Ziglar
You have to have a direct aim with parenting and while it’s true that we do need to keep the day-by-day in mind, we also have to keep the future release in mind as we have a responsibility to help launch them successfully.  Ultimately we are not responsible for their actions, for the actions they choose, but, we are responsible for pouring as much into them as possible. 

This doesn’t mean we’re so wrapped up in their lives that we neglect our marriages and don’t continue to build a relationship with their spouses, (keep in mind, once they are launched it’s just you and your spouse if our married and you need to build into your relationship all along and if you haven't...that can make things difficult for your relationship) but it does mean we are responsible to do our very best in God’s strength in order to help our kids become adults.
The scripture reminds us that we’re to train up a child in the way they are to go and the hope is that they would turn to the truths that have been instilled in them from God’s word as well as the wisdom and life skills we tried to instill in them as parents. 
Remember this, as parents, none of us are perfect and we need to learn from our mistakes and grow in grace even for ourselves. We also need to draw from God’s Wisdom and Strength often as parents and consult Him through His Word and prayer. Please drink deeply from God’s Well! As we do, we can build into our children and practice the “release” and speaking from experience, as the day comes more quickly than we imagine. So, you and I better be ready and stay ready building into them as we practice releasing them into adulthood and we can’t do this in our own strength and wisdom alone.
Another thing to consider is that you don't have to go it alone with parenting nor should you. You should seek out and learn from the wisdom and experience of other parents who are at different stages in parenting or stages ahead of you as you progress forward as well. You can and will be used in the lives of other parents too!
Let's pray for one another as parents and let's encourage each other to keep pressing forward. Also, guess what…as your kids launch into adulthood, they will still need you and your counsel so get ready for spontaneous late night conversations on their terms (even in high school) because even though they want to be independent, they still want your counsel too. Doesn’t mean they will follow that advice but it does mean they still want your input so be ready for that! :-)
Keep pressing forward and practice the good form of release just like and archer does. 
In Christ,
Your Brother and Servant,

Randolph Koch

Please consider helping this ministry through prayer and other ways! Find out more here:

Also, here are a few ideas of how I can serve you:

Monday, January 15, 2018

5 Practical Things You Need To Do When God Seems Distant!

Read:  Deuteronomy 31:6, Hebrews 13:5, 1 Peter 5:8, Ephesians 4:25, Ephesians 6:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, James 1:22, James 4:7, John 15:4, Hebrews 4:16, and Psalm 145:18

I often hear people say that "God is distant" or that "God seems far away" and let me tell you: this is the furthest thing from the truth that anyone can proclaim, think or feel! 

In other words, this is flawed thinking or what I refer to as "stinking thinking".

Why do I say this? "Spoiler Alert" case you forgot...It's because in God's Word, He tells us that He will never leave or forsake us, and we can take Him at His Word! 

Just as the enemy helped confuse Adam and Eve, which contributed to them doubting God and not taking God at His Word as well as led to their sin against Him...he tries to do the same thing in our lives so that we also might doubt God and not take Him at His Word. 

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Lay ALL of Your Burdens Down!

Read: Matthew 11:28 or 1 Peter 5:7

We read passages like Matthew 11:28 or 1 Peter 5:7 where we're instructed about laying our burdens, anxieties and more, down and then we seem to forget about it or say, "that's nice" and then go about "our" business. 

Then, we run into an issue, trial or something that weighs us down and sometimes instead of turning directly to The Lord Who is our strength, we try to carry the burdens on our own. H
ow's that working out for you and I? Not very good...speaking on behalf of "a friend" of course. :-)

It's like we take scripture sometimes as if it's a passing phrase like a well meaning greeting card or something but it's much more than this as it's the very Word of God!

We are not to nor were we ever supposed to carry our burdens on our own. We cannot handle the vast weight nor should we because that's not our job...Jesus is our strength and can carry them's no wonder He instructs us to give all our burdens to Him!?

So, the question is...will you and I continue to be miserable, stressed out and more trying to carry too heavy a load or will you and I listen to The Savior's word of grace, truth and love and actually lay ALL of our burdens down?

I pray that we lay ALL of them Down not just some of them Down, in Jesus name, amen.

Lay ALL of your burdens down friend! 

Blessings in Christ,
Your Brother and Servant,

Randolph Koch

P.S. Do you have a friend who is struggling under the weight of burdens? Encourage them to lay their burdens down...give them all to Jesus! Please pass on this encouragement to someone today! 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Experiencing Joy Through The Gift of Friendship

This may surprise some who read this but, God's purpose isn't to make us happy as some try to other words the idea that "God just wants you to be happy" isn't true plus...happiness is subjective. What makes one person happy isn't the same for the next person.

Now joy on the other hand isn't subjective as joy is a gift from God and a fruit of The Spirit. 

God does want us to experience joy and The Word of God reminds us that the joy of the Lord is our strength. (See Nehemiah 8:10)

Monday, August 21, 2017

A Worthy Walk

Read: Proverbs 10:9 and Ephesians 4:1

As a follower of who has been redeemed at a great and ultimate price, (thanks to the saving work of Jesus) you are called to live your life in a worthy manner. 
A life marked by traits such as integrity, honesty, love, grace, hospitality, unity, honor, forgiveness and much more.
Your life should also bear the fruit of the Spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self control with the help of The Holy Spirit. 

Your life should not be driven by hate, anger, racism, greed, holding grudges, self-centeredness, lying, stealing, character maligning and more.

In a world that is full of negativity as well as negative and destructive and I need to shine His light all the more in the darkness!

Let's pray for each other that we will walk a worthy walk for His kingdom, glory as we are His ambassadors and need to point others to Christ Who is our only true hope!

Watch the brief video above (or via the links below) and then #1 walk a worthy walk and #2 pass this message on! 

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Reject Perfection...Strive for Holiness Instead!

Read:  1 Peter 1:14-16, Hebrews 12:14, 2 Peter 3:18, 1 Corinthians 12:12, Romans 12:4

There is often a spirit of perfection that has influenced and infiltrated The Church today whether in the area of appearance, who is up front on a given Sunday (allowed to be there), in the area of worship etc.  

This may have also infiltrated our regular day-to-day existence at times as we try to achieve a standard that's not attainable.

Maybe you've experienced this too? 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

A Prayer For Moms - A Prayer For Strength and Help - Psalm 28:7 - Wednesday, May 18, 2016

To honor moms during the Month of May, I'm posting prayers especially for moms! The plan is to pray through a different Psalm each week. I pray it ministers to you in a special way! Thank you for all you do! This week here's a prayer for you through Psalm 28:7.

Psalm 28:7 

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your truth, for building me up and daily transforming me as a mom and as Your Daughter as I read Your truth and pray through it. I thank You and praise You for Who You are,  for loving me unconditionally and for being my strength through the good and the bad days. Thank You Father! 

The Lord is my strength and my shield;

Father, I'm overwhelmed sometimes with the weight of responsibilities. 

Sometimes I feel vulnerable and weak...and a bit battle worn on those especially tough parenting days!

Thank You for being my true source of strength.

As I work to dodge arrows that are shot at me from the evil one...

The arrows of negativity and self doubt...

The arrows of negative self image and worth...

The arrows that are full of lies...

and many more...

Thank You for being my protector and deflecting the numerous attacks. 

I praise You because You are my strength and shield and cannot make it through the tough times or good times without You!

in him my heart trusts, and I am helped;

I confess that sometimes I put my trust in myself, other people, my circumstance and more.
I forget Who You are and all You've done and continue to do in my life and the lives of others.

I sometimes let the hurts I've experienced in my past or present cloud the truth that You are good and trustworthy. 

I confess that sometimes I over-identify with the wrong actions of my children as if it's my fault they choose to do the opposite of how I've  taught them...Help my heart trust in Your truth and know the wrong actions truly don't define me as I work hard as a mom...they are just growth moments in time. 

Help me to continue to love my children even through tough circumstances but separate my identity from their actions as I trust in You because I find my identity in and through Christ alone. 

I thank You that I can put my trust in You fully and I ask for Your help through Your Holy Spirit to trust in You at all times as a first response and not as a last resort. 

All You are and all You continue to do in my life cannot be cataloged as it's too numerous but please help me like the times of old recall Your Goodness, Your Help in the good and hard times. In my heart and mind may You build an "altar" of remembrance so when I go through the circumstances of life...I'll always remember where my help comes from.

Shape my heart oh Lord to trust in You always and remember that it's in You that I find my help. 

my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.

Father,  I praise You. My heart is overwhelmed and overjoyed by Your love and grace for me! 

Help me experience Your joy and help me to lift up a song to You in praise and worship through the day-to-day as I walk with You. 

I give You thanks for Who You are. 

I give You thanks for Your provision each day.

I give You thanks for Your Word that I may be instructed on how to live successfully for Your Kingdom and Glory as Your servant.

I give thanks to You for Your helper, Your Holy Spirit's guidance and residency in my life. 

I give You thanks for the life You've blessed me with. 

I thank You for my children.

I thank You for my family.

I thank You for the sometimes daunting but blessed privilege it is to be a mom.

I thank You again for the privilege of being a mom especially as I think of dear friends who haven't yet had the privilege or cannot. Help me to never take it for granted. 

I thank You for the glory I can bring You through being a mom. 

I thank You for the strength You give me when I have none - especially during the time when I'm at the end of my rope with parenting issues. 

I thank You for the numerous blessings You've heaped upon me. 

Most of all I thank You for Your Love and Salvation. 

I praise You and thank You and I ask all these things in His Name, Amen.

In Christ Alone,


Share this truth with someone today: God is my true source of strength and help. Read Psalm 28:7 #ashepherdsheart 

PS. If this post was of encouragement to you...consider sharing it with others whom you believe will be encouraged by it! Thanks! 

Monday, February 29, 2016

A Prayer For When We Feel Or Are Hated by Others - Monday, February 29, 2016

Heavenly Father,
When the world hates us for Your name sake, help us to not grow weary as You experienced all this and much worse than this and more.

Help us to to seek to be peacemakers and trust in You as much as possible in such times as... 

When lies and accusations fly... 
When people in and out of the body of Christ misjudge or make false assumptions of us... When people block us on social media etc with no explanation... 
When people ignore us...
When people mistreat us... 

When people reject us... 
When people don't love us... 
When people don't recognize our abilities, skills and talents...
When people are harsh with us... 

When people propagate false information or reports about us... 
When people don't seek first understand us... 

Help us to remember that You've experienced much worse and You are righteous, loving, kind and just.

Help us guard our hearts and minds.

Help us to understand that You know our hearts and minds and You know the truth about each situation and circumstance.

You will set the record and path straight in Your time as You are a righteous King.

Help us to to proclaim Your good news no matter what we face.

Help us to be ready to give the reason for our faith and joy in Christ at all times.

Help us cling to and trust in You always.

Help us to help others do the same.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


#Prayer #nohate #love #justice #ashepherdsheart #hate
#bible #righteous #heart #mind #soul #strength #earth #peace #love #joy #patience #kindess #goodness #selfcontrol #righteousness #purpose #peacemaker #prayerwarrior

Monday, August 03, 2015

A Prayer for Comfort...

I remember as a small child the times when I'd be sad, afraid or I'd gotten hurt playing outside. I remember running to my mom in tears and she'd often put me on her lap, lay my head against her, speak words of comfort, and I also remember even the sound of her heart beating soothed my sadness. As a child it was comforting to be held by my mom as I knew she loved me and would bring me comfort and would know how to fix what was wrong. :)

Today, I feel they same way and all the more so as the Lord is my comfort, shield and deliver! My prayer today in sharing the above is that you'd experience the Lord's comfort each day during the times of trials and tribulations as well as in the times of peace and rest too! God is more than able to comfort you, lift you up and fix and bring you through whatever you are facing today and tomorrow and beyond! May you cling to Him always and may He also bring close family and friends into your life to help lift you up, encourage you and help you weather the storms along with Him as your chief refuge! In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Rise Up!

Here's a little Bible and Praise Pick-Me-Up for your Friday!

The Word:

Isaiah 40:28-31 (NASB)

28 Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth
Does not become weary or tired.
His understanding is inscrutable.
He gives strength to the weary,
And to him who lacks might He increases power.
30 Though youths grow weary and tired,
And vigorous young men stumble badly,
31 Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.

Lincoln Brewster - "Strength Will Rise" -

Chris Tomlin - "I Will Rise" -

Matt Maher - "Rise Up" -
Have a great weekend!

In Christ Alone,


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

7.8 Magnitude Earthquake in China.

A colleague of mine in Asia forwarded several pictures and articles to me over the last week. (Since the day of the earthquake which was a little over a week ago.)

My heart cries out for these people who have suffered under the weight of the rubble as rescuers search for them, and those who are suffering the loss of their loved ones and for those who have lost their lives.

Please pray for them!

I’ve also learned that Medical Teams International is currently working to send over a half millions pounds of supplies to help them and they’re working with Boeing to deliver the supplies via several new planes that they are already planning to delivery to China. Please pray that this effort will be successful and help support them as God leads!

I’m reminded of the following scripture and will direct my prayers that those who are directly impacted by this disaster will be comforted by Him.

“God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam and the mountains
quake with their surging.”
~Psalm 46:1-3

Again, I will pray that God will comfort them during this devastating time and I'll especially pray that they would come to a personal relationship with the Him. May the Body of Christ be there to minister to the hurting and share His love while meeting the physical needs!

I wanted to share a few pictures that once you see them, I believe you’ll be moved to prayer as I have been. Please note: These images may be disturbing but they are also the reality of what has happened and what is occurring due to the Earthquake. Thanks for your prayers. Please see the below.

Please join me in prayer!

Humbled in Christ,


A boy is rescued from the debris of a collapsed building after an earthquake in Dujiangyan, Sichuan province May 13, 2008. [Agencies]

Bodies of many of the victims. [Agencies]

Several young children trapped in the rubble. Note the IV attached to one of them onthe left. Some apparently are alive while some sadly are not. [Agencies]

Young Man trapped in the rubble. [Agencies]

Young Boy receiving medical attention. [Agencies]

The Remnants of what was once a building. [Agencies]

Please pray!