My Friend,
What are you holding onto? Or, What are the things that you are trying to "take care of yourself" but you should really be letting go of? What are the wounds, hurts, and fears that you are packing with you wherever you go?
Do you realized that all these things hinder your growth and forward walk? These burdens are too heavy a load for you to carry and you aren't supposed to carry them in the first place!
Sometimes we have a very hard time letting go of the past and present hurts.
Let me encourage you to pray and ask The Holy Spirit to spotlight your heart, mind, and life for areas you've been hanging on to things that you really need to let go of. Then...LET IT GO!
Hand everything over to Him!
Hand it over to God as He's The Only One Who can carry your burdens and remember...He never intends for you to try and carry that which He can only carry.
Let's pray for one another to more readily give things over to God. Let's pray that we'll stop trying to take the place of Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and God The Father as we're Not them so we need to stop trying to be our own "god" or someone else's.
Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
Read, Pray about, and Take to Heart 1 Peter 5:7.
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