Friday, May 07, 2021

Beware Of Pride.

My Friend,

This world is so full of pride and arrogance sometimes. So much so that it's sickening. We see it all over the TV, social media, pretty much everywhere you turn.
Sadly, some in the church are very prideful to the point they no longer represent Jesus, rather, they only seek their own gain and fame.
I'm reminded of Proverbs 16:18 where we're instructed that pride comes before destruction or in some versions it says it comes before the fall.
In other words, if your life is full of pride and you head down that path, you are heading toward destruction and you are not representing Jesus well as His ambassador.

None of us are immune to pride. We are prideful intentionally or unintentionally. We need to not be like the world. I'm not talking about a general "taking pride in what you do" rather, I'm talking about true pride and arrogance. I think we all know the difference between pride and humility.
Be careful how you communicate. Be careful how you respond to others. Be careful how you post and what you post on. Even in the name of "truth" we can be arrogant.
As they say, "check yourself before you wreck yourself." Pause before you respond to someone or post something and ask The Holy Spirit if your heart has any pride or arrogance in it through what you're about to say or do?
Always remember Who you represent and strive daily to do it well and by doing so, you will honor Him and continue down the right path.
Seek humility instead of pride even in speaking the truth.
Your brother and servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch

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  1. Randolph...such good words of wisdom! I agree. Pride causes harm, to the prideful person as well as those around them.

    1. Dear Pam,Thank you for your encouragement! Amen! So true...pride hurts all parties. Let's pray for all. Thanks for your comment! Blessings!
