Friday, November 12, 2021

Giving Is A Gift.

My Friend,

Giving to God from our first fruits for His Kingdom and Glory, and giving to help others is a gift, privilege, and a blessing. We give because He first gave!

There are numerous scriptures about giving and as you study God's Word, (which I encourage you to do) you'll see that giving is not meant to be some legalistic thing but something God wants us to continue to consider and then take action. God doesn't need your money but He does want you to give and we need to be doers and not just hearers about giving and everything He teaches us! 

Let me encourage you to seek God first through His Word and prayer and ask Him what He would have you do in giving of all the resources He's blessed you with. 

And then, be faithful to do what He impresses upon you to do via The Holy Spirit.

Don't give out of mere obligation or with a bad attitude because it's not "I have to give", rather, it's a "I have the privilege to give!
Let me encourage you to be generous, sacrificial, consistent and cheerful as you give of your money (that He gave you in the first place) as well as your other resources such as your time and talents all for His kingdom and glory! There are so many needs and we can help fill them little by little. 

Read, study, and live out 2 Corinthians 8-9, 2 Corinthians 9:7, Acts 20:35 for starters. 

Then study the scriptures more about giving, tithes, offerings, and more as you continue to seek The Lord about the blessing and gift of giving. 

You're in my prayers.

Your Brother and Servant In Christ,
Randolph Koch

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