My Friend,
I wanted to share something I communicated in 2019 as I believe someone needs to hear this and receive this reminder and small glimpse of Who He Is!Read Exodus 3:13-15. In Holiness and Great Power God spoke these words about Who He IS... "I AM WHO I Am.".
God is The Great I AM that generations have worshiped and revered! He is The One true God Who is beyond time and space. He’s always been…He has no beginning and no end. He simply...IS!
Flash forward to the New Testament where Jesus stated He was the I AM and Jesus asked on multiple occasions, "Who do you say that I Am?" (Mark 8:29 and Matthew 16:15)
This question is vital to you and I as Who He is and how we view Him should collide with and change our world view including our sense of identity as our identity ought to be grounded in The Great I AM!
He is the same I AM Who was there during creation and Who spoke everything into existence.
He is the same I AM Who gave us life.
He is the same I AM Who carries you, sustains you, guides you, and protects you day-by-day.
You and I need to also understand that Jesus is the same I AM being fully God Who chose to come in the flesh to dwell among us.
No matter what you're facing right now, pause for a moment and remember that if you're in Christ, You walk with The Great I AM...and, He is with you always!
You're in my prayers.
Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
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