Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New Features!

You may have already noticed but I wanted to let you know that I've added 4 new features to this blog which you'll see on the right navigation bar.

Here's what I've added:

Feature 1: Verse of the day
Feature 2: Weekly Bible Memory Verses
Feature 3: Read Through the Bible in a Year Plan
Feature 4: My Book Shelf - gives you the titles and information about a few of the books I'm currently reading.

You can click on each of these features to read or go to further information.

Regarding the first three features, I've wanted to add something like these for a while and just figured out the best way to do so.

Scripture is vital and having an additional tool to help you read and memorize it verse-by-verse is a practical addition. Note: these tools are linked to the ESV however, you can use it as a guide to read any version you like or simply use it as a tool to read your favorite version.

