Showing posts with label FIREPROOF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FIREPROOF. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 10, 2008



I've taken a few weeks off from writing as life has been crazy busy but I wanted to get back to it by sharing info about an important movie that is coming out this month called FIREPROOF.

It's from the creators of Facing the Giants and I've inserted a widget below so you can view the movie trailer and other information and help spread the word!

For those who are married - whether your marriage is going very well or you're going through a tough season, I want to encourage you to see this movie and encourage others to do the same.

Check out the information and you'll see what I mean and then help spread the word and get as many people, especially married couples, even those who have started the divorce process, to go see this movie!!

I'll be praying that God will use this movie as a tool to strengthen and rebuild marriages and ultimately bring Glory to Him.

If you have problems hearing the audio through the widget, you may need to pause the audio on the playlist Tunes which is on the right side of your screen toward the bottom of the side bar.

All the best!

Your Brother and Servant,
