Showing posts with label Marriage Covenant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage Covenant. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

In Celebration of Our 25th Wedding Anniversary!

Dear Friends of A Shepherd's Heart,

I wanted to share that today, August 20, 2019 is a very special day as it's my wife Angela and my 25th wedding anniversary! (08/20/1994)

Happy Anniversary Angela!!

Friends, I'm reminded that love is gift from God. His love especially is a gift but also the love He blesses two imperfect people with to share within the covenant of marriage.

I've heard it said that, "Love does not consist of merely gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction."  - Unknown

25 years ago today my wife Angela and I began a journey of looking forward together in the same direction in life including the same direction in pursuing and serving God and serving others.

We've experienced many good times and times of trials and it's amazing to look back and see all that we've been through, all that God has brought us through!

All of these things have made us stronger and we've been blessed many times over together as well as through the 5 children God has blessed us with!

I married a strong, godly, independent, intelligent lady who is beautiful inside and out.

She continues to blossom even more into who God has created and called her to be the 27 years I've been blessed to know her! (We dated for a year, were engaged for a year, and have been married for 25 years)

In 25 years of marriage she has helped me be a better man, husband, dad, friend, communicator, writer, follower of Christ, and servant.

In reflecting on our years of marriage, I'm drawn back to the truths of God's Word. In 1 Corinthians 13 where God instructs us that love is patient, kind, and doesn't seek its own. He also says that love bears, believes, and hope all things...and that love never fails or ends. He enables us to be able to love this way by His strength and the work of The Holy Spirit.

Love isn't always easy but it's a daily choice. Love is a commitment, it's sacrificial, and it's active. You also don't stop loving when you have a bad day, rather, you stay resolute in love and in the covent you made between each other and God.

Without God working in our lives we would not be celebrating our 25th Anniversary as He's the One Who joined us together and He has continued to sustain us all these years.

I trust that He will no doubt continue to sustain and enable us to love and care for one another.

I'm thankful that God gives us the capacity, strength, and will to love.

I'm thankful for the gift of marriage.

I look forward to continuing to look and head the same direction together in the adventure and journey that still lies ahead.

Here's to many more years to come!

Friends, Thank you for your prayer covering as Angela and I continue to head the same direction together in Jesus name.

Sincerely In Christ,

Randolph Koch

A Recent Christmas Time. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2008



I've taken a few weeks off from writing as life has been crazy busy but I wanted to get back to it by sharing info about an important movie that is coming out this month called FIREPROOF.

It's from the creators of Facing the Giants and I've inserted a widget below so you can view the movie trailer and other information and help spread the word!

For those who are married - whether your marriage is going very well or you're going through a tough season, I want to encourage you to see this movie and encourage others to do the same.

Check out the information and you'll see what I mean and then help spread the word and get as many people, especially married couples, even those who have started the divorce process, to go see this movie!!

I'll be praying that God will use this movie as a tool to strengthen and rebuild marriages and ultimately bring Glory to Him.

If you have problems hearing the audio through the widget, you may need to pause the audio on the playlist Tunes which is on the right side of your screen toward the bottom of the side bar.

All the best!

Your Brother and Servant,
