Showing posts with label Christian Conduct. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian Conduct. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How Shall We Respond? A Little Q&A About Our Current Times.


From time to time I'll receive questions from those God has blessed me with the opportunity to serve. 

Recently I received another thoughtful question from someone regarding how we as followers of Christ should respond to current events going on in our world. 

My response isn't "profound" by any means and others may have a different perspective on this, but, I thought it might be an encouragement to you in some way and a starting point as you seek The Lord for similar things. So, with the permission of the person who asked the question, and with their name omitted, here is the question and prayerful answer. 

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch


"Hello brother in Christ. I have an honest question. No underlying motive in asking, just looking for an honest answer on your perspective. As a man who appears to be grounded in Biblical truth as far as I can tell through what you post, what is your stance on America's current state and the church's, the body of Christ, needed response in light of all that is going on? Are we being too "quiet", too fearful, are we speaking up as we should into the myriad of issues?  It seems there is much, "mixed", for lack of a better word, response from the church. Do we need to be a bit more fierce, is there too much fear of man in the church as a whole? Ok more than one question and they are some loaded questions lol."


Friday, April 12, 2019

Spiritual Warfare: Submit, Resist, and he will Flee!

Read: Ephesians 6:10-18 and James 4:7

Some time ago, I went through a Spiritual Warfare 101 Bible study (by Chip Ingram) with a small group/community group that met every other week. 

I really gained a lot from the Bible study and I wanted to share some brief thoughts with you about it as it's not a topic that we often talk about in The Church but none-the-less it's in His Word and a very real battle. (See Ephesians 6:12-13 and other passages) 

Also, as a word of caution, some often over-spiritualize spiritual warfare and we have to remind ourselves to be in God's Word and seek Him often as not everything is "spiritual warfare". (I have very real examples of this but to keep this post brief, I won't  take the time share here.)

We need to look at and treat spiritual warfare Biblically and not let our emotions overshadow what is or isn't spiritual warfare. We need to guard against over-spiritualization of important and very real matters such as this.  

Ok, side note/disclaimer stated, now let's get into what I aim to briefly share. :-) 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Your Words Matter!

"A Tongue has no bones but it is strong enough to break a heart. Be careful with your words!" -Unknown

Have you heard that old saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but works may never heart me."? Well, the idea is that words shouldn't hear you but you and I know they do and they are harder to set right and takes longer to heal from than a broken bone!

Here's What James has to say about our tongue/how strong our words really are:
"If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things."

"How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell. For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so." -James 3:3-10  (ESV)
Our words and actions are powerful and our words have the ability to breathe life or breathe death, they have the power to be a blessing or a curse. 

As people who follow the Lord and are called according to His purpose - we ought to breathe life especially in this often discouraging and dark world. We need to be a light and encouragement to others. Furthermore, we should receive encouragement and not rush past a moment because our schedules stress us out or we perceive it's not of value...

Whatever the case may be, may we seek to share life giving words and not tear ourselves or others down anymore. Amen?!

In Christ,

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Walk in Integrity

Here's wisdom from the Proverbs: Read Proverbs 28:6

Do you realize that your integrity, character, reputation is far greater than riches or any worldly gain especially as you are representing Christ in all you do.
So, today and each day - remember to walk in integrity!



Tuesday, April 09, 2013

The world is watching

"The world is watching to see whether Christians really are different or not." -Alistair Begg

It's true, they are watching...and so is The remember Who you're representing! Something to think about each day! Let's pray that we (The Church - the young and the old) are found to be representing Him well!

Be Blessed,


Monday, November 08, 2010

“Planet Me”

The Word:

Read: (and memorize) Philippians 2:3-4

Additional Reading: Philippians 2:1-13, Romans 12:5, Ephesians 2:10

“Planet Me” by Randolph Koch

Sometimes we get caught up living our lives in an unpleasing manner. Or we’ve possibly fallen into patterns or times of selfishness. We even come across as selfish without even knowing it sometimes. Everywhere we look, the news, TV, the newspaper, etc. we see evidence of lives motivated by selfish desires and actions.

True selfishness can turn into sin. Unless it’s dealt with quickly, it can be very destructive to those who choose to live this way. In past generations and in our current world cultures, people have chosen to live their lives completely for their own needs, wants, desires, and ambitions. This is such a shallow existence and sadly you may stop for a moment to realize that someone you know may come to mind. It’s as if they think they’re “a planet” and everything and everyone on the face of the earth revolves around them. Pray for them or if
it’s you, pray that the Lord will help you break free from these chains. As we look back in history we’ll find that many dictators and other figures were motivated by things like hatred, greed, envy, jealousy, etc., all of which seem to have selfishness at there root. Saul in his jealousy toward and at times rage against David, the nation of Israel as they chose to worship the Golden calf instead of the One true God they knew delivered them from Egypt, as well as Jacob as he stole his brother's birth right, all were driven by selfishness. Just to name a few. Don’t be like them! Learn from their mistakes and help others live right before the Lord our God. No matter what society, the world, or the evil one tries to dictate about
how we should live and operate in this life- let us never forget to place our lives and actions in His hands so we might live our lives pleasing to Him. We have to live our lives with others, including God in mind. The same applies, at work, home, church, or even while driving when someone cuts you off in traffic. Even when your co-worker or a leader at church treats you with disrespect. Choose to please God and “take the high road” if at all possible in every situation. This is tough at times but we need to be found trying to live a God pleasing life.

In addition to this, we need to remember that there’s absolutely nothing in scripture that says we’re in this life alone. There’s also nothing in the scriptures that says we’re supposed to be alone! We need each other! We need other people around us to help us along our path that God through our journey called life takes us on. We need to be actively thinking about the needs of others and seek opportunities to serve and bless others. With this have you ever noticed that there’s no “I” or “me, me, me” in the term family. Whether we like it or not we are a part of a family and this is true whether it’s your biological family, or church family, etc. (see Romans 12:5) We may not agree with each other at times but we sure do need each other.

We have to continually remind ourselves that we need God and others in our lives. We may not get our way all of the time and that’s just life. If we get ourselves into the habit of living our lives unselfishly and focus on serving God and others, our many and seemingly minuscule needs will all but fade away. The fact is, you become more satisfied in life when you seek to live your life this way. Wouldn’t it be great and pleasing to God if we were to be described as someone who lives their life to make a difference in other people’s lives - and doing so without any selfish ambition or motive. Just like Jesus Himself. This is possible if we’re serious and will seek the Holy Spirit’s help to live a God directed life instead of a self-directed life. We need to continually examine ourselves as the scripture states to see if there is anything unpleasing to Him. Let our motives be to completely live to glorify God. We’ve got to stop living our lives out of selfish ambition. We’ve got to get off of “planet me” and back to planet earth living with everyone else around us seeking serve them and the Lord

Questions to Get Started With:

-Do you seek to live your life to please only you?
-Are up currently caught up in selfish desires and actions?
-Do you seek to live your life for God?
-Are there people you know who are living selfishly that you can actively pray for?
-What have you learned in the selected passages that you can apply in your life now and or help others do the same?
-Have you consulted God lately about your current goals, dreams, and aspirations? Or do you want to continue to be selfishly trying to direct your own life?

Take the main selected passage and write it or type it up and print it out on several cards. Then place it in several locations where you’ll be reminded how your life should be directed. (I.E. Your car, refrigerator, bathroom mirror, etc.)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Power of The Tongue


Wanted to share the below sermon I gave last weekend from James 3 titled, "The Power of The Tongue". May you be challenged and encouraged by what God's Word reveals to you about you're own tongue!

You'll want to pause the music that plays which you'll find on the right hand side before playing this audio where it says "Tunes".

The Power of The Tongue from Randolph Koch on Vimeo.

Here's the sermon info:

Message Title: “The Power of The Tongue”
Text: James 3:1-18
Speaker: Pastor Randolph Koch
Location: Antioch Bible Church, Hillsboro, Oregon (
Date: July 25, 2010

Central idea: Taming your tongue will provide evidence of a true and mature faith.

Key Questions:

What are the risks if you don't tame your tongue?

What is the solution for an untamed tongue?

Outline of the Risks and the Solution:

1. The Tongue: Has the Ability to bring Judgment and cause you to Stumble
(V. 1-2)

2. The Tongue: Has the Ability to Control (V. 3-4)

3. The Tongue: Has the Ability to Consume and Corrupt (V. 5-6)

4. The Tongue: Has the Ability to tame but it's not tamable by man. (V. 7-8)

5. The Tongue: Has the Ability to bring Compromise and Hypocrisy (V. 9-12)

6. The Solution: Wisdom From Above (V. 13-18)

As the audio/video progresses the above points will be visible.

All the very best,


Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Bible, The Economy, Money, and You...

I've been thinking and praying about the economy as well as our mission as people of God and I wanted to share a few brief thoughts here.

The Economy:

With all the finger pointing going on today, especially regarding the economy, the thought came to mind that as believers, the only finger pointing we should really be doing is Pointing People to Jesus Christ.

Don’t get me wrong, the economy is important and a complex topic however, eternity with Christ trumps the economy as the economy is a “momentary light affliction” in the big scheme of things.

Our Conduct in relation to the economy:

Let's work hard to be good stewards of what God has given us in our personal lives, through the corporate world, and in our government.

I share this because I firmly believe that some of the solution to what is currently taking place starts with us managing our finances better than we have been, amen!?

We need to seriously evaluate our own spending habits and make sure to ask God for help to direct our spending of what He's given you and I. We need to put Him first and give of the first fruits of our labor and He'll help guide us on how to manage the rest as we actively seek Him on this.

Our Conduct:

Let’s be a light in the darkness as we shine out His light to all those around us. Let’s be His ambassadors and not stuffy self-righteous/Bible thumping people. The truth is important but no one needs to be hit over the head with it nor will we be as successful in reaching people for Him if we only take that approach, amen?

Let us instead be the encouragers and the encouragement people need in these uncertain times, and let us make sure to speak the truth in love and be ready to share the hope that we have through the salvation we know through Jesus Christ's sacrifice. Let's work hard and be excellent workers, co-workers and employees as this will also glorify God as well as make the team we work with and ourselves even more successful. Let’s meet the hurting and disconnected right where they are. Let’s pray for others and each other like never before because effective prayer is powerful! Let's get in the Word and stay in the Word daily or as regularily as possible.

Let’s just get back to doing what it is we are supposed to be doing according to the Word, which of course assumes that we’re in The Word. :-)

Some Questions to Ponder:

  • How are you doing during these dark economic times?
  • Are you seeking Him and trusting Him?
  • Or, are you trying to rely only on your own “wisdom”?
  • What does the Bible say and teach you about finances?
  • Are seeking God and studying His Word to see what He has to say about "your" finances?
  • Are you putting into practice any financial principles you are learning or have learned through the studying Word or through something like Financial Peace University?

Some things to think about – thanks for stopping by, reading this post and letting me share from the heart. Would love to hear your thoughts so if you have time, please leave a comment especially in regard to how you're managing things during this period of time. Maybe you have some tips or pointers to share with others? Share them here. Tips on frugal living? Share them here to the benefit of all who may visit.


Monday, March 09, 2009

A Football Game Gives Hope - Faith in Action

Here’s a story that I learned about recently regarding an act of amazing sportsmanship:

In order to properly hear the audio you'll want to scroll down on the left side of this blog to the area that says Tunes and click pause. You'll then be able to come back to this post and click play to enjoy the audio/video.

I share this because it has an obvious tie-in to faith and how we should love those God has placed around us, even those who may seem “unlovable” to others. Faith in Action!

Peace in Him,


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

On the Senior Pastor’s Level of Involvement in the Worship Ministry

I came across the below video regarding the Sr. Pastor, (Or sometimes called Lead Pastor today) involvement on Pastor James MacDonalds blog called "Straight Up" which is a ministry to pastors.

I appreciated what he shared and wanted to share it with you.

Worship is so much more than just music, (although music is important) as we have the opportunity to worship the Lord with our lives each day and during our weekly services, we are able to worship Him in spirit and truth through song, the proclamation of The Word of God, and more.

Watch this short video and then feel free to post your thoughts on worship here by leaving a comment.

Let's pray that all of the body of Christ, The people as well as the churches within it will evaluate our worship and take a full balanced approach to this essential part of our walk with God!

As always, you'll want to pause the music via the right navigation bar where it says Tunes so you can hear the audio properly.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


If you’re a believer, a follower of Jesus Christ, then you’ve experienced the power of forgiveness first hand. Because of your own experience it has become typically easier for you to forgive others when they’ve done you wrong, right? :-) Ok, so maybe it’s not so easy sometimes but since God is helping us grow in the grace and knowledge of Him this is a very needful area that we need to work hard on and allow the Holy Spirit to direct our paths.

You see, unforgiveness has a lot of negative impact on people such as: it steals our joy and even more important it also is contrary to the teachings of The Word of God. It also cheapens the sacrifice He made for you and I when it comes down to it. He first loved and forgave you so in turn you and I need to really work on forgiving others. Now, this doesn’t me we need to “jump back into the snake pit” as they say because sometimes trust takes time but it does mean we are to forgive those, yes even those who “bite” us.

I wanted to share the below devotion with you that is a powerful reminder of unforgiveness and forgiveness.

But before I do, let me share some parting words: I can only imagine the hurt and pain you’ve been through at the hands of others whom you loved and trusted, let me encourage you to forgive them because even if the relationship isn’t back to 100%, you need to begin to heal from the wounds and if you can’t forgive, you won’t totally heal until you do nor can you fully honor God in your life until you do. Seek God, pray hard and give it some thought and God will help see you through!

Your Brother,


By Pastor James MacDonald

"Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors . . . For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." Matthew 6:14-16

We're on one topic today and we're not getting off it till I'm sure you get it.

Nothing will cut a swath of devastation across your soul like unforgiveness. It is the absolute opposite of the life God calls you to live.

I know someone has hurt you and I'm sincerely sorry for that but you don't have to prove you were right.

You don't have to demonstrate the superiority of anything.
You've got to let it go.

Matthew 6:14-15 says, "If you don't forgive, my Father
won't forgive you."

Living in unforgiveness is a barren, tortured existence. Even those of us who have experienced God's love and forgiveness need to be reminded about what we have received. It's so easy to slide into a self-centered mess of unforgiveness.

Contrary to what some might think, unforgiveness isn't private. People will seethe in silence, insisting, This is just between me and him. But that's not true. It's also destructive to innocent people around you. How many people in your life have suffered because of an unforgiveness issue in your heart that has absolutely nothing to do with them? It seeps into the tone of all your conversations. It leaks out in your impertinence and impatience, your short temper and rashness. People who you love, who have done nothing wrong, suffer because of the unforgiveness that you're holding over someone else.

Unforgiveness is sin. It will eat away at your being until you choose the crisis and commit to the process of forgiveness. But that can all change.

This could be an awesome day--you have the choice to change. You have the chance to choose. I wonder if heaven is leaning over you and wondering what choice you are going to make. Your destiny depends on it.

To clarify, you are not saved by forgiving, but forgiving is what saved people do. This is one of the litmus tests for reality. Making the choice to forgive is one of the things that prove you truly belong to God.

Father, it must grieve Your heart even more than ours to live in such a dark world where people say things and do things that wound so deeply. But by Your grace I can forgive. I can simply release the pain to You and let it go. I choose by an act of my will to trust You and Your Word. I'm not going to hold it over the person who hurt me anymore when I have to see him or talk to him. I'm not going to go over it in my mind anymore. I want to handle it as You would. I want to be a forgiving person.

Forgive me for my pride, my anger, and the pointed comments that reveal the woundedness in my heart. Cover me with Your love. Let Your grace displace all that is ugly and angry and unforgiving in me. By Your grace, I choose to forgive.
In His name. Amen.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Welcome to Drama Church

Over at least the past decade the trends would indicate that the use of drama is becoming an ever more popular feature in worship services.

Whether you agree or disagree with this practice, in reality it’s not necessarily a new issue because preachers like A.W. Tozer were speaking against what was then a new trend via the use of drama or the “religious movie.” In other words, we’re just witnessing a resurgence of an old form of what is considered a method of communication within the “Christian Context.”

I’ve personally been involved with the arts for a large portion of my life including vocal music, leading worship for Sunday schools and retreats, musical drama, Easter programs, and even an Opera in one act to name some of my involvement.

I’m not completely apposed to the use of drama if it’s used responsibly and in good taste. In fact, I’ve been in several Easter productions where the scripts and the drama itself beautifully communicated the Gospel. Furthermore, I’m also for (for the most part) the use of creative ways to present and communicate as long as it’s not in conflict with the Word of God.

On the other side, I’ve also been in the audience many times during various services or other special events where I’ve felt very uncomfortable by what was communicated.

Some would say, “Lighten up man! It’s just a drama!”

In response, I’d say, no it’s not just a “drama” that’s at stake here - it’s the message that is being communicated that is at stake. This is especially true as we’re charged to uphold and proclaim the Word of truth and we should speak the truth in love and at the same time not water it down or have an anything goes attitude!

As I ponder past episodes where drama was used in services, I can’t emphasize enough that it’s really important that the dramas do not detract from the preaching of the Word of God nor should they negatively impact the atmosphere of worship. It should also be used to communicate the Gospel and not just be a form of entertainment not that I’m saying we Christians cannot have fun or be entertaining. Again, I’m speaking directly to the use of drama in the context of weekly worship services.

To take it one step further, dare I say that it should only be used during regular services to directly tie into the sermon to help illustrate or communicate a Biblical truth or principle!? Or, it can also be used responsibly during Easter or maybe Christmas where it may reach those who are seasonal church goers. Or, it may be used for a creative announcement of an upcoming church event. In either of these situations, let me stress again the importance of using it responsibly.

Through my first hand experience, I’ve come away from various services with much frustration because the dramas that were used didn’t seem to connect completely with the sermon or in some cased they didn’t connect at all. It’s as if there were two separate or competing messages.

There have also been times where I’ve seen questionable content written into the scripts to seemingly “push the envelope” which has been very offensive and contrary to The Word of God in my opinion.

Regarding the dramas not connecting to the messages, The Holy Spirit does not interrupt Himself nor should we interrupt the message, the worship of God and the edification of the body by misuse of this form of communication.

I keep asking, “Where is the accountability” and “at what point are filters applied by the local pastoral staff and elders who are our shepherds?”

It seems at times like anything goes and nothing needs to be filtered out because by all means it’s for the “seeker” that matters and the believer’s just need to deal with the approach that is being taken.

Where’s the reality that we’re all accountable to God and that we’ll account for what we did or did not do properly for the Lord. This is especially true of Pastors and Elders.

With further thought here are some important questions I believe drama teams and pastors should ask before a drama / skit is considered or standards by which I believe Drama’s should be used or filtered:

-Do the scripts/drama/skits magnify the Lord?
-Do the scripts/drama/skits proclaim the Word of God?
-Do the scripts/drama/skits have a redemptive message to them?
-Do the scripts/drama/skits have a message that is part of the edification of the Body?
-Do the scripts/drama/skits contain a clear illustration used to help illustrate a point and directly tie into the message somehow?
-Do the scripts/drama/skits need to be in alignment with the church’s mission/purpose statement which seems to be a part of the suggested test/filter for everything we do at our churches?

Whatever you’re opinion is let me state that we all need to grow in Christ and glorify Him more and guard what is sacred, good, right, and perfect.

We cannot and should not settle for a watered down Christianity nor can we or should we settle for watered down sermons, services or maybe what some deem as “Edutainment” if it muddies the message! If it muddies the message, then we’ve failed because we’re called and accountable to clearly communicate the living hope found in a salvatory relationship with Jesus Christ!

If we’re not about the Lord’s business, purpose and will, if God’s Word and the Lord Jesus Christ are not in the center of what we do in our churches then what business are we in?

Prayerfully we’ll take a serious look in the mirror at our churches and our hearts and ask the Lord through His Holy Spirit to spotlight what we need to change right now.

Some of what I share here is due to the fact that some churches across America it seems that the drama has replaced or taken a more prominent place than the preaching of the Word.

As sarcastic as this may sound, for these churches that have gone mainly to drama and some worship and very little Scripture at all, they may come to a point where they may just need to rename there meeting place from church to a performing arts center. A performing arts center that just happens to have paid pastoral staff on hand or maybe they’d rather change their titles to “chaplains” so that so called seekers will feel comfortable if the chaplain wouldn’t be seen as offensive to them?

The Word of God was good enough for Peter, just look at the books of Acts. Peter preached the Word and over 3000 people came to faith that day. Some would argue, well, “the culture has changed.” Yes, it has changed but the Word of God has not changed. It’s still as powerful today as it was then! If it was strong enough then, it’s strong enough now and we need to keep the Word of God the focus of our services. The Word of God alone stands supreme and the Word of God is powerful!

Again, I’m not saying that we cannot use creative methods to communicate the Gospel, but I am saying that the Word has to be central to how we communicate and we need to communicate in an appropriate way. I hope you can see this important distinction.

Again I ask His Church:

If the Word of God is not present then what is the point?
What is the church doing if the Word of God and Jesus Christ are not in the center of what we do?

May Jesus Christ and the Word of God be in the center of all we do because if this is not the case then how can we effectively communicate His message and furthermore - how can we call ourselves Christians, followers of Christ?
I’m committed to praying for the Body of Christ, including the leaders asking the Lord to help us come back to our first love, The Lord Jesus and the Word of God. How about you?