Dear Heavenly Father, You know my/our heart(s) well, I come before you now asking that You help me/us to daily see you in the mundane things of life.
I pray I/we never take You for granted as it's in even the mundane things that we can see You and experience Your grace and love and yet we often take these moments for granted when in actuality we can devote ourselves to You all the more in prayer and throw practical day-to-day worship through the gift called life you've given us.
I/We can see You and worship You while...
...we rise in the morning and get ready for the day ahead
...we see the sunrise and sunset You've created
...we hear the birds sing
...we work
...while we play or vacation
...we take the trash out
...we do the dishes
...we maintain the home You've given us.
...we seek to be stewards with the resources you've given us.
...we're stuck in traffic on the way to work or appointments.
...we exercise
...we meet with friends for coffee
...we pay our bills
...we have to make difficult decisions
...we deal with difficult people
...we work through family issues
...we grieve the loss of someone we love
...we battle through health or financial crisis
...we go to the dentist
...we go to the doctor
....and many many other things
You instruct us in Your word to do everything unto You for Your glory! (Colossians 3:23)
Please help us do just this Lord...bring You glory and may we do so operating in and by Your strength and for Your glory as it's in the mundane things of life or even the less mundane things that I/we can encounter You and seek to glorify You as You seek to shape and mold us for Your kingdom, glory and our good!
Help us Father to remember You no matter the circumstance. Help us Father remember you in the mundane things of life.
I praise You Father for Who You are and all that You have done and continue to do in and through Your people and Your creation.
I praise You, thank You and wait expectantly for answers to prayer, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.