Showing posts with label Prince of Peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prince of Peace. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2024

Jehovah Shalom - The Lord Our Peace.

My Friend,

I want to encourage you today by sharing one of God's name descriptions which is, Jehovah Shalom, which means “The Lord is Peace” or “The Lord Is Our Peace.”

Please listen to this brief message and pass it on to encourage someone else:

 Allow Him to be your peace. 🙏🏼 

 Seek your Jehovah Shalom each day my friend with all that is within you.   


You're in my prayers!

Your Brother and Servant in Christ

Randolph Koch


Connect with A Shepherd's Heart: (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, Website, YouVersion, Telegram, and More).

Please help us reach and help people for God's Kingdom and Glory! Any spare change would be a blessing! 🙏🏼

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#peace #Jesus #soulcare #livelifeonpurpose #ashepherdsheart

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Free Resource From A Shepherd's Heart For Celebrating Advent!

Hello and Merry Christmas! 

I absolutely love Christmas time and incorporating an Advent into the time of celebration can be a fantastic way to help focus our hearts, worship, and celebration on the birth of Christ - The reason we celebrate CHRISTmas in the first place!

I created a Celebrating Advent guide, that is written from a non-denominational Christian perspective, as a simple tool/guide/starting point to help guide you in your observance. 

This resource is perfect to use as an individual, with family and friends or for your local church body as well to celebrate together!

As you'll see, there is practical information about Advent, instructions to guide you each week of Advent including suggested Scriptures and Prayers you can use or you can obviously do your own prayers and dive further into the scriptures as well. 

Download your free copy today via this link:  Celebrating Advent

No matter what, have fun, make it personal as you approach Him with a humble and thankful heart!

Have a great Christmas and Advent celebration as you celebrate the birth of Christ!

Please check out this resource and tell your friends about it as well as we seek to follow Christ and keep Him in the center of our Christmas celebration!

Because He is The reason for the season,

Randolph Koch
     -Founder and Servant-Shepherd of A Shepherd's Heart

P.S. If you haven't heard, excited to share that 2 of my Christmas Devotionals just went live in in the YouVersion Bible App and Website! 

Here are the links to both plans! 
Christmas: The Promise Fulfilled. 

The Wonder of Christmas.