PLEASE take a few moments to watch and share this vital message from Pastor Rick Warren either for yourself or with a friend, family member or colleague who is struggling with depression or worse...thinking about ending their/your life. He shares helpful information and a phone number that can be the lifeline someone may need today. He helps give tools to also equip others to help others!
Many of you may not know this but I've walked this road friends and in high school and in my early twenties my depression got so bad I went down the road wanting to end it. Depression, Anxiety, etc is no joke and there are many reasons for it and we need to take it seriously. We need to help others or if it's us...we need to reach out for help ourselves no matter how awkward or hard it is!
Your life matters, all lives matter and don't make the mistakes that myself and many others have made by keeping it to yourself. Get help!
You're not worthless but you are worthy and take it from me...your life impacts countless other people whether you know it or not and the loss of you, or your friend or colleague will make a huge impact on everyone...suicide is not a solves absolutely NOTHING. Don't walk this road alone...reach out...I pray you do! Please watch this and pass it on!
Praying for you!
P.S. I've been wanted to make a video of my own about this important topic and someday I the mean this video. PLEASE PASS THIS Important Message on please!