Showing posts with label Anxiety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anxiety. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

What should you do with your worry and anxiety?

My Friend,

Worry and anxiety is something we all struggle with at times, but, what should you do with it? Are you supposed to just deal with it? Try to shoulder it on your own? Or, is there a better way? Please take a few moments to listen to this brief encouragement. Then, please take time to read, study, and take to heart Philippians 4:6-7 for starters. You're in my prayers.
Your Brother and Servant in Christ, Randolph Koch
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Monday, February 17, 2020

Give Your Anxiety To The Lord.

We all may have experienced times where our circumstances, worries, or troubles, including the things that are often out of our control, weigh us down.

Instead of dwelling and abiding in The Lord and His Word, we allow ourselves to dwell in all of the before mentioned. 

We dwell on the could of, should of, would of scenarios as if we can fix or take back whatever it was or is all by ourselves.

We allow ourselves to go down the path of anxiety, depression, and more which may include or or result in stress, sleepless nights, weak strength, our joy is often diminished or gone at that moment, and we can also experience other physical side effects and more.

Now, don't get me wrong as there are real medical issues at times but often we hurl ourselves down a path we shouldn't go down or need to quickly back out of. However, it's often a path of our own making if we're honest.

Let's stop the sleepless nights and ulcer inducing behavior and instead, try our very best to give it to The Lord in prayer, seek the counsel and encouragement of His Word, as well as the counsel and encouragement of the godly people God has placed in our lives. 

God is our strength, so, to be blunt, we need to start living like He really is!

Read Matthew 6:34 and 1 Peter 5:7 for starters for encouragement from God's Word.

I'm praying for you and please pray for me as well that we might grow more in giving our anxiety to Him more automatically as we should not be carrying it first place. 

Your Brother and Servant In Christ,

Randolph Koch

Monday, May 20, 2019

Faith, Mountains, and Molehills.

Read Matthew 17:20, 1 Peter 5:6-7, Isaiah 41:10, Matthew 6:27–28, Matthew 6:31, and Matthew 6:34

There's the old saying you might be familiar with that is, "Making mountains out of a molehills".  

Unfortunately, we as people of faith who know God's truth (or should), can still fulfill this old saying instead of fulfilling God's Word by responding in faith.

Due to our fear, doubt, forgetting the basic tools God has given us, as well as being guilty of overthinking, we can often create our own mountains and obstacles where there are none. Or, we can take the problems and obstacles at hand and make them far larger than they really are. 

Instead of responding in faith, we can go straight to fear, doubt, anxiety and more which always clouds our vision of God's truth.

In contrast, God's Word reminds us that our faith can move mountains. (Read Matthew 17:20)
The question is, will we allow The Holy Spirit and The Word of God to help us respond more often in faith rather than in fear and doubt?

Will we turn to God's Word and God Himself through prayer first instead of putting Him second while we get stuck in the thoughts of our own heads as well as our emotions? 

Will we strive to turn to God, the wisdom of His Word, the help of His Holy Spirit, Prayer, and Godly counsel more often during the times of problems and obstacles rather than our own thoughts, feelings, and limited wisdom? 

Whether our troubles are mountain sized or molehill sized, let us pray for one another that we'll turn to God in faith first and always and not give into our fears and doubts.

Let's strive to stop living the old life and really ask for God's help to walk in new life every day, in Jesus name.

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Wisdom For Anxiety and Depression from God's Word.

Anxiety and depression are definitely a battle that can wage war for our minds and hearts. It can be crippling sometimes and we need to remember that it's not a battle we can face alone. 

We need God, His Word, His Holy Spirit, and His people to overcome any anxiety, depression or anything. 

When He says cast all your anxiety upon Him because He cares for you, (See 1 Peter 5:7) He means it. 

When He says come to Him all who are weary and heavy laden, and He will give you rest, (See Matthew 11:28-30) He means it. 

But the question we actually do these things are do we try to carry these burdens alone?

I heard a good and eye opening thought recently from Pastor Louie Giglio about things such as anxiety and depression which has made me evaluate my own battle with depression.

In his "Goliath Must Fall" series and book he shares this insight: 
“Anxiety isn't a thing. It's the symptom of a thing and so we have to go a little deeper and ask a question, ‘What is making me anxious?’” and he explains that in his own life, “I gave too much credit just to anxiety. What was happening was something or someone was making me anxious and so I try to help and encourage people to go one step further, to go beneath the surface to ask, ‘What is it that I'm afraid of? Who is it that I'm afraid of? What was said that I wish I could now change the way it was said?’ I was trying to manage every outcome and I was trying to watch over my shoulder all the time.”
I find what Pastor Giglio says to be true and no matter what you and I face, we need The Lord's help to evaluate what is the root cause of our anxiety, depression or anything else.

Speaking from my own experience and witnessing the experience of others, while our anxiety or depression may want drive us to run from God and His Word, as follower's of Christ we need to learn to train ourselves to run to God and His Word as He is The ultimate, help, strength, healer and more that we need to over come these times. 
We all need to speak the truth of His Word ourselves no matter how loud the opposing voices scream otherwise. 

Are you anxious? Speak the truth of God's Word to yourself.

Is a believing friend anxious? Speak the encouragement and truth of God's Word to them.

May we speak a good word or The Good Word of encouragement from God's Word over our own lives or the lives of others who are facing times of anxiety and depression as He and His Word will bring joy and gladness back to us in place of anxieties and depression we face. (See Proverbs 12:25)

God is The Great Physician and His Word brings light to the all the dark places, even in our times of anxiety and depression!

So, pray, seek God's Word, and then speak a good Word, His Good Word to yourself and others! 

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

P.S. While I'm seeking to encourage you from God's Word about this topic, if you are facing times of anxiety and depression, I want to encourage you that besides God's Word and prayer, that you should also consider seeking counseling for this, especially if it persists. There's wisdom in seeking counseling and there's nothing you should feel ashamed of in seeking help from others. So, get help through your local church, Christian Counselors, Biblical Counselors or other types of counseling as you're not meant to battle this alone! 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Stay Out of Your Dark Room: Advice on dealing with Worry, Anxiety and Fear.


Read: Matthew 6:25-34 and Philippians 4:6-8

You may be old enough to remember (or if you're too young, Google it ☺), there was a time that predated all things digital. Like film vs. digital pictures and many other "analog" vs."digital" technology. 

Cameras weren't a part of phones and instead of digital, they were stand-a-lone all film devices much like the digital camera cousins today.

As a kid, I recall taking pictures via rolls of film. When I was done snapping pics, I'd take the film to the local photo developing place at a given store. I'd wait a couple days to a week for the film to be developed from the negatives and then go back, pick up the photos to enjoy the shot of the memories I captured.

Monday, March 14, 2016

A Prayer for When We Battle Anxiety - Monday, March 14, 2016

Read: Matthew 6:25-34 and Philippians 4:6

Heavenly Father, I pray for those who are battling or suffering from anxiety...or may in the future.

When we face these times, please help us to...

 ...abide in Your Word so we know and are growing in Your truth. 

...insert Your truth where any anxious thought comes to mind. 

...not worry about the basic provision, food, clothing, shelter, etc as You have all these things covered. 

...remember that You even provide for the birds so again, You will provide for us.

...remember that You even clothe flowers in the field....You will provide all the more for us because You love us!

...remember that we can't add even a day to our lives...only You can!

...not worry about anything and instead put our hope, trust, confidence and faith you.

...not worry about anything but instead, pray.

...remember our battle is also often a spiritual one.

…remember that our battle is not ours alone because you battle with us and go before us!

...armor up...pray on Your full armor to fight the spiritual battle. grateful for what we have so we don't feed ungratefulness for what we don't which in turn can cause anxiety. thankful in all things. have joy even amidst sadness. You immediately when people hurt us and cause us to become anxious. 

...not dwell on things that we know will cause us to withdraw, become anxious, sad, lonely or experience further pain. thankful for Your grace and love. there for others who are having anxiety issues....helping encourage them and also point them to You!

In the midst of fear, please give us Your peace. 

When we feel alone, please surround us with your presence helping us to remember we're never alone because You're with us always. 

Please give us an extra portion of Your strength during these times.

Please help us make it through each day with Your Holy Spirit's help. 

Thank You for the gift of prayer. 

In Jesus name I praise you and thank you, Amen! 


P.S. Share this with someone today:

"Being anxious doesn't do anything for you but having faith in God, abiding in His Word and constant prayer does!" 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Suicide Is Not The Answer

PLEASE take a few moments to watch and share this vital message from Pastor Rick Warren either for yourself or with a friend, family member or colleague who is struggling with depression or worse...thinking about ending their/your life. He shares helpful information and a phone number that can be the lifeline someone may need today. He helps give tools to also equip others to help others!

Many of you may not know this but I've walked this road friends and in high school and in my early twenties my depression got so bad I went down the road wanting to end it. Depression, Anxiety, etc is no joke and there are many reasons for it and we need to take it seriously. We need to help others or if it's us...we need to reach out for help ourselves no matter how awkward or hard it is!

Your life matters, all lives matter and don't make the mistakes that myself and many others have made by keeping it to yourself. Get help! 

You're not worthless but you are worthy and take it from me...your life impacts countless other people whether you know it or not and the loss of you, or your friend or colleague will make a huge impact on everyone...suicide is not a solves absolutely NOTHING. Don't walk this road alone...reach out...I pray you do! Please watch this and pass it on!

Praying for you!


P.S. I've been wanted to make a video of my own about this important topic and someday I the mean this video. PLEASE PASS THIS Important Message on please!

Friday, January 23, 2015


Some days or weeks when things are stressful and crazy (especially at work and other parts of life like overall ministry in life, etc.)...

I find myself looking outside, (like today) when it's pouring down rain...and for a brief moment I wish I could literally run out in the rain during the hard deluge and let it wash over me and wash away the junk I've been going through... 

...But that's not how life works...You have to work through things in different ways. 

I am however glad I know the One who I can cast all my cares and anxiety upon because He cares for and loves me. I'm also glad I have family and a few friends that love me and are there for me and besides the Lord....they do help "wash" the troubles away. :-)

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." - John 14:27

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Prayer for Casting Our Anxieties on our Father

A wise pastor friend, Pastor Frank Emrich,  shared this prayer and I wanted to share it with you as well as anxiety is real and we need to continue to cast our anxieties upon the Lord.

A Prayer for Casting Our Anxieties on Our Father
From: Scotty Smith

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Dear heavenly Father, I slept well last night, but I awoke restless and antsy. I know you tell us not to be anxious about anything (Phil. 4:6), but, honestly, I am feeling a bit anxious.

Sunrise has yet to happen, yet I’m already looking forward to moonrise. Thank you for freeing us, your beloved children, from pretending otherwise. At least I’m not anxious about surprising, embarrassing, or disappointing you. The gospel has taken care of that old bondage and slavery. I know that you love us with an everlasting, unwavering love—no matter what is going on inside of us.

What’s my restlessness about? There’s really nothing enormous looming on the horizon—no major crisis staring me down8, no boulder I’m assigned to push up a hill, like Sisyphus. It’s just one of those Fridays where I find myself looking at seventeen little backpacks of needs, issues, and hurting hearts lined up at my front door, waiting to be picked up.

So what will I do with my restless, fitful, anxious feelings? Father, I would surely despair if I didn’t really believe you care for me. That would be the one unbearable burden. But please help me know what anxiety casting actually looks like today, and over the next several busy days.

Of these things I am certain: you’re not calling me to be the fourth member of the Trinity; I’m not the whole body of Christ; you do promise sufficient grace; you will give wisdom to those who ask; and your strength is made perfect in weakness—in my weakness.

Father, show me which of the seventeen backpacks I’m to pick up first; which ones don’t really have my name on them at all; and which ones will just have to wait, as you give me grace not to give into my people-pleasing idol.

As you have promised, please send your transcendent peace to guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:7). Help me to live today at the pace of grace. So very Amen I pray, in Jesus’ trustworthy and triumphant name. -Scotty Smith