My Friend,
Sometimes waiting isn't our strong suit. OK, so maybe that's an understatement. :-)
Waiting seems even harder sometimes when we're waiting on an answer from God but we forget that sometimes "wait" is the answer He's give us at that time.
It doesn't mean we'll have to wait forever, but, we may have to wait for a while until His perfect timing arrives according to His perfect plan and will for you and I.
Let me simply encourage you that while you wait, may you wait on Him, seek to grow deeper in Him, and learn to trust Him more.
Many mighty men of God had to learn about waiting and it's a lesson, this side of heaven, that we'll continually be learning too. I pray for each of us that The Holy Spirit helps us learn to trust God even more...while we wait.
Let me encourage you to be in constant prayer my friend and then Read, Study and Take to heart Psalm 27:14, 2 Peter 3:9, Exodus 14:14, Isaiah 30:18, and 2 Peter 3:8 for starters.
Your brother and servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
P.S. Here's a recent encouragement video message:
- Who Are You Putting Your Trust In?
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