Showing posts with label Welcome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Welcome. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Welcome To A Shepherd's Heart!

My Friend,

Welcome to A Shepherd's Heart!

Please listen to this brief message and then please read the below information. 🙏🏼 

Here is what A Shepherd's Heart is about:

Who We Are:

A Shepherd’s Heart is a non-denominational discipleship and encouragement ministry founded by Randolph Koch.

Our Mission:

This ministry exists and our mission is to come alongside the church with the goal to encourage God’s people to grow in maturity in Christ as they live life on purpose for His kingdom and glory. (Read: Colossians 1:28-29, Matthew 28:16-20. John 15:4-5, John 8:31-32)

And, as part of The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20), this includes pointing people to Him that have not experienced His love, forgiveness, and salvation yet.

We strive to create biblical and practical resources such as: written, audio, and video resource creation including articles, blog posts, devotionals, web, tools, and social media communications. Currently have 5 YouVersion Bible app specific devotionals published in the app and website (hope to publish more soon).

We serve the body of Christ including but limited to discipleship, pastoral care, prayer, Biblical council, teaching, preaching and have a huge heart to serve and build up shepherds who are on pastoral staff.

Thank you for the honor of serving you!

You are in my prayers. Please pray for me as well.

Your brother and servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch