Showing posts with label Grow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grow. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Allow God To Work All Things Together For Good.

My Friend,

I don’t know anyone who really enjoys going through trials or hard times. We know that life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, heart ache as well as joy. And things often don't go according to our plans, desires, or even dreams. It also may be a struggle sometimes to not understand why we go or are going through things sometimes, especially in the midst of the trial.


Maybe for you it's a job loss, a health crisis, an economic loss, a broken relationship or one in conflict, or something else? No matter what, whether it's the good times or times of uncertainty and trial, we must remember that His ways are higher than our ways.


We need to trust and live in faith resting in the truth that God only has good in store for us even through the times of growth when it certainly doesn't feel "good". Even when things aren’t going how we planned or expected them to go we need to trust Him and have faith in His purpose, will, and plan knowing His plans are better than our own every single time!

Furthermore, even though we want to know the whys or reasons for our trials, we don't have to know or understand all the reasons behind what we're going through, but, we know God does and we can trust that everything we face again, is for our good and growth.


Our trials may never be “easy”, but, as we mature in faith, we may handle them better as we begin to recognize that these times are opportunities for good for ourselves and others. 

As we walk through these seasons we will grow and whether we realize it or not, others will also benefit as we go through the trials, (and come out on the other side) as they will be watching us and may learn from what God is doing in and through us which will in turn help them as they face their seasons of trials. 


Take time to read, study, and take to heart Romans 8:28, Proverbs 3:5-8, and Isaiah 55:8-9 for starters.


In closing, let me encourage you to not get ahead of God by trying to force or try to somehow speed through a season He has for you, instead, allow God to work all things together for good…for your good and for His Glory.

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
Connect with A Shepherd's Heart: (Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, YouTube, Website, YouVersion, Telegram, and More)
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Monday, June 28, 2021

2 Questions For Introspection Especially For Men

Hello Men (and everyone as you can glean from this too),

Here are Two Questions for your Introspection:
1. What are you doing for yourself (and your wife) to grow in your relationship with the Lord?
2. What are you doing to grow in your relationship with your wife?

I asked these questions to a young married guy recently, (and I'm asking myself) for their own benefit and thought I'd pass them along as it is something we can glean from whether married or not.

These are two of the areas The Lord impressed upon me and they require intentional regular recalibration or pause to take inventory of our lives needed especially in these areas.

I encourage you to ask yourself these questions at least periodically and in prayer to The Lord. Then, make an action plan to improve and also give thanks for the progress you are making in your life around these areas!

Now, if you're a wife and reading this, first off, don't "elbow your husband", lol but do pray for him, possibly share this post, and then insert "wife" in each place "husband" is mentioned. 🙂

For everyone, if you're not married you might ask yourself:
1. What are you doing for yourself to grow in your relationship with the Lord?
2. What are you doing to grow in your relationship with others?

We all have to own our own growth and our part of relationships, especially in marriage.

You are in my prayers.
Your brother and servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
Connect with A Shepherd's Heart: (Instagram, Facebook, Web, YouVersion) Please help A Shepherd's Heart if you are able. Any amount $1 on up is a big help!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


My Friend,

What are you doing to grow in the grace, wisdom, and knowledge of Jesus day-by-day?

What are you doing to grow in your relationship with Him on a consistent basis?

No one else can grow for you. There is no autopilot or "magic pill" you can take to grow.
You have to put in the daily work to build your relationship with the Lord and grow still more in Him.

Part of the goal in our life in Christ is to become mature in Him. (See for example Colossians 1:28-29, 1 Peter 2:1-3, Colossians 1:9-13)

Whatever you do, don't stop growing in Him. Don't stop growing to know Him. Don't stop growing to make Him known. Don't stop allowing Him to do a work in and through you for His kingdom and glory.

Let me encourage you to...

-Regularly read/study/abide in God's Word and live it out.

-Regularly talk to God through prayer.

-Regularly serve The Lord and others.

-Regularly grow in relationships within The Body of Christ as Iron Sharpens Iron. (Proverbs 27:17)

-Regularly stay vigilant and active in your relationship with Him.

In Sum, Grow and never stop growing.

You're in my prayers. Philippians 1:6

Your brother and servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch

Here's one place that lists where you can connect with A Shepherd's Heart:

Please pray for and help A Shepherd's Heart here. Thank you!

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Remaining Sharp In A World That Aims To Keep You Dull.

Read: Proverbs 27:17,  1 Corinthians 12:12–27,  Romans 12:4-5, and Ephesians 2:19-22

Knives need to remain sharp: 

Many times we may have gone to use a knife to cut something. It may have been a pocketknife to carve something; or maybe a kitchen knife to carve your Thanksgiving turkey or some other food item. 

There have been times when you went to use the knife of your choosing and you may have found that the knife was so dull that a butter knife would have probably been more effective. 

You then either had to sharpen the knife, maybe taken it somewhere to get it sharpened, or see if you had another knife you can use instead. 

Even after we have sharpened the knife, it will likely becomes dull again because most knives need constant maintenance to stay useful for their given purpose.

Believers need each other to stay sharp: 

Like these knives, we need constant sharpening in order to stay useful and to actively grow as we strive to become complete in Christ.  

As believer's we seem to have a built-in God given ability to sharpen each other as we utilize the tools and relationships that God has given us such as:
-A growing relationship with The Lord.
-Abiding in, reading, studying and living out God's Word.
-Being active in prayer.
-Allowing The Holy Spirit to work in your life. 
-Growing with The Body of Christ doing life together as each of us play our individual parts as part of The Body serving God and each other. 

God has given us all the tools and resources we need and as we actively utilize these tools and people God has placed in our lives no matter through times of trial or times of peace, we will continued to be sharpened. 

As we do life together, God allows friction to take place and with this friction we should become sharpened as the dull edges we have in our lives are smoothed away. 

Being used in each other's lives is a privilege: 

What a joy and privilege it is to be used in helping sharpen others and to be sharpened by others. It is sad though, that many choose to remain dull just because they don't want to put out any effort and would rather remain isolated from others and thereby miss-out on the growth they can experience or help others experience!

One of the many blessings about our walk with the Lord is that He uses people around us, right where you and I are, to sharpen us. 

Are you a sharp or dull knife? 

We can think of a "sharp" Christian as a believer that isn't perfect but is actively growing in their relationship with the Lord, helping others grow...being a disciple who makes disciples.  Someone who is on the alert against satan's attacks. Their faith and walk doesn't begin and end on Sundays, rather, they actively live out their faith in Jesus and strive to help others do the same day-to-day. 

On the flip side, we can think of a "dull" Christian as a believer that has become ineffective or stagnant in their relationship with the Lord and others and may have become satan's prey as they have given in to this world and his influence. They may be a "Sunday only Christian" that does their "Sunday thing" but leaves church like a "check of the box" of weekly activities and they rarely live out their faith in Jesus. 

The choice is yours:

The truth is that we either do things God's Way or we don't.  Furthermore, the world and the enemy of your soul is more than happy to distract you from staying sharp. 

I pray you strive to remain sharp in a world that aims to keep you dull.

The choice is up to you and I pray that you will allow Him to sharpen you for His Kingdom, Glory, and the good of The Body of Christ! 

Strive to be sharpened and to help sharpen others in Jesus name. 

Questions To Get Started With:

-Are you a sharp or dull Christian? 
-Which would you rather be? 
-How do you become sharpened?
-What will you do to stay sharp?
-Do you help sharpen others?
-Do you allow God and others to help sharpen you?
-Do you need sharpening? 
-Is all of the above important to you?
-As a Christian why should this matter and why should these passages matter?

In Christ Alone, 
Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch 

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

The Gifts That Are OK To Re-gift

Read: Ephesians 2:10, 1 Peter 4:10, Romans 12:6–8; 1 Corinthians 12:4–11; and 1 Corinthians 12:28. 

God created you specifically for the good works that He's prepared for you. He's uniquely given you the spiritual gifts you need, as well as the ability and capacity to grow in skills, talents and abilities to fulfill exactly what He's called and created you to do!

He's blessed you with these things so you can in turn serve Him with all that is within you and give those gifts back in service to Him. 

Now, there's an important distinction between Spiritual Gifts and talents, skills, and abilities as follows. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

9 Keys to Walking In Christ

If you're in Christ, then you need to walk out your faith day-by-day. Similar to "hitting the gym" to exercise, you have to exercise your faith in order to walk and grow in Christ.

It's a choice to daily do the right things in pursuing God, His Word, and living out your faith through a Word and Spirit filled and led life! 

So, how do you walk in Christ exactly? Good question! 

God's Word outlines many things that we should and need to be doing to successfully walk in Christ and the following is a list of 9 of the Keys to Walking in Christ. 

Each key includes scripture and practical insight for your further personal study.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Stop Majoring In Things That Are Minor

So often we get caught up in or fixated on little issues.  

We stress out, lose sleep over and occupy our thoughts with things that are sometimes, while they seem important at the time, they're truly not worth the efforts we seem to place on them because they are minor issues. 

Like the old saying goes, "Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill."... Let's focus on the major things instead of worrying about the minor things and in all things, whether major or minor, let's submit them fully to the Lord as He never intended for us to worry about anything, rather, we're to cast all anxiety, worry etc upon Him because He cares about you / us. (see passages such as: 
1 Peter 5:7 and Psalm 55:22)

We know that each day has enough trouble of its own so let's stop borrowing trouble where there often is none.  (see Matthew 6:25-34)

Let's start majoring in the majors but at the same time...leave the minors and majors in God's strong hands because we need His help in all things. 

In Christ Alone,


Share this encouragement with someone today: "It's time to stop majoring in things that are minor." #ashepherdsheart

Saturday, May 28, 2016

It's The Here We GROW Again Times!

Life as we know it comes with no shortage of trials, tests and hard times doesn't it?!

I don't know about you but it's as real struggle sometimes to have a clear perspective when we're going through the thick of things!

We can choose to see them as times of opportunity instead of agony...

We can choose to see them as times of hope instead of hopelessness...

We can choose to see them negatively or positively...