Showing posts with label Fellowship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fellowship. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


My Friend,

What are you doing to grow in the grace, wisdom, and knowledge of Jesus day-by-day?

What are you doing to grow in your relationship with Him on a consistent basis?

No one else can grow for you. There is no autopilot or "magic pill" you can take to grow.
You have to put in the daily work to build your relationship with the Lord and grow still more in Him.

Part of the goal in our life in Christ is to become mature in Him. (See for example Colossians 1:28-29, 1 Peter 2:1-3, Colossians 1:9-13)

Whatever you do, don't stop growing in Him. Don't stop growing to know Him. Don't stop growing to make Him known. Don't stop allowing Him to do a work in and through you for His kingdom and glory.

Let me encourage you to...

-Regularly read/study/abide in God's Word and live it out.

-Regularly talk to God through prayer.

-Regularly serve The Lord and others.

-Regularly grow in relationships within The Body of Christ as Iron Sharpens Iron. (Proverbs 27:17)

-Regularly stay vigilant and active in your relationship with Him.

In Sum, Grow and never stop growing.

You're in my prayers. Philippians 1:6

Your brother and servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch

Here's one place that lists where you can connect with A Shepherd's Heart:

Please pray for and help A Shepherd's Heart here. Thank you!

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Do Not Forsake Assembling Together: We're Better Together!

Read: Hebrews 10:23-25, Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Acts 2:44-47, Acts 4:33-35, and Proverbs 27:17. 

God's Word teaches us that from the very beginning it is by His design that He never intended mankind to be or do life alone. 

You can check out the first several chapters of Genesis for instance where He didn't want Adam to be alone so He created Eve. Furthermore, Adam and Eve had a direct relationship with God as well because they, like all of us where create for relationship with Him and others.

Woven through out the Old and New Testament we see God placing an emphasis on relationships and specifically in the New Testament He exhorts us that we are a part of the body of Christ and we play a specific part in relationship with others.

While it may not always feel like it, we are truly better doing life together.  And together, we are a part of something greater than ourselves.

Saturday, January 07, 2017

He Made You a Part of The Body of Christ & It's Not Optional!

To my fellow followers of Christ,  I wonder sometimes why some of you make it so easy for yourself to disconnect from the church/fellowship/weekly gathering or more importantly with your relationship with God? 

Some of you will go weeks or months without attending any weekly services/gatherings, serving using your gifts and talents, or connecting with other believers. Furthermore, you spend hardly any time daily, (if at all)  developing your relationship with God through reading and studying the Word, prayer and prayer/communicating with Him.

Speaking from experience,  we all can go through somewhat dry seasons in life sometimes, but, I know that the seasons are even harder on us when we withdraw from the relationships, connections, fellowship, etc that we know are good for us by putting them in the "optional" category.