Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Give It All To God!

Someone, including me, needs to hear this periodic reminder.

This is something God continues to remind me time and time again, including in the midst of the challenging season I've been facing.

Always remember

Give it all to God.
He knows exactly
what you need.
He knows exactly
what you're going through.
He's got you covered, always!

You're in my prayers!

Your brother and servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

P.S. Please pass on this encouragement to others who may be encouraged that God hears their prayers.

Here's one place that lists where you can connect with A Shepherd's Heart:

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

No Matter Who Leads A Nation, God Is Still On The Throne.

"And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you." -Psalm 9:10 ESV

My Friend,
Who are you putting your trust in?

It's inauguration day in the USA and there are many who will either be happy, sad, or somewhere in between.

I simply want to encourage you today with a reminder (no matter where you live) that politicians, no matter where you land politically, are not The Savior, only Jesus is.

Politicians can only provide temporary supposed solutions to peace, provision, unity, hope and more while Jesus is your true refuge and is The Only One Who can provide true peace, provision, unity, hope and more.
For everyone reading this today, let me encourage you in that no matter what nation you live in, if you are a follower of Christ, one of the greatest things you can devote yourself to is praying for your leadership state, local, and national. It doesn't matter if they are in Christ or not, you can pray for them and God hears the prayers of His people.

Put your trust and hope in The Lord and not in any politician or other human.

If you're anxious or worried today, let me encourage you to turn from that and instead, turn to The Lord in prayer and through abiding in His Word. Put your trust in The Lord.

Read, study, and take to heart Luke 12:25-31 and Psalm 9:10.

Praying for you and praying for our leaders...may we all turn To The Lord in all and for all things.

Your Brother and Servant In Christ,
Randolph Koch

P.S. Please pass on this encouragement to others who may be encouraged that God hears their prayers.

Here's one place that lists where you can connect with A Shepherd's Heart:

Taking Steps Of Faith (Regardless Of Whether You Have It All Figured Out.)

My Friend,

I don't know about you but sometimes I freeze in my steps because I kind of want all the details before I move forward or sort of "to be in control" of things. I like to know as much details as possible and sometimes I get stuck with the "analysis paralysis" because I'm focusing more on rethinking things too much instead of doing what I should do first, which is seek God first.

I also tend to be a "perfectionist" at times and don't complete something as soon as I should because I fall into the false idea that it needs to be somehow "perfect" when there is no such thing! I'm sure I'm the "only one" who struggles with things like this. ;-)

While there is wisdom in planning, what matters most is seeking God through prayer and through His Word for each plan, dream, goal, and step of faith as the first step for anything we do.

I encourage you to seek Him through prayer, His Word, and through seeking Godly counsel as needed, then take the step or leap of faith knowing Jesus is The One directing your path. Even if you're afraid, you will know His peace as you do what He's calling you to do. We will never have it all figured out, but we know The One Who does have it all figured out.
Just like when Peter stepped out of the boat after he asked Jesus, "If it's you Lord, tell me to come to you on the water." and Jesus said, "Come" (See Matthew 14:22-33), Jesus was calling Peter to take a step of faith. While water was familiar, Peter had never walked on water before and instead of keeping his eyes on Jesus, he looked at the stormy waters and started to sink. He did the right thing though by crying out to The One Who was able to save Him, Jesus, and Jesus came to His rescue but Jesus said "Come" with no further instructions and while Peter did, again, he didn't keep His eyes on Jesus as he stepped out of the boat in faith.

We're not too different from Peter and each day God is calling you and I to take steps of faith. Sometimes, it's full on scary to take that step of faith, but none-the-less, Jesus knows and will help us, He is calling us regardless of whether or not we have all the details. We're supposed to live by faith and not by sight. (See 2 Corinthians 5:7)

Whatever you're facing today, whether a major decision, something you've put off for a while that you know He has called you to do, or whatever it is, remember this: IF you put your trust in The Lord, (and not in yourself alone) you don't have to have all the details to move forward... just take one step of faith at a time with or without the details.

Here are a few of the many passages to read, study, and take steps of faith regarding: Proverbs 3:5-6, Philippians 4:13, and Hebrews 11:8.

Your brother and servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch

P.S. Please pass on this encouragement to others who may be encouraged that God hears their prayers.

Here's one place that lists where you can connect with A Shepherd's Heart:

Thursday, January 07, 2021

God Always Hears Your Prayers!

My Friend,

Be encouraged that God always hears your prayers no matter what.
It doesn't matter if they are "perfectly" worded. It doesn't matter if they are long or short or somewhere in between.
What matters is that you commit yourself to prayer and humble yourself as you approach Him filled with confidence and faith.
Your heart and countenance matters more than eloquent prayers of any length.
Also, be encouraged that even when we don't have the words to say or don't know how to pray, The Holy Spirit always intercedes for us. (See Romans 8:26-27.)
Just pray knowing He always has time for you and always hears your prayers.
Read, study, be encouraged by, and take to heart Hebrews 4:16, Romans 8:26-27, and Matthew 6:7 which are some of the many verses about this.
Your brother and servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

P.S. Please pass on this encouragement to others who may be encouraged that God hears their prayers.

Here's one place that lists where you can connect with A Shepherd's Heart:

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Hand Everything Over To God!

My Friend,

What are you holding onto? Or, What are the things that you are trying to "take care of yourself" but you should really be letting go of? What are the wounds, hurts, and fears that you are packing with you wherever you go? 

Do you realized that all these things hinder your growth and forward walk? These burdens are too heavy a load for you to carry and you aren't supposed to carry them in the first place!

Sometimes we have a very hard time letting go of the past and present hurts. 
Let me encourage you to pray and ask The Holy Spirit to spotlight your heart, mind, and life for areas you've been hanging on to things that you really need to let go of. Then...LET IT GO! 
Hand everything over to Him! 

Hand it over to God as He's The Only One Who can carry your burdens and remember...He never intends for you to try and carry that which He can only carry. 

Let's pray for one another to more readily give things over to God. Let's pray that we'll stop trying to take the place of Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and God The Father as we're Not them so we need to stop trying to be our own "god" or someone else's. 

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch
Read, Pray about, and Take to Heart 1 Peter 5:7.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Are You Dead In Sin Or Dead To Sin?

My friend,

Which kind of person are you? Are you dead in sin or dead to sin?

Jesus came so that you can receive His forgiveness and salvation in Him and then you will be dead to sin and alive in Him! 

It's of utmost importance that you know Jesus personally through receiving His free gift of salvation!

The following is known as The Romans Road as it's comprised of Six Pillars of Truth drawing from a group of six verses from The Book of Romans.

If you walk down this road you will arrive at an understanding of how you can be saved.

Let me encourage you to grab a Bible and dig into the following verses! You need to understand that:

1. No One is Good – Romans 3:10-12

2. We all Fall Short – Romans 3:23

3. Everyone is Guilty – Romans 5:12

4. We're All Guilty of Sin and Sin Earns Us Death – Romans 6:23

5. God Loves Us – Romans 5:8

6. Confess and Believe – Romans 10:8-10, 13

If you’d like to take a step of faith and receive Jesus as your Savior then here is a suggested prayer you can pray right now to enter into a new life with Jesus Christ fully forgiven and secure!

This prayer does not save you (Jesus does) but it’s a way to help you confess and receive in faith God’s Free gift of Salvation!

“Dear Father in Heaven, I believe in Your Son, Jesus. I believe that He died on the cross for my sins and that He rose up from the grave. I know that I am a sinner and I repent of my sins. I ask for Your forgiveness and I know that I'm forgiven. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. Help me to walk with You.Thank you for saving me. In The Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”

The Romans Road....this is a pathway you can walk, right now!

The Question is – will you walk it?

If you’ve already walked The Romans Road and have received Salvation, praise God!

I'm praying for you! May you listen to God's voice as He draws you to Himself either in salvation or day-to-day as a follower of Christ as He guides and directs your path. 

You're brother and servant in Christ, 

Randolph Koch

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Nothing Can Separate You From God's Love!

Hello My Friend,

What's that? Your past is too messy and you've done too many things that God could never forgive you for and love you?...
Or, maybe you think you're "not good enough" to be loved and forgiven?

Or, What's that? You're a follower of Christ and you messed up again and now you think God won't forgive and love you anymore?
First off, let me encourage you to stop listening to the lies of the enemy or the lies you keep telling yourself and instead get into The Word and listen to God's truth!
He died once for all of your sins and His forgiveness isn't based on what you do or have has nothing to do with your good works. You can't work your way to heaven!

What Jesus did for you so you couldn't be forgiven for your sins and no longer be separated from God because of sin, wasn't based on your works, rather, it was all based on what Jesus did! What He did for you was and is complete! You can't add or subtract from it!
He Loves you...period. If you've received His free gift of salvation then you're forgiven and He'll continue to forgive you when you sin. We should never doubt that or take it for granted.
Nothing can separate you from His love!
Nothing you do can make you love you more or less than He already does!
Nothing you do can make Him not forgive you!

So, stop building a self inflicted wall between you and The Lord and instead: repent, believe, receive His love and forgiveness completely!
Yes, you should strive for holiness but when you fall down, (we all do) get back up, repent when you need to repent and seek The Lord as He's not mad at you, He's not going to withhold His love and forgiveness from you!

Rest in His love, forgiveness, and grace and never stop seeking Him with all that is within you!

Rest in the fact that His love for you will never change. His love is perfect!

Praying for you!

Here are a few of the many verses for your you to read, study, pray over and take to heart:
John 3:1-17, Romans 10:8-10, 13, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 6:10, Romans 8:38-39, Jeremiah 31:3, 1 John 4:18-19

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch

P.S. Please share this encouragement with others and please also pray and give if possible to our first ever fundraiser.