My friend,
Which kind of person are you? Are you dead in sin or dead to sin?
Jesus came so that you can receive His forgiveness and salvation in Him and then you will be dead to sin and alive in Him!
It's of utmost importance that you know Jesus personally through receiving His free gift of salvation!
The following is known as The Romans Road as it's comprised of Six Pillars of Truth drawing from a group of six verses from The Book of Romans.
If you walk down this road you will arrive at an understanding of how you can be saved.
Let me encourage you to grab a Bible and dig into the following verses! You need to understand that:
1. No One is Good – Romans 3:10-12
2. We all Fall Short – Romans 3:23
3. Everyone is Guilty – Romans 5:12
4. We're All Guilty of Sin and Sin Earns Us Death – Romans 6:23
5. God Loves Us – Romans 5:8
6. Confess and Believe – Romans 10:8-10, 13
If you’d like to take a step of faith and receive Jesus as your Savior then here is a suggested prayer you can pray right now to enter into a new life with Jesus Christ fully forgiven and secure!
This prayer does not save you (Jesus does) but it’s a way to help you confess and receive in faith God’s Free gift of Salvation!
“Dear Father in Heaven, I believe in Your Son, Jesus. I believe that He died on the cross for my sins and that He rose up from the grave. I know that I am a sinner and I repent of my sins. I ask for Your forgiveness and I know that I'm forgiven. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. Help me to walk with You.Thank you for saving me. In The Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”
The Romans Road....this is a pathway you can walk, right now!
The Question is – will you walk it?
If you’ve already walked The Romans Road and have received Salvation, praise God!
I'm praying for you! May you listen to God's voice as He draws you to Himself either in salvation or day-to-day as a follower of Christ as He guides and directs your path.
You're brother and servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch