My Friend,
I want to encourage you today that The Lord is good.Please listen to this brief message and be lifted up. Please pass it on to others who may be encouraged by this too.
My Friend,
I want to encourage you today that The Lord is good.Please listen to this brief message and be lifted up. Please pass it on to others who may be encouraged by this too.
My Friend,
I don’t know anyone who really enjoys going through trials or hard times. We know that life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, heart ache as well as joy. And things often don't go according to our plans, desires, or even dreams. It also may be a struggle sometimes to not understand why we go or are going through things sometimes, especially in the midst of the trial.
Maybe for you it's a job loss, a health crisis, an economic loss, a broken relationship or one in conflict, or something else? No matter what, whether it's the good times or times of uncertainty and trial, we must remember that His ways are higher than our ways.
We need to trust and live in faith resting in the truth that God only has good in store for us even through the times of growth when it certainly doesn't feel "good". Even when things aren’t going how we planned or expected them to go we need to trust Him and have faith in His purpose, will, and plan knowing His plans are better than our own every single time!
Our trials may never be “easy”, but, as we mature in faith, we may handle them better as we begin to recognize that these times are opportunities for good for ourselves and others.
As we walk through these seasons we will grow and whether we realize it or not, others will also benefit as we go through the trials, (and come out on the other side) as they will be watching us and may learn from what God is doing in and through us which will in turn help them as they face their seasons of trials.
Take time to read, study, and take to heart Romans 8:28, Proverbs 3:5-8, and Isaiah 55:8-9 for starters.
In closing, let me encourage you to not get ahead of God by trying to force or try to somehow speed through a season He has for you, instead, allow God to work all things together for good…for your good and for His Glory.