Showing posts with label Worry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Worry. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2019

God Is Always On Time.

When you're in a season of trial and growth, sometimes it can be easy to slip into doubt mode. You may have even prayed and prayed and God seems "Silent" or you're wondering "Where is He?", or, "When it God going to show up?"

Let me encourage you to not listen to those voices because based on God's Word and even your own past experiences, you know God is always on time - no matter what! 

The negative voices you hear and the dialogue that goes on in your head during these seasons is a product of doubt and not a product of faith. Hold on to faith and reject all the negative voices of doubt...including the whispers of the enemy or other people.

God always shows up in His perfect timing so don't spend anymore time worrying and shift your faith into "high gear" as you know God is your rock always.

Read the following passages and be encouraged: 2 Peter 3:8-9, 1 Peter 5:6-8, James 4:13-17, Psalm 23:4, Matthew 6:25-34, Proverbs 3:5-6, Romans 5: 1-5, and Isaiah 41:10.

Your Brother and Servant In Christ,

Randolph Koch

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Stay Out of Your Dark Room: Advice on dealing with Worry, Anxiety and Fear.


Read: Matthew 6:25-34 and Philippians 4:6-8

You may be old enough to remember (or if you're too young, Google it ☺), there was a time that predated all things digital. Like film vs. digital pictures and many other "analog" vs."digital" technology. 

Cameras weren't a part of phones and instead of digital, they were stand-a-lone all film devices much like the digital camera cousins today.

As a kid, I recall taking pictures via rolls of film. When I was done snapping pics, I'd take the film to the local photo developing place at a given store. I'd wait a couple days to a week for the film to be developed from the negatives and then go back, pick up the photos to enjoy the shot of the memories I captured.