Monday, September 17, 2018

Hate is NOT one of the "Fruit of The Spirit".

We're called to speak the truth in love and that doesn't mean we're supposed to speak and act in hate. 

In my observation, some people sling hate as if it's something they'll receive a reward for and this includes some who claim to be followers of Christ, yet, they live in hate!?  You've probably seen them too I'm sure and maybe you're reading this and you're one of them? (Although, I hope you're NOT one of them!)

Now, I know there are some who have an intellectual belief in "a god", but I'm not speaking about them, rather, I'm speaking to those who know and follow The One True King, as they've received His free gift of salvation through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Who died on our behalf so we might have forgiveness and life. 

Let me remind you that hate does not represent Him. Hate it isn't taught from His Word and it's not part of The Great Commission you're supposed to fulfill. He doesn't say go into all the world and hate them! (Matthew 28:16-20)

It also doesn't matter what political persuasion or social or economic category you might be in, what your favorite sports team is, and it also doesn't matter what your heritage, ancestry or nationality is... if you say you're a follower of Christ, hate is not something you should be known for, period! It's also NOT one of the Fruit of The Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23) 
Don't exalt your politics, favorite sports team, your opinion on any topic, or yourself or anything else over The Savior you claim to follow or the people around you who don't deserve your often vial and hateful onslaught. It doesn't mean you can't have or shouldn't have an opinion but it does mean how you communicate that opinion matters! You're actions also matter!

If you hate others, you have a heart problem because we're supposed to be known by our love as He first loved us. People are supposed to know we are His because of our love. 

Now, this doesn't mean we're to condone sin but we are to have a love for mankind because we're all in need of The Savior and if you stop to think about it, when has hate ever won anyone over?!  

Also, God Himself loves each of us and while there's still time, He wants as many to be saved as possible. He sent His Son because He loved us! (Read John 3 sometime)

To love doesn't mean we will like or get along with everyone, but, it does mean we need to strive to love one another. It also doesn't mean you have to water down the truth of God's Word either but it does mean you're supposed to speak the truth in....wait for it....wait for it....LOVE! (Ephesians 4:15) 

I share this because we need to do better in honoring God and here are some thoughts which have helped shape and motivate me to share about this: 
1 - We're supposed to love The Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. (Deuteronomy 6:4-7, Matthew 22:37-40, Mark 12:30-31) We cannot truly love God and hate others. 
2 - The Bible Tells us to love our neighbors.  (Mark 12:30-31)
3 - We're supposed to love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
4 - There are many out there misrepresenting The Lord by their words and actions and they will stand accountable for this. 
5 - We are to be known by our love. (John 13:35) 
6 - I see people claiming to be Christian's hating everyone around them regardless of whether they are inside or outside of the body of Christ!?
7 - Read 1 Corinthians 13 and the 1 John 4:7-12 and 1 John 5:1-5.
8 - I see a lot of so called "follower's of Christ" trying to shred each other online and in person because they've decide hating on each other is somehow OK. Meanwhile their bible's sit somewhere collecting dust because they obviously haven't read it in a while! It's time for that to stop! 

These 8 thoughts or reasons just scratch the surface regarding what God's Word teaches us about love and we need to go back to the school of God's Word and be schooled by His Word and the power and conviction of The Holy Spirit. 

None of us will do this perfectly but we're not alone as we battle to actively take God's Word and live it out. 

So, let's pray and ask The Holy Spirit to help convict us and help us reevaluate our lives in this area in Jesus name!

Lastly, remember this, you will be held accountable for your actions by The One you say you, you better take inventory of your life and realign yourself with God's Will, Word, and Way! 

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September 11, 2001 - May We Never Forget!

I remember getting ready for work on the morning of September 11, 2001 and I received a call from my mom telling me to turn the TV on as there was an accident involving The World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York City. 

As I, like many, watched everything unfold in disbelief, we soon learned it was no accident as shortly after the first plane crashed into one tower, a second plane crashed into the second tower. We then heard about The Pentagon and another plane that crashed as a total of 4 planes were hijacked in a coordinated effort to destroy life using the planes as weapons.

Needless to say it was very difficult to work that day knowing what had transpired or was transpiring. I remember seeing the images of First Responders courageously running into the buildings to climb flight after flight of stairs running toward danger to try to stop the raging fires that resulted from the planes crashing. I also remember the images of people covered in dust, some bleeding from injuries running for their lives as as the towers eventually came crashing down succumbing to the fire that weakened what once held the towers strong and towering over the landscape. We all watched in horror and disbelief as the towers fell. The images are ingrained in my memory including the following days and weeks as coverage of the search and rescue efforts took place at the site where the towers once stood. It was heart wrenching to watch and read about and the memories still bring emotions to the surface at times because of the great tragedy we witness.

Some are of the opinion that we should just forget about it and move on while there are others who vacillate on one conspiracy theory or another and still others are pointing fingers at this or that person.

As for me, I would challenge us to never forget what took place on this horrible day in history. We should never let our guards down and no matter what country we live in, the potential for evil acts such as this still exist so we ought not take life, including the people in it, for granted. We should dwell on it in an unhealthy way but, let's never forget, and in the process of remembering, let us especially honor the memories of those who lost their lives, and may we love our neighbors as much as possible and stand ready to protect others as needed lest we forget and great evil is allowed to repeat itself.


Randolph Koch

20 Day Prayer Challenge!

Hello Friends,

I'd like to encourage you to join me in a 20 day prayer challenge!

20 day prayer challenge! Watch and listen to the following video in this post for the details. (May not be visible via e-Mail as it's embedded in the post)

What: Set aside 30-60 minutes a day to seek God through prayer!

When: Now through October 1st!

Who is with me?!

Let me know via the comments below the post or if you're receiving this via e-Mail, please reply and let me know if you haven't already. :-)

You're brother and servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Fruit of The Spirit - Goodness

From the very beginning of the Bible, God introduces us to what Goodness is.

In Genesis we see when God had finished creation – And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. -Genesis 1:31

With all of the Fruits of the Spirit, they are glimpses of the Character of God. And they are characteristics that we through the Help of The Holy Spirit will also prayerfully reflect. 

Goodness is no exception to this as Goodness is also one of the many direct reflections of the character of God. 

When we consider all of The Fruit, you can also think of Fruit as the beneficial results of the work of The Spirit in your life for God’s Glory as well as for the benefit of yourself and others.

Kindness and Goodness go hand-in-hand and are very similar in the Fruit that they produce in and through us.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Fruit of The Spirit - Kindness

I’ve heard it well said that The fruit of the Spirit is the resulting character of someone who is allowing the Holy Spirit to develop maturity in their life. 

To express kindness is no exception to this because we need The Holy Spirit to work in and through us to develop and express kindness! 

If we're honest, kindness isn't very easy sometimes to practice and live out and this is especially true in an often unkind culture. However, we're supposed to be in and not of this world so we are without excuse for times when we're constantly unkind because we're called to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of Him. As we do, He will prayerfully help us grow in The Fruit of The Spirit as He's The One Who gives us the spiritual gifts in the first place!

What is Kindness?

Kindness is something that we, through the Holy Spirit’s empowerment, purposefully do!

The Greek word that is translated for “kindness” is chrÄ“stotÄ“s which essentially means tender concern/care or uprightness. 

It is kindness of heart and kindness of action. Kindness is something you see in others and hopefully see in yourself as well as others see in you.

Kindness is something we see described in Philippians 2:3-4. "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."

It’s the considering one another as more important than ourselves...  
It’s looking out for one another... 
Kindness seeks no reward for oneself... 
It’s in the little things as well as the big things...

It’s not a selfish attempt to get something for ourselves!

Kindness is really a mindset and something where we have to shift our minds or change our stinking thinking. 

Kindness is something we desperately need prayer and the active Help of the Holy Spirit to experience and bear.

You know people who are the kindest of people. Be like them.

So, what is the opposite of kindness?

Anger, bitterness, envy, strife, coveting, maliciousness, hatred, cruelty, being mean, holding grudges. Being petty. Having selfish motives and more. All of these things are the opposite of kindness and we need to reject these things in our own lives! 

What are examples of kindness? 
How can we be kind to one another? 

God’s Kindness:
Kindness is part of the characteristic that led God to provide salvation for us:

Titus 3:4-7 (ESV) "But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life."  

It’s the kindness of God we see in Psalms 23:2-3 (ESV) where the Psalmist says:
"He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.  He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake."  

It is God's tender care that makes Him gather us under His wings, to protect us and keep us close to Him and to be our refuge.

Psalms 36:7 (ESV) - "How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings."

Psalms 17:8-9 (ESV) - "Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings, from the wicked who do me violence, my deadly enemies who surround me."

Psalms 46:1-3 (ESV) - God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. 

The truth is, if God was unkind and unloving, no one could or would take refuge in Him would they? 

It was kindness that led Jesus to stop what He was doing and help others in need:

Mark 6:34 (ESV)  - "When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things."

Jesus was busy and always in demand but He helped people anyway. 

And kindness leads the Good Shepherd to rescue us when we stray which we see in the Parable Jesus taught in Luke 15:3-7 (ESV): 

"So he told them this parable: “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.  And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance."

For us to express kindness toward those who are against us requires the work of God:
2 Corinthians 6:4-7 (ESV) "but as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: by great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger;  by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love; by truthful speech, and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left;"

Our instruction to be kind:
God wants us to be more like Him! 

When we experience the Kindness of Christ, His love, grace and mercy and much more becomes real to us and in turn, we can share His love, grace and mercy with others, even those we feel don't deserve it. 

Furthermore, when you are kind to others, His love, grace and mercy can become real to others (who may have never experienced kindness their entire life) because they see Christ in you! 

2 Peter 1:5-8 (ESV)  "For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."  

Or some versions translate as “brotherly kindness” (2 Peter 1:7) Instead of “affection”

We're instructed to make every effort to put on Kindness and many other character qualities!

We’re told to put on these things. Not a suggestion but a command: 
Col 3:12-15 (ESV) "Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful."  

How to Grow in Kindness:
We need to pray and ask for The Holy Spirit's help to be kind an grow in the spiritual gift of kindness. We have to strive to practice kindness moment-by-moment! The Little things count! 

For example, when you’re at a gathering somewhere, if you see someone who tends to be alone – try to show them someone cares. Show them kindness.

If you're out and about on a hot day and you see someone who is homeless, hand them a bottle of water. 

If someone asks you to do something that you don't think is your job or you don't want to do, do it anyway. 

When someone is unkind to you, pray for them and try with everything within you to be kind in return. In other words, don't return unkindness with more unkindness. 

When you're driving your car and someone cuts you off...strive to let it go and realize you don't know what is going on in their lives. 

The truth is that Jesus endured a lot of unkindness and like Jesus, kindness is humbly giving of ourselves in love, compassion and mercy to others who may not be able to give anything back including those we feel don't deserve it or who frequently don’t thank us for it.
It's being kind regardless of what you do or don't receive in return.

Keep in mind that kindness is not dependent on our feelings, rather, we're to be kind even when we don't feel like it. That's where The Holy Spirit often helps us. 

Furthermore, kindness, love, mercy and compassion and grace are what we’ve been given from God yet none of us deserved it!  

Kindness Challenge: 

Challenge #1:  Let me challenge you to turn even your random acts of kindness into purposeful, fruit filled and fruit full acts of kindness.

There’s a saying that I like, “Be the change you want to see”…which I agree but in order to do that, the change has to really begin with you and me! 

It has to begin with God transforming us and empowering us to be His witnesses in the world! Ask Him to do so and allow Him to do so! 

Challenge #2: Let me challenge you to...Go BE That Change!  

Don’t just do “random acts of kindness” but also do intentional acts of kindness. You and I have to live it out!  We need to live life on purpose! 

Questions to get started with: 
-What if every action I made and every word I speak was seasoned with kindness and grace? 
-What if I chose to have an attitude of kindness instead of a cranky attitude?
-What if my response to other’s was kind more often than not?
-What if I allowed the Holy Spirit to fully be at work in and through me so I can produce more fruit? 

Friend, our world would be a far different place if we all would strive to practice kindness! We as followers of Christ should be leading the way! 

Keep growing and lets pray for one another that we'll grow in The Fruit of The Spirit of Kindness! 

Blessings in Christ,

Randolph Koch

P.S. I decided it was time to finish the rest of the series I put on pause. :-) In case you missed the previous messages here are the links to first 5 in the series:


Stay tuned for more of The Fruit of The Spirit in the weeks to come!

Please consider helping this ministry through prayer and other ways! Find out more here:

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Let your light shine before all mankind!

On a recent family vacation, we were blessed with the use of a friends house situated by a beautiful lake.

Out of the reach of the light pollution from the city lights, typically on a clear night the sky comes alive with the milky way and other constellations visible in a brilliant display of God's creation.

On this trip it just so happened to coincide with a Super Full Moon and because of the additional brightness of the moon, the stars weren't visible as they normally would be out there. It was still a beautiful sight to behold and over the course of the days we vacationed there, the moon shone brightly each night and the reflection off of the water was incredible!

As I gazed at the brilliance of God's handiwork I was reminded of the simple fact that when we look at the moon and see how brightly it reflects the sun, you realize again that the moon wouldn't shine at all without the sun.

Likewise as a follower of Christ, we should strive to reflect The Son brightly in all we do! He is the reason why you and I shine at all!

So my friend...shine brightly for Him because of Him as He is our light and hope and in turn, we can shine His light and hope to an often dark world.

Read Matthew 5:14‭-‬16 ESV and then shine out His light before all mankind!

Blessings in Christ, 
Your Brother and Servant, 

Randolph Koch

Please consider helping this ministry through prayer and other ways! Find out more here:

Also, here are a few ideas of how I can serve you:

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

When A Gift Truly Becomes A Gift.

Read:  Romans 3:10-12, Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8,  Romans 10:9-10, 13, John 3:1-21

I really enjoy giving and receiving gifts, especially when you give a gift and the receivers face lights up as their reaction is priceless.

I've realized that in part, a gift isn't truly a gift until the one whom you are giving it to receives it. 

No matter how much time and thought you put into a gift you can't force someone to receive a gift but you just freely give it to them with hopes they gladly receive it. 

Likewise God's free gift of salvation is a truly free but the gift isn't complete until it is received as God doesn't force the gift on anyone. The receiver has to act in "opening" the gift through confessing, believing and receiving His priceless gift.

I pray that you have or will receive His free gift of salvation that He's presented to you! Always remember that His gift is the only one that will truly change and transform your life now and into eternity! 

His arms are open wide ready and waiting for you to receive His gift...what are you waiting for? Unwrap the gift while there's still time! 
Let go of the past, let go of the things of this world and receive His gift. 

Once you've received His gift, you can share His gift with others as you point them to Him so they can receive His gift as well! 

In Christ,
Your Brother and Servant,

Randolph Koch

Please consider helping this ministry through prayer and other ways! Find out more here:

Also, here are a few ideas of how I can serve you:

Friday, July 20, 2018

Worship...It's not just for the holidays!

Read: Hebrews 10:24‭-‬25, John 4:24, John 15:19, John 17:14-16, 1 John 2:15, Romans 12:2, 1 Corinthians 5:9-10, Psalm 100:4, Psalm 96:8; Psalm 84 (Emphasis on verses 4 and 10)

The culture we live is vying for us to follow them and in many ways, it wants us to worship it. However, we are called to worship an audience of ONE...The Lord our God! 

We're to love God and not this world or the things of this world. We need to remember that the trappings of this world or temporal and everything will pass away but God and things of The Lord are eternal.

We're to be in and not of it as we're not to conform to this world. We're to be different and shine His light into the darkness. This is counter culture but we're either going to be In Christ or we are not. 

Worship and being an active part of The Body of Christ is a vital part of our faith and walk in Christ. This is also counter culture. 

We are called to worship with our lives and God's Word also places special emphasis on gathering together weekly to be instructed in The Word, Worship in Song, Fellowship, Give God the first fruits of your labor through your tithes and offerings, Caring for one another and more.

We shouldn't make gathering weekly a "sometimes" thing like only during special holidays. We also shouldn't make attending and being committed to the local church something that we do only when we "feel" like it because feelings come and go. No, we should be committed to the local church because God instructs us to do so and He knows what's best for us! 

You and I shouldn't attend out of legalistic reasons or just out of "obligation", rather, we should want to to be committed to attending because you know God wants us to do so.

Worship is a gift from God that in turn we give back to Him through our lives and weekly in a corporate setting or whenever or wherever you gather together with other believers. 

So, worship with your life and worship in connection to your attendance and heartfelt commitment to the local church because of God's great love for you and because The Body of Christ needs you as The Body isn't a complete body without you. 

In Christ,
Your Brother and Servant,

Randolph Koch

P.S. Please share this encouragement with others. 
P.S.S. Please pray for me as with any self funded ministry, (I work full time to provide for my family and to do His kingdom work) resources for projects are limited. Please pray with me as I'm currenlty working to acquire a specific type of DSLR camera to be able to do enhances biblical encouragement videos as well as still photography for projects as well. Thanks for your prayers! 

Please consider helping this ministry through prayer and other ways! Find out more here:

Also, here are a few ideas of how I can serve you:

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Excerpts From The "9 Keys To Walking In Christ" Devotional and a gift for completing the plan!


It was an exciting launch week and so far, 2,100 people have subscribed to the plan in the first week! This is incredible as I was honestly hopeful that prayerfully over the life of the devotional plan that 1,000 might subscribe to an complete the plan in the app and web site!

It's not about the numbers but it is about reaching as many people as possible with encouragement in their faith and walk with Christ from God's Word! 

Today, I wanted to share an excerpt from each day of the "9 Keys To Walking In Christ" devotional via the following images so you get an idea of what it's like:

Thursday, July 12, 2018

What is the "9 Keys To Walking In Christ" devotional about?

How do you walk in Christ? Like eating right and regular exercise, you have to be disciplined in exercising your faith, to grow in your walk with Him. God's Word outlines many practical principles that will help you successfully walk in Christ.
The aim of this devotional is to guide you through nine of the keys to help strengthen your walk.
Whether you just started walking in Christ, or have walked with Him for years, I pray this will be a spark in your faith that will help motivate you, driving you to walk closer with Him!
I pray that this devotional will encourage and challenge you in your walk with Christ!
It's an honor to serve you and I'm humbled and exited as God has blessed me with this opportunity to encourage the body of Christ from His Word.
I pray that you will sign up for the plan and help get the word out about the plan to your family, friends and church family too! 
Also, your continued prayers for a successful launch is greatly appreciated! 
On another note, I know the A Shepherd's Heart social media sites and website has been dominated by the devotional launch this week, however, it's been important in support of getting the word out about God has done. Rest assured I'll be sifting back into the usual biblical and practical encouragement posts and content in the weeks ahead. 

My current plan via the website is to finish The Fruit of The Spirit Series that I'd started a while back and put that on pause as well as other topics to encourage you in your faith and walk with Christ. 

Also, via social media, the usual A Shepherd's Heart biblical and practical encouragement posts will be back in action. 

If you're subscribed to the free A Shepherd's Heart Communications, you will receive additional content and news before anyone else receives it and you can expect some more encouragement resources will be coming your way if your'e signed up! 

If you aren't signed up, please sign up with your name and e-Mail address via the form on the right of the landing page. 

I'm always working to provide content that is encouraging to you in your faith and walk with Jesus. With this, what topics or content will be useful to you or would you like to potentially see? Please leave a comment here or send an e-Mail to I'm also working to assess where to focus efforts and time and would like to share was it most meaningful as much as possible so your input would be very helpful! 

Thank you for your time and please pass this communication on to someone!

In Christ,
Your Brother and Servant,

Randolph Koch

Please consider helping this ministry through prayer and other ways! Find out more here:

Also, here are a few ideas of how I can serve you:

Monday, July 09, 2018

My Devotional Plan "9 Keys To Walking In Christ" is now Live!


I'm excited to share that my devotional plan is now Live in the YouVersion Bible App and site!

Plan description:
"How do you walk in Christ? Like eating right and regular exercise, you have to be disciplined in exercising your faith to grow in your walk with Him. God's Word outlines many practical principles that will help you successfully walk in Christ. The aim of this devotional is to guide you through nine of the keys to help strengthen your walk."
If you use the app or the website version, I'd be honored if you sign-up for the plan and complete it with me!

I'd also love it if you could share the plan with others!

I picked the launch date for fun on purpose to coincide with my Birthday. (Which is July 9th) lol. 

Kind of my "birthday present" to you and whomever decides to study the plan! :-)

In Christ Alone,
Your Brother and Servant, 

Randolph Koch

Please consider helping this ministry through prayer and other ways! Find out more here:

Also, here are a few ideas of how I can serve you:

Monday, July 02, 2018

My First YouVersion Bible App Devotional Plan is Going Live July 9, 2018!

Dear Friends,

I'm excited to share with you that in one week from today my first devotional plan for the YouVersion Bible App will be going live in the app and on the website! 

The title and topic is "9 Keys To Walking In Christ". 

Here's a short video announcement I posted this morning which you can view in your browser. (less than 60 seconds) 


​​I'm very excited for this opportunity to serve the body of Christ and pray the devotional will be a spark in their faith and walk with The Lord as it's geared to help strengthen their walks with the Lord. Please join me in thanking and praising God for this incredible opportunity! 

I'd appreciate your prayers that God would be glorified,  for a successful launch,  the body (including you) will be encouraged and challenged in their faith, and I'd appreciate your involvement too! 

I'll share a link to the plan once it's live and I'd appreciate your involvement as part of my "launch team" as follows if possible:
  1. Prayers: Again, I'd appreciate your prayers that God would be glorified,  for a successful launch, and the body (including you) will be encouraged and challenged in their faith through this devotional offering! 
  2. Participation: If you use the app or the website version, I'd be honored if you sign-up for the plan and complete it with me!
  3. Communication: Once it's live on July 9th, share the plan with your family and friends via word of mouth and social media. 
    • I've inserted two different graphics below that you can use to share it if you're able to along with the link I'll share on Monday.
    • Just share it how you'd share anything else from the heart as that will be perfect! 
Thanks for your time and prayers!  Excited to prayerfully see what God does through this in the lives of those who go through the plan. 

In Christ Alone,
Your Brother and Servant, 

Randolph Koch 

Friday, June 29, 2018

Parenting: The Art Of The Release and Other Practical Advice.

Read Proverbs 22:6, 2 Peter 1:3-12, Colossians 1:28-29, John 4:7-14 for an encouragement and challenge from God’s Word.
As a dad who has helped raise 5 kids, (All but one are young adults now but I give most of the credit to my wife that they made it into adulthood alive) :-), it’s not uncommon to reflect on things you could have or wished you’d done better as well as the things you did do well too. As I reflected recently, there were many things that came to mind and wanted to share a few reflections / learnings with you. There more to share another time but here's a mini-share for now. :-)
As a parent you learn quickly that there’s no manual for parenting other than of course as followers of Christ, the pages of wisdom found in God’s word.  We are also influenced in one way or another by how we were raised. So, each parent does (or should do) their very best to raise their children with the goal of launching them into adulthood, because launching them is the goal.
As followers of Christ we strive to model an abiding faith in Christ for our children.  However, as they launch into adulthood we have to remember that they have to choose to own their faith and even prior to this they have to own their faith if they are a follower of Christ.
Years ago I read a book by Stu Weber titled, “Tender Warrior” and in that book he describes a quiver of arrows.  What I learned is that there are different arrows for different weather conditions and as I recall, Stu used this as a picture of how each child is different and we pour into them differently and it's not easy sometimes to remember and do, but from the time they are born until they launch into adulthood we are practicing the art of the release. If you've done any amount of archery you quickly get the mental picture of that release.
"If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time." -Zig Ziglar
You have to have a direct aim with parenting and while it’s true that we do need to keep the day-by-day in mind, we also have to keep the future release in mind as we have a responsibility to help launch them successfully.  Ultimately we are not responsible for their actions, for the actions they choose, but, we are responsible for pouring as much into them as possible. 

This doesn’t mean we’re so wrapped up in their lives that we neglect our marriages and don’t continue to build a relationship with their spouses, (keep in mind, once they are launched it’s just you and your spouse if our married and you need to build into your relationship all along and if you haven't...that can make things difficult for your relationship) but it does mean we are responsible to do our very best in God’s strength in order to help our kids become adults.
The scripture reminds us that we’re to train up a child in the way they are to go and the hope is that they would turn to the truths that have been instilled in them from God’s word as well as the wisdom and life skills we tried to instill in them as parents. 
Remember this, as parents, none of us are perfect and we need to learn from our mistakes and grow in grace even for ourselves. We also need to draw from God’s Wisdom and Strength often as parents and consult Him through His Word and prayer. Please drink deeply from God’s Well! As we do, we can build into our children and practice the “release” and speaking from experience, as the day comes more quickly than we imagine. So, you and I better be ready and stay ready building into them as we practice releasing them into adulthood and we can’t do this in our own strength and wisdom alone.
Another thing to consider is that you don't have to go it alone with parenting nor should you. You should seek out and learn from the wisdom and experience of other parents who are at different stages in parenting or stages ahead of you as you progress forward as well. You can and will be used in the lives of other parents too!
Let's pray for one another as parents and let's encourage each other to keep pressing forward. Also, guess what…as your kids launch into adulthood, they will still need you and your counsel so get ready for spontaneous late night conversations on their terms (even in high school) because even though they want to be independent, they still want your counsel too. Doesn’t mean they will follow that advice but it does mean they still want your input so be ready for that! :-)
Keep pressing forward and practice the good form of release just like and archer does. 
In Christ,
Your Brother and Servant,

Randolph Koch

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