Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How Shall We Respond? A Little Q&A About Our Current Times.


From time to time I'll receive questions from those God has blessed me with the opportunity to serve. 

Recently I received another thoughtful question from someone regarding how we as followers of Christ should respond to current events going on in our world. 

My response isn't "profound" by any means and others may have a different perspective on this, but, I thought it might be an encouragement to you in some way and a starting point as you seek The Lord for similar things. So, with the permission of the person who asked the question, and with their name omitted, here is the question and prayerful answer. 

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch


"Hello brother in Christ. I have an honest question. No underlying motive in asking, just looking for an honest answer on your perspective. As a man who appears to be grounded in Biblical truth as far as I can tell through what you post, what is your stance on America's current state and the church's, the body of Christ, needed response in light of all that is going on? Are we being too "quiet", too fearful, are we speaking up as we should into the myriad of issues?  It seems there is much, "mixed", for lack of a better word, response from the church. Do we need to be a bit more fierce, is there too much fear of man in the church as a whole? Ok more than one question and they are some loaded questions lol."


Tuesday, August 04, 2020

God's Love For You Will Never Change!

Read, Study, and Memorize: Romans 8:38-39.

Dear Friend,

I simply want to share this reminder with you: Nothing will ever change God's great love for you!
May you rest in this truth.
I think we all need this reminder from time to time.
Your Brother and Servant in Christ, 

Randolph Koch
P.S. Please prayerfully help me with my first ever fundraiser for my little ministry. Please share this small fundraiser with your church family and friends. 

Here's the link to the main fundraiser site:

Or here are 3 other options to help in this friends helping a friend fundraiser:

  1. You can use Cash App and send your gift to user name $ashepherdsheart or if you haven't used Cash App before, if you use this link we'll both receive $5! 

  2. Use PayPal sending to

  3. Use PayPal's Venmo app by sending to @ashepherdsheart

You're continued prayers and sharing this fundraiser with friends and family would be greatly appreciated!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Let All You Do Be Done In Love.

Hello My Friend,

Many people today are not responding to things with love in mind nor are they keeping it in the forefront of all they do.

Their words and actions are far from loving and are often far from being motivated by love.

For some of us, it seems as though God needs to take us behind the proverbial woodshed and help correct our behavior. :-)

As followers of Christ we should not emulate the wrong behavior that others choose to display, rather, we should be spurred on by Christ's love for us and the great love of God The Father.

Even in times of conflict, disagreement, and opposition, we're to act and react in love.
Even in times where we are angry, we need to remember to love. 
Even in times of correction, we're to be motivated by and we should season it with love. (Just like God does with us.)

It's not easy but it's how God commands us to operate.

So, let all you do be done in love. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Because of His great love for us.

Your Brother and Servant in Christ, 

Randolph Koch

P.S. Please prayerfully help me with my first ever fundraiser for my little ministry. Please share this small fundraiser with your church family and friends.

If you'd rather not give via the fundly site, please feel free to use Cash App sending to user name $ashepherdsheart

Or PayPal sending to
Or PayPal's Venmo app by sending to @ashepherdsheart

Friday, July 17, 2020

"9 Keys To Walking In Christ" Devotional - Second Birthday Celebration!

Hello Friends!

In addition to celebrating my 50th birthday on July 9th, I'm celebrating another birthday this month as my first YouVersion devotional plan, "9 Keys To Walking In Christ" launched 2 years ago on July 9, 2018!

So, happy 2nd birthday to my plan! :-) 

Please join me in celebrating my plan's 2nd birthday by checking it out if you haven't already and please pass it on to friends.

Here's the link:…/12135-9-keys-to-walking-in-christ (Or you can search Randolph Koch in the app plan search option)

The plan includes written and an audio version (read by me) available in the app.

I pray that I can serve you through this plan and have you join the 23K people who have subscribed to it and the over 14K have completed it so far. It's not about the numbers but it is about the honor of service people, helping them grow in their relationship with Christ.

Your Brother and Servant In Christ,
Randolph Koch
P.S. Please prayerfully consider helping me meet my goal for my first ever A Shepherd's Heart Fundraiser: 

Thursday, July 09, 2020

Thank You God For Another Year!

Today on my 50th birthday I simply want to give thanks to God!

I'm Thankful to God for the gift of life and another year to serve Him and His people!

I'm thankful for God's Word, my Savior Jesus, and the work of His Holy Spirit in my life!

I'm thankful for my family!
I'm thankful for friends.
I'm thankful for employment.
I'm thankful for my church family.
I'm thankful to be alive, period.

There are many things I'm thankful for and I pray this next year will be a blessing and filled with opportunities to serve and bring Him glory. Opportunities for Him to expand His territory through me somehow. Opportunities to serve His people helping meet spiritual and physical needs as much as possible. Opportunities to live life on purpose together as we strive to seek, serve, and love Him with all that is within us! 

I pray this year will be a year of further growth for me and becoming more deeply rooted in Him. 

I pray that God would use me somehow to help others grow in their relationship with Him and that they'd become more deeply rooted in Christ as well!

Many Blessings friends! Thank you for the honor of serving you!

Your brother and servant in Christ, 

Randolph Koch

P. S. You're prayers appreciated:

Thursday, July 02, 2020

A Shepherd's Heart - First Ever Fundraiser!

Dear Friends of A Shepherd's Heart,
This July, (My birthday month) I'm turning 50 (aka fiddy for you younger peeps) ðŸ˜‰ (ok I just made myself sound even older ðŸ˜‚) and I'm launching my very first small fundraiser. (I know I know..."hard to believe" I'm that old! ðŸ˜‚ ðŸ˜‰)

In all the years of being a "tent maker" ministry, I've never done a formal fundraiser and through the counsel of those I trust, I'm working to raise a small amount of support. This support will be used to cover small operational costs including needed resources to serve with which includes projects & resources & to have a small amount of funds allocated to help others in need through my ministry.

This is a friends helping a friend endeavor much like when a missionary raises funds. Rest assured every penny will go to do His Kingdom work.

Your prayers are greatly appreciated as that God will provide the needed support through people like you so we can move forward with some wonderful projects to serve you more!

Please pray and then if led, please support my ministry endeavors through this fundraiser.

Every penny will go to do His Kingdom work.

Every gift, no matter the size, is a big gift in my view!

Even if you cannot give, your prayers are greatly appreciated and cherished!

If for some reason you'd rather not give via this Fundly site, please feel free to use Cash App sending to user name $ashepherdsheart
Or PayPal sending to
Or PayPal's Venmo app by sending to @ashepherdsheart
You're continued prayers and sharing this fundraiser with friends and family would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Your Brother and Servant In Christ,

Thursday, May 28, 2020

We're All A Work In Progress.

My Friend, We're all a work in progress.
If anything has reminded me of this, it's been taking the accident recovery day by day.
Besides the shut down for the Corona Virus, these last two weeks has caused me to slow down.
It's caused me to do things differently, (like getting dressed ðŸ˜‚) or caused me to not do certain everyday things, like mowing the lawn, because right now...I can't.
It's frustrating at times and riddled with pain, but, at the same time it's making me more and more less self-reliant and more reliant on God and others.
This period of time reminds me of life in general as we're all a work in progress... and progress, healing, goals, and progressive sanctification takes time.
Life is all a process and really a product of God's grace and provision.
Let's be thankful that God isn't finished with us yet. He's still on the throne, He's our provider, The Great Physician and will see us through.
Let's pray for one another that we we don't fight being a work in progress.
Thank you for your prayers and know that you are in my prayers too!
As I continue to recover from the accident, I'll assess when to begin posting again somewhat regularly in the future via social medial and here on my A Shepherd's Heart website. 
Your Brother and Servant in Christ, Randolph Koch

#ashepherdsheart #ReShare #livelifeonpurpose #faith #hope #truth #wisdom #life #Jesus #Christian #Christianity #Christfollower

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

A Prayer for New Mercies and New Beginnings.

Hello Friend,

Thank you for connecting with me via

In 2016 I was moved to prayer regarding New Mercies and New Beginnings and then I shared it with you as more of a devotional encouragement. 

As we flash forward to today, I was compelled to share it with you again 4 years later as I was reminded of it in my time with The Lord. My hope is that it will encourage you in your faith and in your current circumstances.

Please see the below prayer and scripture for your encouragement. 

I'm praying for you! Be lifted up and reach out if you need anything.

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

Read: Lamentations 3:22-23 and 2 Corinthians 5:17

Heavenly Father,

Your Word reminds us that Your Love Never Ceases, Your Mercies never come to an end, Your mercies are new every morning and your faithfulness is great. 

It's hard to remember this when we feel like we're struggling or are hurting. 

It's hard to experience this when we are in the midst of a tough season, feel unloved, forsaken and completely hopeless which is the unfortunate truth sometimes due to the circumstances of life.

Life is hard sometimes and You are always right there with us!

May You daily help us see, experience, and know your mercies are truly new every morning as you give us life each day to live for you!

When we're struggling, maybe hurting because someone who loved us left or a friend or loved one was unloving or unkind - please help us to see that Your love is still evident and it never ends no matter how we may feel.

When we're feeling hopeless, please be our us break the thought patterns we're stuck in because of the circumstances we're facing so our vision can clearly see You are our only true hope!

Your Word also reminds us that in Christ, We are new creations and the old has past away and new things have come!

Because of this we can rise and experience a new beginning each day. A fresh start...with the past behind us. Not that we won't face consequences of our sin and or mistakes but none-the-less You give us each day to dust ourselves off and begin anew! 

May You help us see and live out the truth that in You, we are new creations and You've given us a new beginning...a new lease on life. 

As we rise and take in the air You've given us to breathe, may we see that moment, that day, as gift from You. May we see that You love us and have a purpose for us here on earth to live out for you.

No matter what we're going through, may You stir our hearts so we might begin again. 

Help us to actually live our lives in such a way that people see the new life You've given us!

Helps to live as if we're truly alive seeking to make every moment count!

Please help us to wrap our minds around the truth of your Word as we awake and strive to live out each day for your Kingdom and Glory. 

Please show the evil one and his demons the door because our lives are Your dwelling place and there's no room for him in Your house! May his influence diminish daily as we abide in You and Your Word as darkness and light cannot coexist.

I praise You and thank You.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Your Brother and Servant in Christ, 

Randolph Koch 

P.S. Share this with someone today: 

"The past is the past. Your history is now and always will be HIStory as He's always known the beginning and end of your story!" -Randolph Koch

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Take Everything Back To God's Word!

Dear Friend,

There is a lot of "noise" that we experience in this life. This includes a lot of information that is rapidly hurled at us each day, including lies from the evil one. 

So, it's vital that we sort the truth from the lies. 

Even in The Body of Christ, those who may be well intended believer's will proclaim something that ends up not coming to true because it wasn't Biblically true. It clearly wasn't from The Lord! 

Let me ask you...

Are you confused or unclear about something? Consult God's Word! 

Did you attend a Christian Conference and something doesn't quite sit right with you regarding something someone taught? Consult God's Word!  

Did you attend your regular home church or have you visited a church and something doesn't quite sit right with you regarding something that was taught? Consult God's Word! 

Heard something preached on one of the "Christian" networks that doesn't quite sound right? Consult God's Word! 

No matter what, make sure you take everything back to God's Word! 

If you've been on this journey with me for a while, you've heard me say more than once, that God's Word is the lens by which we see and know the truth. 

May we be like The Berean's (See Acts 17:10-12) and take everything back to the lens of God's Word as it's through God's Word that The Holy Spirit will shed light on the truth which will sort out that which is not. 

As we abide in and live out His Word, we'll have clearer vision because He will help transform and renew our minds so we can view everything from His lens with His help. 

Take everything back to God's Word and as you do so, the Holly Spirit will give you you wisdom, knowledge and discernment that will, again, help separate the truth from the lies.
Don't be a blind sheep! Take everything back to God's Word!

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday Reflection 2020.

Dear Friend,

It's Good Friday and I pray that today will provide you with a time of meaningful reflection as you remember Jesus' sacrifice. 

To help you reflect, here are the following graphics that capture the seven statements Jesus said while on The Cross as recorded in The Gospel accounts. 

I pray you set aside time to seek The Lord in His Word and through prayer. May you take time to worship, adore, and thank Him for His perfect and complete sacrifice for you so that you might have life and salvation in Him. 

He died for our good and may we never forget it or take it for granted. 

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

P.S. Here are two resources that will help you as you contemplate all Jesus did for you.

A Devotional - 'The 7 Sayings of Jesus on The Cross':

A Good Friday Article / Devotional:

Monday, April 06, 2020

'The 7 Sayings of Jesus on The Cross' Easter Devotional Is Now Live!

Hello and thanks for stopping by my site!

I wanted to share the news that just in time for Easter, my new Easter Devotional 'The 7 Sayings of Jesus on The Cross' is now live in the YouVersion Bible App and Website!

Here's the link the plan:

Here's a brief intro video:

Please check it out and please subscribe to the plan via the app and I'd greatly appreciate it if you could please share it with your family and friends.

Here are the title and daily graphics for the devotional that you'll see in the app:
Title Image:

 Daily Image: 

Have a blessed Easter as you fix your eyes on Jesus and all He's done for you!

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Who Loves Ya, Baby?

Read John 3:16-21, Jeremiah 31:3, Romans 5:8, 1 John 4:19-21, 2 Corinthians 12:9
I remember as a young child there was a TV show called, "Kojak" which was about a NYC Police Detective and his famous line was, "Who Loves Ya, Baby?". It's kind of comical to look back on but honestly, it's a valid question that from our heart of hearts, we may ask. "Who Loves Me?"

I'm here to tell you that God loves you!

Despite your sin and many imperfections, God sent Jesus to die on your behalf because of His great love for you.
Even on your worst day, He still loves you! 

There's never a day where God ceases to love you. His love is for you will never change or end!
You and I need to remember and never take His great, perfect, sacrificial, and eternal love for us for granted.

Let me encourage you that no matter what you think, feel, or have been told, or what kind of crummy day you might have, you are loved with an everlasting love by God as expressed through the indescribable gift of His son Jesus.

Last but not least, God's Word clearly shows you His love from cover to cover so next time you need a reminder, open the Word of God and be reminded of "Who Truly Loves Ya, Baby"! :-)

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch