My Friend,
You can be saved, know a lot about the Bible, you can talk the talk, you can attend church regularly, know a bunch of information, and do a lot of other great things and yet, you can still choose to live a life that is not in transformation.
If your life consists of just checking off the boxes regarding all these things and not allowing God to change you from the inside out, you may know a bunch of information but you know nothing about transformation and you're stunting your own growth in the process.
You just can't fake it until you make it when it comes to the things of The Lord.
You see, God has begun the transformation in you through saving you...bringing you from spiritual death to spiritual life through His son Jesus but after this, you have to be willing to receive God's help in transforming you day-by-day as you put on the new self and life He's given you.
You have to walk the walk my friend...and that is an act not of legalism but of faith, obedience, will, desire, and a matter of the heart.
You have to want Him to change you and seek after the transformation that only He can truly provide.
To be transformed is a command (I.E. Romans 12:2) and in part it's a process, and it's also a gift from God but again, it's a gift you have to be willing to receive because He will not force transformation upon you but if being transformed isn't the objective for you then you are truly missing out on the complete life He wants you to live for Him if you don't allow Him to transform you day-by-day.
There's A Difference Between Information And Transformation.
Don't seek just after information and head knowledge but seek transformation by seeking The One Who has begun and will finish the transforming work in you.
You're in my prayers.
Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
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